Sunday, February 4, 2018

Camp Pendleton Marine killed in car crash

Marine from Riverside who served multiple deployments killed in car crash
Orange County Register
February 3, 2018

CAMP PENDLETON A 27-year-old Marine from Riverside was killed early Friday in a single car crash near the north end of Camp Pendleton, military officials said Saturday, Feb. 3.

The Marine has been identified as Sgt.John D. Wise III. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, said Capt. Paul Gainey.

Wise was found dead at 12:38 a.m. on southbound Cristianitos Road one mile outside Camp Pendleton’s Cristianitos Gate, according to reports from the California Highway Patrol and Camp Pendleton Fire Department.

It appeared he could have come off the off-ramp at Cristianitos headed toward Camp Pendleton, said CHP Public Safety Dispatcher Morrison.
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Twins couldn't wait for Marine Dad to be back from Iraq

Marine from Perry flies home from Iraq deployment to greet his twins born 12 weeks premature
The Daily News
Jessica Dillon
February 3, 2018

“There were only a few hours when I was at work when I was able to communicate with people,” Dan said. “And then later on in the evening I’d be able to call, or her mom would call and give me the latest update, but it was definitely interesting living everything through Facebook Messenger.”

ROCHESTER — Perry native Daniel Cooley, a U.S. Marine on a several-month deployment to Iraq, woke to a buzzing phone in the early hours of the morning, dry desert heat already rising with the sun.

The screen lit up with one message after another — variations of ‘Michaela is on her way to the hospital,’ and ‘Hey Dan, just so you know, Michaela is in the hospital,’ poured in urgently from family and friends. They gave no further explanation.

“I was like, ‘OK, uh, cool,’” Dan said. And then, as duty called, he set off for another 10-hour workday, his thoughts drifting the thousands of miles back home to his wife, now six months pregnant with two unborn baby boys.

Things there were chaotic. The contractions Michaela had originally thought were just a false alarm became increasingly worrisome. Doctors at Strong Memorial Hospital did their best to get a handle on things, but nothing seemed to be working.
The Ronald McDonald House has provided Dan and Michaela with a place to stay so that they don’t have to make the hour drive into Rochester each day to visit their babies, where they’re now spending the majority of the day, every day.
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War Memorial Only Scuba Divers Can See

Underwater memorial dedicated to veterans to be constructed near Dunedin Beach
By Jenn Holloway
Published: February 2, 2018

As a man who has more than 3,000 dives under his “weight belt,” Dr. Mathews says he looks forward to teaching veterans dealing with PTSD, physical injuries and more how to scuba dive, then eventually taking them down to see the memorial in person.
PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) – It’s the first of its kind in the world right here in the Tampa Bay area! An underwater memorial dedicated to our U.S. veterans is expected to bring in scuba divers from around the world.

In 1999, Dr. Heyward Mathews created the very successful Veterans Fishing Reef 10 miles west of Dunedin Beach. But his second sea floor project honoring veterans isn’t to attract marine life. He hopes these massive memorials will attract scuba enthusiasts.

“These statues are actually six foot tall and they weigh 1300 pounds,” said Dr. Matthews.

The goal is to have 24 military figures set in a 100 foot circle with a center monument representing each of the five U.S. Armed Forces.
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Saturday, February 3, 2018

NFL needs to stop holding fans as captive audience!

Time for NFL to respect fans!
Combat PTSD Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
February 3, 2018

Why is it that so many think you have to be a Trump supporter to find kneeling during the National Anthem reprehensible?

This has nothing to do with one political party but it has everything to do with the fact that Americans watch, or watched, football games. 

That is what they paid for. A football game! Not to be held captive so some millionaire can use his 'free speech" to expose his own political views on their dime!

No one wants to take that right away from anyone but no one gave them the right to disrespect their fans. Let them protest on their own time, just like every other American WITHOUT THE PUBLIC ATTENTION THEY ARE GETTING FOR A FOOTBALL GAME PEOPLE PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO SEE!

Too bad Mark Lazarus doesn't seem to get it! 
Super Bowl ratings jeopardized by anthem protests, fan outrage
“I do believe the protest narrative turned some people off,” Mark Lazarus, NBC Broadcasting and Sports chairman, told Yahoo Sports. “And I think it’s unfortunate the players did not articulate what exactly they are doing very well at the beginning, and they let other people define the narrative.”
No, Lazrus it isn't too bad. What is too bad is that too many are using something that means too much to too many willing to die for this country. You know, unlike the football team, real patriots.

Let's talk about immigrants. My Grandparents came to this country because it offered a better way of life. Not a perfect one, but more opportunities than Greece and Canada offered them.

My husbands Grandparents left Canada and Italy for the same reasons.

The thing is, their children were willing to lay down their lives for this nation they loved so much.

My Dad and Uncles, husband's Dad and Uncles along with my husband and his nephew, all served in the military during wars. WWII, Korea and Vietnam. By the way, all Democrats and I am an Independent, just like most of the members of the military and veterans. 

Let's talk about the fact the National Anthem was written after the War of 1812, because people were willing to lay down their lives to defend this nation.

If someone wants to call it "racists" that doesn't mean it is true. It means they have no clue what it actually means.

Protests are necessary to make changes in this country. I do not dispute that at all. Considering that veterans had to come back to protest the way they were treated by the government going all the way back to the Revolutionary War, people have to take stand against something that is clearly wrong.

That is exactly what I, and a lot of Americans have been doing. We've been taking a stand against the NFL deciding it was ok to show disrespect for what others were willing to die for.

By the way, any idea how much the flyover is going to cost the taxpayers since it comes out of the military training budget? Any thoughts on who is flying those jets?

If you respect them then #StopTheKnees and protest on your own time.

Heartless contractor won't help PTSD veteran keep lifeline--his dog!

Veteran with PTSD wins battle to buy work dog 

Disabled veteran fights to buy dog that helps with his PTSD
FOX 5 News
Evan Lambert
February 2, 2018

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Bobby Kling did two tours of duty in the Middle East, was awarded a Purple Heart and spent eight years serving his country. Now, he is battling his former employer to purchase a dog that helps with his post-traumatic stress disorder.
Kling worked for government contractor Inter-Con Security as an explosive detection K-9 handler before leaving for a new position a few weeks ago. Kling said upon leaving, most officers are given the opportunity to purchase the canine companions they have bonded with while on the job.

When Kling asked to purchase Silox, Inter-Con initially refused, according to an email provided to FOX 5. Eventually, the company made Kling an offer, but told Kling he would have to pay more than $10,000 for the 5-year-old dog. Kling feels he is being nickel and dimed and said he can't afford that price.
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