Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Nam Nights of PTSD

Nam Nights of PTSD

Nam Nights Of PTSD Still from Kathleen "Costos" DiCesare on Vimeo.

Veterans Day Memories of Vietnam

Veterans are veterans the rest of their lives. We remember them one day out of the year while they live with what was asked of them everyday of their lives.

PTSD Final Battle After War

When the boots come off, when the uniform is put away, sometimes the last battle to fight is healing from all you went through. With the knowledge you need to understand it, you can heal. It is never too late to begin to heal and life a live again instead of just existing in it.

Heaven Knows They Need You Now

About the Video: When they come home and act like strangers, they are crying out for help to heal. You can't wish PTSD away but you can help heal it. You can dimiss it and send them away, but you end up losing someone you loved. Learn what it is so you can help them. I did.

PTSD is not God's judgment against you

When veterans have seen the worst man can do to man, they ask where God is? Is God real? Why did He abandon me?
They cannot see He was right there with them, because they were there and still filled with compassion to feel. The soul needs to heal as much as the mind does.
Honor Them
Tribute to first responders, the men and women we count on everyday, police, firefighters, National Guards, emergency responders, the troops, our veterans and everyone else putting others first.