Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Army Dumps Special PTSD Screenings

Army Dumps Special PTSD Screenings
Austin Jenkins
OPB News
July 31, 2012

The U.S. Army is revising the way it diagnoses soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder. In the Northwest, it means the Army will no longer use a special psychiatric unit at Madigan Army Medical Center near Tacoma.

Some soldiers at Madigan complained the psychiatric team downgraded or reversed their PTSD diagnoses. That limited what benefits they are eligible for.
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Army reinstates medical center head in PTSD investigation

Sergeant gets 30 days for Pvt. Chen

Army sergeant sentenced to 30 days for private's suicide death
By David Zucchino
July 31, 2012

WILMINGTON, N.C. -- Army Sgt. Adam Holcomb was sentenced to 30 days in prison Tuesday and was reduced in rank for assaulting and maltreating Pvt. Danny Chen, 19, a Chinese American who endured abuse and ethnic slurs before committing suicide in Afghanistanon Oct. 3.

A court-martial panel of 10 service members could have sentenced Holcomb, 30, to a maximum of two years in prison with a dishonorable discharge. He was convicted at Ft. Bragg, N.C., on Monday of assault and maltreatment for dragging Chen across a rocky pathway, bloodying his back, and for calling him "dragon lady’’ and other slurs.
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Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jonathan Gifford 2nd KIA in a week from Palm Bay

Marine killed in Afghanistan was due home in a month
Gifford is 2nd service member from Palm Bay to die in a week
Written by
R. Norman Moody
12:48 AM, Aug 1, 2012

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jonathan Gifford of Palm Bay was one month from completing his deployment to Afghanistan when he and another Marine were killed while on patrol.

Gifford — a 1996 graduate of Melbourne Catholic High, where he played soccer and baseball — had been in the Marine Corps for about 15 years.

He is the second service member from Palm Bay killed within a week in the war in Afghanistan, and the third in the past year.

Army Spc. Justin Louis Horsley, 21, a 2009 graduate of Bayside High, died July 22 while on patrol in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan. Jeremiah T. Sancho, 23, died Oct. 13, 2011 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan. Both their units were attacked with improvised explosive devices.
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Witnesses take action after WWII veteran was beaten and robbed

World War II veteran beaten, robbed during his weekly walk after buying lottery tickets
By Rosemary R. Sobol and Mitch Smith
Chicago Tribune reporters
8:51 p.m. CDT, July 31, 2012

Porter B. Cross lost his dentures, wallet and hearing aid when three young attackers knocked him to the ground and beat and robbed him in broad daylight Monday, but the proud World War II veteran hung on to the lottery tickets he had just bought and stuffed into a pocket.

The 87-year-old retired postal worker was returning from his weekly walk to a neighborhood store to buy $25 worth of Pick 4 and Mega Millions lottery tickets when he was assaulted from behind.

"I don't know what happened," Cross, struggling to speak without the dentures that were broken during the robbery, said Tuesday from his bed in his West Englewood residence on the South Side.

"I know they broke my teeth and they hit me here," he said as he pointed to his still-hurting chest. "They hit me and they kicked me."

Two meat delivery drivers, Dennis Weekly and Aiman Samad, said they witnessed the midafternoon attack and followed the attackers at a safe distance before flagging down passing patrol officers.

"I saw the man lying on the ground and three males standing over him, going through his pockets," Weekly said. "I followed them about four blocks until police got there. I kept my distance so they wouldn't know."
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Congress passes bill for Marine families hurt by tainted water

Congress passes bill for Marine families hurt by tainted water
By Franco OrdoƱez
Washington Correspondent
Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 01, 2012

This photo provided by Jerry Ensminger shows his daughter Janey, in an undated photo. Janey died of leukemia at age 9 not long after this photo was taken. Her father, former Marine master sergeant Jerry Ensminger said he believes she died due to exposure to contaminated water, while he was stationed at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

WASHINGTON The day after Janey Ensminger would have celebrated her 36th birthday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a historic bill in her honor that would help thousands of sick Marine veterans and their families who were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

Legislation that has languished for years could soon be on the president’s desk after the House followed in the Senate’s footsteps and passed the measure under suspension of the rules by a voice vote.

Janey was just 9 when she died of a rare form of leukemia. Her family struggled for years to understand how, or why, she fell prey to the mysterious illness.

It was her father, Jerry Ensminger, who helped uncover that his daughter was one of as many as 1 million people who were exposed to contaminated drinking water at the Marine base near Jacksonville.
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