Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Iraq veteran talks about healing PTSD

Point Man Ministries Part One
Iraq Vet talks about PTSD and his work with Point Man Ministries and how he didn't want to live.
Point Man Ministries Part Two
Part two, Iraq vet talks about PTSD and his work with Point Man Ministries and how he put the gun in his mouth

Remembering My Father

To honor the children of fallen soldiers holding memories of their parents into adult life. This was done for a Valencia College Digital Media project.

Alive Day after PTSD

Coming home after combat should not be more dangerous but it is. 22 veterans committed suicide today. Be alive today to heal tomorrow.

Courage and Combat PTSD

There are many things that keep getting missed when we talk about Combat and PTSD. This is to clear up the biggest one of all. What is courage and how does it link to being "mentally tough" so that you can push past what you were told about "resiliency" training. Chaplain Kathie "Costos" DiCesare of Wounded Times Blog tries to explain this in interview done by Union Squared Studios. woundedtimes.blogspot.com

You can heal PTSD

Don't give up. You cannot cure PTSD but you can heal and live better lives.