Sunday, January 28, 2018

Vietnam Veteran "Smiley" Given Back Reason to Smile...New Teeth

Veteran named ‘Smiley’ is gifted with $60,000 dental implants by generous dentist
WCMH NBC 4 Columbus
Inside Edition Staff
Published: January 26, 2018

A veteran was given the gift of a new smile by a dentist who was deeply moved by his touching personal story.

Larry “Smiley” Kleiman, who did two tours in Vietnam, had almost no natural teeth left when he saw Dr. Michael Tischler, founder of the Teeth Tomorrow franchise network, for a consultation.

Dr. Tischler was so moved by his personal story that he decided to perform the $60,000 surgery free of charge.

“He smiled, he had no teeth. His his name was Smiley, he was a fireman. He worked with dogs in Vietnam. And everything about him was just the kind of person that you wanna help,” Tischler said.

Kleiman currently spends his time helping others with his local K-9 unit and as an active volunteer at his local firehouse. Which is why Tischler said he called he wife and said “let’s help this guy.”
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UK Gulf War, Ex-POW hopes MOD pays attention

Top guns in tears: The bravest and the best yet weeping and traumatised, war heroes say they have nowhere to turn for help - will the MoD heed their call?
Daily Mail
John Nichol For Mail On Sunday
PUBLISHED: 27 January 2018
"My experiences have also made me a much more emotional person and tears can flow at the simplest of triggers such as Remembrance Sunday, when I recall the friends I have lost. In those moments I take solace that at least I understand what is happening to me – the processes of PTSD and how it shows its teeth."
John Nichol was beaten by Hussein's henchmen and paraded on Iraqi television, with his picture flashing across the world

Twenty-seven years ago I was shot down over Iraq, captured, tortured and forced by Saddam Hussein’s henchmen to appear on television to denounce my actions as an RAF officer.

Images of my bruised face flashed across the world and became a lasting image of the horrors of the 1991 Gulf War.

As a prisoner of war, I felt like the most insignificant, terrified human being on Earth.

The memories of my abuse and brushes with death are still with me. Dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has become part of my life.

For this reason I am backing The Mail on Sunday’s campaign to improve mental healthcare for serving troops, including the introduction of a 24/7 helpline.

I feel the pain of those worst affected by PTSD. As someone who has experienced it myself, I understand what they are going through and the confusion they can face. I can be enjoying a perfectly normal day or night when a sensory stimulus, or trigger, fires me back into my past.

For me it is primarily noise – loud bangs, fireworks going off, trains going past, all these sound like the Coalition jets that flew missions over Baghdad attacking several of the buildings we were held in.
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Iraq Veteran, Security Expert Hacker Suicide Left Many Wondering

These hackers’ suicides are eerily similar
New York Post
By Isabel Vincent
January 27, 2018
"War hero and Internet activist — it’s the dichotomy that made up the complicated life of James Dolan."
James Dolan and Aaron Swartz Freedom of the Press Foundation; Reuters

The ambulances and police cars came to a screeching halt outside the Gowanus Inn and Yard, a hip, ultramodern hotel that had recently opened on an edgy strip of Union Street in Brooklyn.

But the first responders were 48 hours late. James Dolan, a 36-year-old former Marine and computer security expert, had hanged himself in his room two days before, on Dec. 26, according to the NYPD.

Curious crowds gathered on Dec. 28 outside Dinosaur BBQ and an auto mechanic’s shop across the street from the new hotel whose boxy, gray industrial facade gives it an institutional air, like a hospital or a prison.

“They just opened that place, and someone goes there to die,” said a worker at Tomato N’Basil pizzeria around the corner, on Fourth Avenue. He had been among the crowds when they wheeled Dolan’s body out the door in a bag.

“What could have been so bad for him to do that?” he asked.

The answer may never be known. What is known is Dolan was the second member of a small team of brilliant Internet activists who developed SecureDrop — a whistle-blower submission system — to commit suicide by hanging in Brooklyn.
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Scotland PTSD Veterans Feel Neglected Too

Insight: Neglect of Forces veterans continues to end in tragedy
The Scotsman
Dani Garavelli
January 28, 2018

"There is more than one way to self-destruct, of course. Some people kill themselves in a single act, others in installments. Their sense of purpose and self-worth evaporates; they stop caring whether they live or die until, eventually, they are beyond reach."
Veteran Steven Wyllie outside the Reid Mcewan activity centre. Picture: John Devlin

Former Army sergeant Calum MacLeod was in an Irish American bar in Germany when he suffered the flashback that forced him to face up to his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With hindsight, he accepts he had been struggling for a long time.

Ever since he had been attacked while serving with the King’s Own Scottish Borderers in Northern Ireland in 1992, he had suffered nightmares, which he countered with heavy drinking. Back then, a crowd of youths had cornered him in an alleyway, hit him over the head with a concrete slab and stolen his gun. When he regained consciousness in a hospital in Belfast, he was told one of the youths had pointed the weapon at his head and fired, but the mechanism had jammed, so he survived.

Hearing U2’s Sunday Bloody Sunday on the jukebox in Heidelberg more than a decade later triggered a violent outburst. “One of the Yanks had put it on and I just lost it,” says MacLeod. “My best friend was with me. He said: ‘Your eyes just changed; you were hyper-aroused.’ He forced me into a taxi. I was lashing out, trying to escape. The song, the sounds, the crowd: I really thought I was back in the Province.” 

MacLeod, from Hamilton, ended up in a psychiatric hospital where a colonel told him he was suffering from one of the worst cases of PTSD he had ever seen. Posted back to the UK and unable to cope with confined spaces, he pioneered a successful scheme to help would-be Army recruits reach the required level of fitness. But, in 2011, after 23 years of service, he decided it was finally time to call it a day.
“I think I am one of the lucky ones and that’s largely because my family got me through. Some of the veterans come out and there’s no-one there for them. In the last 18 months, I have been to seven funerals: all suicides.” Calum MacLeod
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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Healing PTSD Is My Business

In the business of spreading healing since 1982
Combat PTSD Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
January 27, 2018

I finally did what one of my co-workers has been after me to do for a long time. Now I can go into work on Monday and say, "Yes I did publicize how long I've been doing this."

I got into the healing business of Combat related PTSD back into 1982. Yes, I am that old. My Dad was a Korean Veteran and my uncles were WWII veterans. On the night my Dad met my then, Vietnam veteran boyfriend, he said "He seems like a nice guy, but he's got shell shock." Never heard that term before. When I asked what it meant, he said "It has to do with war" but he couldn't explain it. He told me to go to the library. 

Basically, he started this but the man I fell in love with and married back in 1984 kept me going ever since.

I am sure you've read about the rants I do regarding reporters not doing their jobs and the awareness raisers taking the easy way out on all of this, but now you'll know why I get so angry.

Two years after researching PTSD, I finally knew enough to write about it. It was mostly in local newspapers. Then I got on the phone to get reporters involved with what families like mine were going through. They ignored all of it.

In 1993, it was doing online research and writing and there were a lot more like me out there. I learned from them and they learned from me too.

My first book "For the Love of Jack" was done in 2000 but I couldn't find a publisher. It was self published 2003.

Wounded Minds is one of the first videos I created back in 2006. I spent a long time going through files to find some of the older ones that used to be up on YouTube. Here are some of them that may prove the point, that taking the easy way out on taking care of our veterans, has been the reason we have lost so many of them. You can watch a couple of hundred more here.

Want to stop supporting people in the business of having fun with talking about suicides or do you want to start publicizing people in the business of healing?

I have a lot of emails saved on what this work meant and the fact that regular people like me can make a huge difference if we take the time to actually learn what this is. 
Kathie, You may be receiving an E-mail from the 'Huffington Post - Contagious Videos' as I just Registered your video 'Wounded Minds'!!

I posted your name and e-mail on the online registration form, I think you should post the video up there, Hell even All of them, which I just Viewed and will pass on!

Hope you don't mind me taking the Liberty of writing them for you, if so just let me know!

THANKS for putting these together, I'll post them up on my blog: along with LinkBacks to your site and blog, and will be passing All of them on to as many as possible!!!

James XXXXX USN '67-'71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country '70-'71 Member: Veterans For Peace
And from the Navy
7/17/2006 I saw your PTSD presentation online and want to share it with our Sailors returning from Iraq/Afghanistan. Thanks for providing this much needed information, Ralph
And that lead to even more videos