Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was part of the dialog in the 70's yet somehow the stigma was allowed to latch its teeth onto those who survived combat itself but not the residual of it.
Roger Cook: How 22 pushups can help raise awareness of PTSD
Perth Now
September 9, 2016 11:08pm
The aim of the movement is to record people doing 22 push ups around the world until a total of 22 million push ups is reached to raise awareness to the suicide epidemic and educate the public on mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The total is currently just under 15 Million.WREATHES were laid this week in a new service to recognise Australians lost at war.Wednesday’s commemoration draws public attention to these conflicts and the sacrifice of Australian civil and military lives in a crucial point in our history.
Picture Gary Ramage
The Battle for Australia has been celebrated for the first time in WA to acknowledge the lives of Australians lost in homeland defence during World War II.
In 1942, Labor Prime Minister, John Curtin made a decision that was to be a defining moment in the War and Australia’s history.
Contrary to the long term practice of providing unquestioning military support to our colonial masters in England, John Curtin recalled troops from the European conflicts to reinforce our defences around Australia, which was under threat from advancing Japanese Forces.
This must have taken great courage and leadership and was the pivotal moment in our history when Australia stood for itself and was the crucible for our long and abiding alliance with the US.
What followed was a series of desperate battles in Southern Asia including the famous Kokoda Trail conflict in New Guinea, and the bombings of Darwin, Broome and other towns along the WA coast line. Overall 1200 people lost their lives during these bombings.
Wednesday’s commemoration draws public attention to these conflicts and the sacrifice of Australian civil and military lives in a crucial point in our history.
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Members of our Congress have made speeches over and over again repeating the same worn out words of concern pretending to take action while veterans wait for something to change, something to happen to make them want to live after surviving combat. More and more charities pop up all over the country claiming the have the ability to raise awareness but all they need is your money. Most have never proven they deserve any of it or the publicity that comes along with raising awareness over something they do not even understand.
We've been arguing with them for years as they repeat a number that has been relatively unchanged for 17 years. With the release of the latest report from the VA, it shows on average 20 veterans a day commit suicide. Look at the chart that came out with the earlier report showing it was 22.
If Australia really wants to make a difference in the lives of their veterans they should try raising awareness on what will actually make a difference in getting veterans to want to live instead of talking about how many they think stopped wanting to live.