Thursday, February 8, 2018

What is a proper motto for courage?

VA employees wanted a gender-neutral mission statement. The agency refused
The strategic document instead phrased VA’s mission statement this way: “To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those ‘who shall have borne the battle’ and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.”
GEE WHERE DID WE SEE THOSE WORDS BEFORE? For Those Who Have Borne the Battle, Equality?
Combat PTSD Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
February 8, 2018

Is the VA motto outdated and sexist? The head of the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans group thinks so.
At issue is an 1865 quote from Abraham Lincoln, “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” The quote was from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address and became the motto for VA 59 years ago.
Lincoln's quote is part of our history. Then again, so are women serving in the military. 

As a matter of fact, considering that there was a female held as a POW during the Civil War, you'd think that Lincoln would have used the word "those" instead of "he" and instead of "widows" maybe use families. 

Attitudes were a lot different back then. Oh, I don't mean the attitudes of males in charge thinking women should not be in the military. After all, considering they always wanted to serve, the only attitude change females have had is that more of them fought for the right to serve this country. 

Really twisted when you think about it.

Dr. Mary Edwards Walker became a doctor when women were only supposed to be nurses. A female POW, and she was a surgeon...and the only woman to have been given the Medal of Honor, before they tried to take it away...then they gave it back symbolically.

This is what MOH Dr. Mary Edwards Walker went through afterwards.
Even though Walker was a Medal of Honor recipient and Civil War veteran, people often insulted her. Some written accounts say people even threw tomatoes at her as she walked through town.
“She is recognized all across the United States,” said Theresa Cooper, the Oswego town clerk who worked with the Oswego Town Historical Society to spearhead the statue project. “She has her own postage stamp. Children across the U.S. find her interesting enough to do projects about her in school. Yet here, she knew how people perceived her in a negative way. She knew children used to make fun of her.”
And then there is this,

"Her taste in clothes caused frequent arrests on such charges as impersonating a man. At one trial, she asserted her right to, “Dress as I please in free America on whose tented fields I have served for four years in the cause of human freedom.” The judge dismissed the case and ordered the police never to arrest Dr. Walker on that charge again. She left the courtroom to hearty applause."

But long before Mary, there were many more willing to do whatever they could for the sake of this land they loved and freedom . They fought to obtain it during the Revolutionary War!

Their motivations for signing up vary but, since most of these women were young, unmarried and poor, many of them joined in order to earn money for their families as well as for the rare opportunity to fight for America’s independence. It’s not surprising that since the American Revolution began in Massachusetts, many of these women soldiers were from Massachusetts.Some of these women soldiers include Deborah Sampson from Plympton, Mass, who fought in New York under the alias Robert Shurtliff in 1781 and served for over a year before she was discovered.Another female soldier was Ann (or Nancy) Bailey of Boston who enlisted in 1777 under the alias Sam Gay and was promoted to Corporal before her true identity was discovered just a few weeks later, resulting in her arrest and imprisonment.After her release, Bailey signed up again and served as a soldier for a few weeks before she was discovered and jailed again, according to the book The Revolutionary War.Some women didn’t disguise themselves or join the military but instead armed themselves and took to the streets, such as Prudence Cummings Wright did in Pepperell after two suspected Tory spies came through her town and she recruited a group of armed women to capture them.
Considering this nation was not just created for freedom but women have been subjected to far more than any males to achieve it, changing a motto that is younger than the current President is the least we can do for them!

After Iraq and Afghanistan, pioneering women in the military set sights on Congress
Washington Post
By Mary Jordan
February 7, 2018

In Amy McGrath’s pitch to voters in Kentucky, she wears a bomber jacket and stands next to an F/A-18, the fighter jet she flew as a Marine to drop bombs on Afghanistan.

In Mikie Sherrill’s political ad in New Jersey, the camera lingers over a whirring Sea King helicopter, like the one she piloted on Navy missions.

And in Martha McSally’s video announcing her run for Senate in Arizona, she is crouched in the cockpit of an Air Force fighter jet to underscore that she was the first woman to fly in combat.

Women who served in the military are running for elective office in greater numbers than at any time in history. Many broke gender barriers in uniform and say it’s time to make their mark in politics. For generations, military veterans who become elected officials have overwhelmingly been male and Republican, but these female veterans, many of whom served in pioneering combat roles in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, are overwhelmingly Democrats and critical of President Trump.
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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

PTSD is a family affair

Want to change what you live with?
Combat PTSD Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
February 7, 2018

When they become a "veteran" of service, families need to know, that what they do not know, is harming everyone. Valentines Day is coming next week. Want to start it off with a better relationship?

I know because I said a lot of stupid things over the years. I reacted...overreacted, more times than I want to admit to. I judged my husband and myself. Wondered how on earth we'd ever make it and thought too many times about not wanting to try. What made it worse for me, was, honestly, I knew everything I needed to know about PTSD, but it was still impossible at times.

I can't imagine getting through any of this without knowing what I was facing, or why it was all falling apart. I still can't understand why so many of us end up not even bothering to take all of this seriously enough to not do everything possible to make it about "us" instead of about "them" against us.

So, how serious are you about helping your family live better lives? Are you happy with the way things are? Are your kids suffering?

Lets put it this way. They train to do their jobs but we don't view our part as a "job" we have to train to be able to do. It is hard enough keeping a family together in the civilian world, but damn near impossible when you're trying to do it with someone who was ready to die for the sake of others but ends up feeling like their life isn't worth much anymore.

How are you going to fight that if you don't understand what they are going through? If you don't know where the pain is coming from? You won't have a clue how you can make it worse, anymore than you can plan on how to make it better.

All of us have a job to do in this. It isn't enough to just tell them you love them. You have to prove it but what you are willing to do for them. Are you willing to learn? 

Then contact Point Man International Ministries for a Homefront near you or an OutPost for your veteran. It started way back in 1984 and has been providing peer support for the whole family all along. 

You know, before everyone knew everything they didn't need to know but had no time to learn what could change their lives.

If you live in Florida, contact me I am State Coordinator but also work with families across the country. It is free and confidential. Go to the link above and search for your state. These are all done with small groups or one on one.

What have you got to lose other than a burden you don't need to carry alone?

Think about the words in this song. They can apply to anyone in regular life. Now think of your veteran using the same words.

Rainy Days and Mondays
The Carpenters

Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothin' ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothin' to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

What I've got they used to call the blues
Nothin' is really wrong
Feelin' like I don't belong
Walkin' around
Some kind of lonely clown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny, but it seems I always wind up here with you
Nice to know somebody loves me
Funny, but it seems that it's the only thing to do
Run and find the one who loves me (the one who loves me)

What I feel has come and gone before
No need to talk it out (talk it out)
We know what it's all about
Hangin' around (hangin' around)
Nothin' to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny, but it seems that it's the only thing to do (only thing to do)
Run and find the one who loves me

What I feel has come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hangin' around (hangin' around)
Nothin' to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
Hangin' around (hangin' around)
Nothin' to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get
Me down

Written by Paul H. Williams, Roger S. Nichols • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group

Arizona Fire Captain's life ended because of road rage

A Marine veteran tried to confront a tailgating driver and was shot in the head, officials say
Washington Post
By Kristine Phillips
February 5, 2018

An off-duty Arizona fire captain was shot and killed in an alleged road-rage incident Sunday by a man who told investigators he thought his gun was not loaded, authorities said.
A city colleague was lost to us today, we mourn with the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department on the death of Fire Captain Kyle Brayer.

Kyle Brayer, a former Marine and 10-year veteran of the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department, was riding in a golf cart with friends early Sunday morning in Scottsdale when a man in a red Scion coupe began driving closely, nearly hitting the back of the cart, police said.

After the cart pulled up to a stop sign, Brayer walked over to the coupe and was shot in the head, according to police. The 34-year-old died at a hospital.
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POTUS parade will stomp on honors earned and dignity denied

As I pointed out very early this morning on Google+
OK, so we have troops and their families on food stamps but POTUS wants a parade? "Still, the official said Trump is determined to have a parade. "The president wants to do something that highlights the service and sacrifice of the military and have a unifying moment for the country," the official said."
But as the morning went on, it got even worse as it turns out that POTUS does not want to treat all veterans and families as equal. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin doesn't seem to get it. When older veterans are the majority of veterans committing suicide and families have waited longer, struggled longer and have been forgotten about by all the new groups, who don't care about us, this is yet one more backhanded slap!
This is from Stars and StripesOfficials with President Donald Trump’s administration told Congress last month that the White House couldn’t support an extension because of fiscal restraints, but Shulkin said Tuesday that new eligibility criteria would allow for an expansion without the cost.
So, they raised Tricare fees and lowered the money to go toward housing at the same time they gave troops a raise that still leaves McDonalds employees making more money than they do. 

They managed to funnel millions to private healthcare providers under "Choice" instead of fixing the VA, which is, in fact, the choice of veterans. They tried to cut funds for homeless veterans and cut benefits to senior veterans. But we're supposed to believe that POTUS cares because he wants to give a parade?

For who? I mean, Vietnam veterans have had enough parades and pins to "honor" them but what would really show they do in fact matter, IS TO BE TREATED AS IF THEY DID!

Trump wants a grand military parade. Some veterans say that won’t fix their problems
Washington Post
Eugene Scott
February 7, 2018
But the president's critics have called his support for the military shallow, noting that Trump has never served in uniform (he was approved of multiple deferments for bone spurs during the Vietnam War), and he has attempted to fill his administration with generals for the purpose of optics.

President Trump is receiving quite a bit of pushback for his plan for a grand military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Washington Post's Greg Jaffe and Philip Rucker reported:

Surrounded by the military’s highest-ranking officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Trump’s seemingly abstract desire for a parade was suddenly heard as a presidential directive, the officials said.

“The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France,” said a military official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the planning discussions are supposed to remain confidential. “This is being worked at the highest levels of the military.”

Even the hosts of Trump's beloved “Fox and Friends” expressed reservations about the spectacle that could cost millions.

“I don’t know,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said Wednesday. “It seems like a waste of money.”
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Navy SEAL who says he killed Osama bin Laden calls President Trump's military parade 'third world BS'
Dan Mangan Jeff Daniels
Published 2:26 PM ET Thu, 8 Feb 2018

The former Navy SEAL who says he killed terrorist leader Osama bin Laden called President Donald Trump's idea for a military parade in Washington "third world bulls---."
Rob O'Neill's criticisms echoed others who say such a parade is more suited to countries like North Korea, Russia and China, and would be expensive.
The Pentagon said the parade is in the initial planning stage, with no firm details yet.
The former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed terror mastermind Osama bin Laden is calling President Donald Trump's idea for a military parade in Washington "third world bulls---."

Robert O'Neill's scathing dismissal Thursday of Trump's desired parade featuring soldiers, tanks and other military hardware came as a Pentagon spokeswoman said that march is still in the initial planning stage.

"We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation," O'Neill tweeted.
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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

PTSD and grieving can lead to healing

If you grieve, let it heal you
Combat PTSD Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
February 6, 2018

Who said that you are not supposed to cry? After all, their lives mattered so much, you would pay with your own life to save theirs. 

Who said that grieving was not something you should do? After all, if you cared about someone, it is only natural to grieve when they die.

There are so many really stupid things people say because they are uncomfortable not knowing what to say. 

It is almost as if they would feel like a failure if they could not offer words of comfort in uncomfortable moments. They end up feeling good about themselves, because they did something for you. Did not dawn on them they already succeeded on the failing part, when they said something that could end up harming you the rest of your life.

It could be a buddy telling you that you should go out and have a few drinks to feel better. The truth is, you end up feeling numb. The grief is still there the next morning and you wonder who the hell will understand you, or offer you any comfort.

It could be your own family, not knowing what to say, or do, to help you. They may say something dumb as well, or judge you, because they do not know what is going on.

The thing is, no one has to know anything more than you want to tell them. They do need to know you are hurting and need some support. Let them know what you need. Don't make they guess, because no matter how much they care, they usually guess wrong.

You can remind them of someone they lost and how it felt and tell them it feels like that. If they try to turn it into a contest, remind them the conversation is to make you feel better and not challenge you.

The may not be able to understand what caused PTSD in you, but they will understand what it was like when something bad happened to them. Tell them it is like the same thing happening over and over again, and when it isn't happening, you worry about when it does.

The other thing you need to know is that if you think you do not deserve anyone to care, or feel as if you are evil, remember, evil people do not grieve for someone else. 

If you have faith and think that the suffering is some kind of judgment from God, it isn't. He gave you all you need to heal from what you had to do. Much like He gave you everything you needed to be able to endure all the hardships that came with your job.

I hope this video helps.