Saturday, July 22, 2017

Making A Successful Comeback?

When you hear about an actor or musician making a "successful comeback" you may think it is a great thing, but I always wonder where they are coming back from. After all, they didn't stop reading scripts or pretending to be someone else. They didn't stop playing music. So where did they go making it necessary to comeback?

When men and women comeback from combat, it seems that far too many are not making it a successful one. Suicides are up even though it seems as if everyone is talking about them, the one person we can't hear from, is the one who accomplished it. Families are still fracturing. Veterans still end up homeless. Far too many have been discovering their comeback from combat was worse than combat itself.

The dishonorable treatment of far too many servicemembers has been going on through three presidents. The following article goes back to a review of dishonorable discharges during an election year. It was still President Bush as Commander-in-Chief while his replacement was on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act of 2007
The text of the bill below is as of Feb 28, 2007 (Introduced).
1st Session
S. 713


February 28, 2007
Mr. Obama (for himself, Mrs. McCaskill, Mr. Baucus, Mr. Bayh, Mr. Biden, Mr. Bingaman, Mr. Bond, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Brown, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Dorgan, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Feingold, Mr. Kerry, Ms. Klobuchar, Ms. Landrieu, Ms. Mikulski, Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Sanders, Ms. Snowe, and Mr. Conrad) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services
5. Improved training for caseworkers and social workers on particular conditions of recovering servicemembers
Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report setting forth recommendations for the modification of the training provided to caseworkers and social workers who provide care for recovering servicemembers. The recommendations shall include, at a minimum, specific recommendations to ensure that such caseworkers and social workers are able to—(1)detect early warning signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal tendencies among recovering servicemembers; and

(2)promptly devise appropriate treatment plans as such signs are detected.
But as we've seen, just because someone knew something was happening, it didn't mean they made the necessary changes to fix it. To see all of this still going on leaves me wondering if our troops will ever make a successful comeback from combat.
Military must clean up discharge practices
My San Antonio
Express-News Editorial Board
Published July 22, 2017
In 2008, the military was using a different diagnosis — personality disorders — to accomplish the same thing. Congress generally put a stop to that.
Iraq War veteran Dustin Greco was less-than-honorably discharged because the military ignored the possibility that his behavioral problems stemmed from service-related issues. A mental issue arising from the trauma of war is as deserving of attention as any other combat-related injury. Photo: John Carl D’Annibale /Albany Times Union
Iraq War veteran Dustin Greco was less-than-honorably discharged because the military ignored the possibility that his behavioral problems stemmed from service-related issues. A mental issue arising from the trauma of war is as deserving of attention as any other combat-related injury.

In discharging — less than honorably — soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen with service-connected mental conditions, the U.S. military is making a mockery of the standards of honor it is sworn to uphold. The practice was detailed in a recent Express-News report by Martin Kuz.

It is a type of phenomenon not unknown to the Express-News, which wrote in its 2013 “Twice Betrayed” series of the military forcing out sexual assault victims rather than providing them the justice and the services they needed. That series resulted in congressional action that forced the military to remedy its practices in dealing with such victims.

Congress needs to take another look at whether the military is unjustly discharging members to spare the government the expense of providing the care and services due veterans with service-connected mental health issues.

Kuz wrote that the latest tactic likely involves military members diagnosed with adjustment disorders. This has resulted in less-than-honorable discharges, which deny those discharged care provided by the Veterans Affairs Department and a host of other benefits.
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Now that you read that, think of one more thing. These men and women survived combat but were left to fight for themselves and that, that is clearly wrong!

Stephan Jenkins Gets PTSD But Doesn't Have It

Every once in a while, I find myself ready to stop reading something, then read one more paragraph. Something just causes me to not give up on it and this morning was just one of those times.

Stephan Jenkins has become involved in a foundation taking veterans surfing. He's doing it because he cares and because he believes it helps, but also seems to understand why they need the help.

Please read the whole article,  "Frankly, 3EB’s Stephan Jenkins is older, wiser and doesn’t give a damn." 

but here's the basic message.
Jenkins, who has always worked with causes close to his heart, is currently involved with the Jimmy Miller Foundation, an organization that teaches surfing to active-service Marines and vets who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Photo: Gabrielle Lurie, The Chronicle
“I’m not a therapist,” he says. “I don’t have any training in that whatsoever. But I have an intuitive understanding of what it is to not be here, as in, ‘I’m not with you right now — I’m with my troubles someplace else.’ A lot of these guys are just not home. But when a wave comes at you — you’re not thinking about anything else. You accept that moment and get into a flow state with it. You are present.”
read more here 

Clearly, he gets it even though he doesn't have it.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Betrayal of Gulf War Veterans Continues

Waco Veterans Affairs office denies 92% of Gulf War claims
My Statesman
Jeremy Schwartz
American Statesman Staff
July 20, 2017
Waco VA office had the fourth-highest denial rate for Gulf War illness claims. Nationally, the VA denied 87 percent of Gulf War Illness related claims in 2015.
Persian Gulf War photo from the LBJ Library’s “American Soldier” exhibit.
Department of Veterans Affairs benefits officials in Waco have denied a whopping 92 percent of claims related to Gulf War illness, giving Central Texas veterans one of the highest denial rates in the nation, according to data in a recent U.S. Government Accountability Office report.

The report found serious and persistent problems with how the VA handles the complicated Gulf War benefits claims, ranging from poorly trained examiners to inconsistent methods of handling claims in different regions of the country. For example, in the continental United States denial rates ranged from 47 percent in Boston to 95 percent in Roanoke, Va., according to an analysis by the advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense.

The VA estimates that 44 percent of the 700,000 service members who served in the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War have developed such symptoms as joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome and neurological problems after returning home from war. The illnesses are believed to have been caused by exposure to toxic elements like smoke from burning oil wells, depleted uranium and chemical warfare agents such as mustard gas.
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Twin homeless veterans Gary and Clifford Koekoek received an outpouring of support after our story detailing their struggle with homelessness aired last week.The twins, 84, have been homeless for the past two years, forced to sleep primarily in their car after their longtime residence was foreclosed on. The property listed under their names was repossessed in 2015, according to information available through Trulia.Since the story aired, donations poured in to a GoFundMe page intended to secure housing for the brothers, and Veterans Affairs was rumoured to be assisting the twins.Tara Ricks, the Chief Public Information Officer for Veterans Affairs of Northern California, confirmed that the VA is working with the brothers, but could not provide specifics due to privacy concerns.The GoFundMe page set-up for the brothers by a friend has far surpassed its original goal of $25,000, hitting approximately $125,000 in 8 days.
Click link for the rest of the story 


Homeless, 84-year-old war veteran twins helped by Veterans Affairs, donations from community

Homeless, 84-year-old war veteran twins say 'it's hell' after home foreclosed
Travis Fedschu
July 20, 2017

Clifford and Gary Koekoek, 84-year-old twins who've survived living under Nazi occupation and fighting in the jungles of Vietnam, are now in "hell" and sleeping in their car after a bank foreclosed on their California home in October.
Born in the Netherlands, Clifford and Gary grew up under Nazi rule before coming to the U.S., where the brothers worked in Hollywood and then served their new country at war. But the brothers told FOX 40 Sacramento nothing they've lived through compares to their current predicament.

"It's a lot of stress," Clifford said, holding back tears. "I’d rather go back to the war and get shot at, than this crap.”
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Command Sergeant Major's Body Found

Missing Army Veteran Found Dead From Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound
CBS News Detroit 
July 20, 2017

WATERFORD TWP (WWJ) – Authorities say a body discovered in Waterford Township is that of a missing Army Veteran.

Police say David Folsom’s body was discovered Wednesday night by two citizens in a wooded area near Cooley Lake Road and Cooley Village Lane. He appeared to have suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police. An autopsy is set for Thursday.

Folsom, a Command Sergeant Major with the Army National Guard, disappeared early in the morning of Wednesday, July 12, when he walked away from his home in the area of Elizabeth Lake and Cooley Lake roads.

The 54-year-old served in the National Guard for 20 years — with deployment to Guantanamo Bay and Afghanistan — and suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, according to his family.
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