Monday, December 26, 2011

Seminole County Florida deputy killed in motorcycle crash


Investigation continues after fatal crash
Deputy Matt Miller killed
Deputy Matt Miller was killed when his motorcycle collided with a Volkswagen Jetta

Seminole County deputy killed in motorcycle crash
By Christian De La Rosa, Reporter
Last Updated: Monday, December 26, 2011
Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger identified the deputy killed in a crash Monday afternoon on Maitland Blvd.
Eslinger said Matt Miller, a consummate professional and highly skilled deputy, was on duty and trying to catch up with a speeder when a car pulled in front of him.
"It's all one family at the Seminole County Sheriff's office. It's not only a loss of a great deputy sheriff, but a family member for all of us," said Eslinger.
Miller is survived by his wife and brother. read more here

Girl Tells Santa She Wants Dad Home From Iraq

Girl Tells Santa She Wants Dad Home From Iraq, Doesn't Know Santa is Dad

Triple-amputee soldier would go back to war tomorrow

Triple-amputee soldier would go back to war 'tomorrow, if I could'

Published: Sunday, December 25, 2011 By Paul Rioux, The Times-Picayune

 Not long after a roadside bomb killed three members of his unit and seriously injured seven others in Afghanistan, Army Pfc. Kevin Trimble got a rare bit of good news: He had been cleared to return home to New Orleans for Christmas.

“I was planning to keep it a secret and surprise everyone by sneaking in the back door,” said Trimble, 19. But another bomb went off in mid-September, killing a soldier and critically injuring Trimble, who lost both legs and his left arm.

A 2010 graduate of New Orleans Science and Math High School, Trimble has been recovering at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, where doctors are so pleased with his progress that they granted him a two-week leave to come home for Christmas. But instead of slipping in the back door, Trimble arrived home to a hero’s welcome Dec. 17, escorted by a half-dozen police cars and a motorcycle group that honors veterans. When the motorcade stopped in front of the Trimble home on Mayo Boulevard, he swung himself from a sport-utility vehicle and dropped into a wheelchair adorned with two American flags. read more here

7 People Shot Dead In Texas Home

Christmas Shooting: 7 People Shot Dead In Texas Home, Motive Unclear By DANNY ROBBINS 12/26/11

GRAPEVINE, Texas -- Investigators believe that seven people who were found dead Christmas Day were cleaning up holiday wrapping paper when they were shot inside a suburban Fort Worth apartment, but a motive remains unclear.

All of the victims appeared to be related, and Grapevine police said they believe the shooter was among the dead. Investigators were meticulously searching the apartment, along with three vehicles parked outside, and didn't expect to finish until dawn on Monday.

"It appears they had just celebrated Christmas. They had opened their gifts," Grapevine Police Sgt. Robert Eberling said, adding that the apartment was decorated for the holiday, including a tree. read more here

Some veterans reluctant to use VA

Study: Some veterans reluctant to use VA

Published: Dec. 26, 2011

MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- The Department of Veterans Affairs is the largest healthcare provider to U.S. veterans, but many are reluctant to use its services, researchers say.

Rachel Widome of the Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center said since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began, 51 percent of eligible Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have sought care through the VA.

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