Friday, June 11, 2010

State Department assessing damage from cables leak

State Department assessing damage from cables leak
By ROBERT BURNS (AP) – 2 hours ago
WASHINGTON — The State Department is studying what damage it may have suffered from the alleged disclosure of classified information by a U.S. soldier in Iraq.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley also says diplomatic security agents are examining one or more hard drives from the computers the soldier allegedly used to download 260,000 classified State Department cables.
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State Department assessing damage from cables leak

PTSD on Trail:Iraq vet, then SWAT Cop, then robber

Atty: Minn. cop turned robber wanted to be killed
By AMY FORLITI (AP) – 1 hour ago

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minneapolis SWAT officer who held up a suburban bank and who is accused of robbing several other businesses was worried about his wife and sick daughter, and tormented by nightmares from his time fighting in Iraq, his attorney said in a court filing Friday.

Timothy Carson, 29, was so overwhelmed in the months before the January bank robbery that he "just wanted to die," so he decided to commit a robbery and end his life in a confrontation with police so his wife could get a $250,000 insurance payout, according to the document filed by federal defender Andrea George.

"His world was falling apart," she wrote.

Carson pleaded guilty in March to robbing the bank, and state prosecutors have charged him in 12 other robberies or attempted robberies that occurred in the days leading up to his arrest. Those charges are pending.

In her filing, George asked U.S. District Judge Patrick Schiltz to give Carson the minimum seven years in prison and five years supervised release for his guilty plea on counts stemming from the bank robbery, saying he was under a tremendous amount of stress and needs psychological treatment, not a lengthy prison sentence.

Carson joined the Marine Corps Reserves out of high school in 2000 and served with the Minneapolis-St. Paul-based 4th Marine Division for six years, including a tour in Iraq in 2004. While there, he earned several awards, including the Armed Forces Reserve Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal — which he received for actions during a mortar attack at Camp Ramadi in May 2004.
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Minn. cop turned robber wanted to be killed

Atty: Minn. cop turned robber wanted to be killed The Associated Press

Colonel’s Wife Accused of Harassing Soldiers

Col. Drinkwine appointed his wife to lead the brigade's official support organization, known as a Family Readiness Group, or FRG.

Colonel’s Wife Accused of Harassing Soldiers
June 11, 2010
Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer

The commander of Fort Bragg has barred the wife of an 82nd Airborne Division colonel from nearly all interaction with her husband's brigade and the unit's families after an investigation found her influence "detrimental to the morale and well-being of both."

Sworn statements from the investigation, ordered in January by Lt. Gen. Frank Helmick, accuse Col. Brian Drinkwine's wife, Leslie Drinkwine, of using her husband's position as leverage to repeatedly harass and threaten Soldiers and their families.

The statements say the harassment and threats began almost as soon as Col. Drinkwine took command of the 4th Brigade Combat Team in 2008.

A follow-up to Helmick's investigation has reached the highest levels of leadership in Afghanistan. That investigation is exploring whether animosity between the Drinkwines and Col. Drinkwine's battalion commanders and their spouses ever unfairly damaged the officers' careers.
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Colonel’s Wife Accused of Harassing Soldiers

Veterans Memorial toppled in Elmwood IL

Tornadoes Strike the 16th District
Saturday June 6th Tornadoes struck in the towns of Elmwood and Magnolia, Illinois in the 16th District. Sr Vice Commander Larry Stimeling and Department Membership Chairman Denise Fields went to Elmwood on Monday. We spoke with Commander Kim Davis and were happy to hear that no Legionaires had any major damage due to the storms. On Tuesday Comrade Fields went on to Magnolia where the news was just as good. No legionaires' property damaged. Sr. Vice Stimeling went back to Elmwood and attended their regular Monthly meeting. It was there that he learned that the Veterans' Memorial in Elmwood was toppled and the flagpoless and lighting fo the memorial were destroyed. The Elmwood Post is in need of our help to repair the Monument and replace the flag poles.

Since most of the businesses in Elmwood have been effected by the storm which litterally wiped out the business district in town (see above), the ability of Post 638 to locally raise funds is greatly diminished. If everyone reading this would send a donation to the Post in Elmwood, They would be well on their way to fixing the Veteran's Memorial. Our Preamble states one of the reasons we associate together is "To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."
Now is the time to practice what we recite every month.
Please send your individual or post donation to
American Legion % Farmers State Bank Elmwood Illinois 61529

Larry Stimeling (larrynamvet)
16th District Senior Vice-Commander
The American Legion, Department of Illinois
Webmaster 3rd Division, The American Legion, Department of Illinois
Webmaster 16th District, The American Legion, Department of Illinois
Post Adjutant and Service Officer American Legion Post #318 Morton Il

Frasier actor conned by fake fallen soldier on Twitter

Frasier actor conned by fake fallen soldier from Fife
Lauren Chalmers struck up a friendship with Kelsey Grammer on Twitter, but then pretended to have been killed in Afghanistan.
By Jennifer Crichton

10 June 2010 10:26 GMT
A young Fife woman who struck up an online friendship with Frasier actor Kelsey Grammer has been forced to apologise to him after she pretended to have died on active service in Afghanistan.

Lauren Chalmers began conversing with the comedian on Twitter last month and told him she was a soldier about to be posted to Afghanistan. She then pretended to be her own mother, posting a message to him saying she had been killed by an improvised explosive device.

The devastated actor, who had posted signed photos to her parents Kirkcaldy home as a homecoming surprise, used his own site to pay tribute to her bravery and even set up an armed forces tribute site.

However, it quickly emerged Chalmers had conducted a sick hoax from her home in Kirkcaldy and had never served in the armed forces at all.
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Frasier actor conned by fake fallen soldier from Fife

Thief takes lap top of Soldier home on leave from Afghanistan

If you are in the military and think you are forgotten or not appreciated enough by the American people, here's a reminder of exactly how much you are loved. One creep stole from a soldier and his family but a lot more people showed up to help simply because he was loved and appreciated.
UPDATE to this story
Donor replaces soldier's stolen laptop

HOWELL — A U.S. Army soldier heading back to Afghanistan after a stay in Howell during a family emergency, who had his laptop computer stolen on Tuesday, has a brand new replacement today thanks to the generosity of a hometown retired military man and his wife, police say.
Friday morning, the retired military man's wife arrived at Howell Police headquarters with the brand new Dell Inspiron laptop computer, according to police.

"There has been a huge outpouring - it's been incredible," Detective Nancy Carroll said. "We've gotten a lot of phone calls from people offering to help."

In addition to replacing the stolen laptop, another anonymous donor is replacing the daughter's cash, Carroll said.
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Donor replaces soldiers stolen laptop

Howell police seek return of soldier's laptop

HOWELL — A soldier heading back to Afghanistan after a trip here for a family emergency had the laptop computer he uses to communicate with his wife and children stolen, according to police.

The soldier and his immediate family are former Howell residents but now live in Italy where the serviceman is stationed. The soldier is currently serving with the Army in Afghanistan.

The serviceman came here on a seven-day emergency leave and took up residence at His Mercy House, a food pantry on West Farms Road in Howell, while attending to the personal matter, police said.
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Howell police seek return of soldier laptop

Soldier critically wounded in Iraq ripped off by parents?

They managed to raise a son who wanted to join the military. This same son, most parents would feel grateful to have come home still alive, ended up being used to provide them with financial gain, according to the charges. Is there a word in the English language strong enough to describe such a despicable act?

Injured Soldier's Parents Charged With Stealing Son's Recovery Fund
Investigators: Lori and Michael Nault Gambled Money Meant to Pay for Son's Care
June 10, 2010

A Wisconsin couple who have pleaded for help in caring for their son after he was severely injured while serving in Iraq have been charged with stealing more than $100,000 meant to finance his care and rehabilitation.

Lori and Michael Nault are accused of using at least $167,000 of their 23-year-old son's money to heavily gamble at casinos in three states and fund their own household expenses, a new truck and thousands of dollars in jewelry.

Army Specialist Shane Nault, who cannot speak and requires 24-hour care, suffered catastrophic brain injuries after an IED explosion in Iraq in May 2007. Just 23 years old, he is blind and suffered strokes.

According to court documents supporting felony theft charges for both Lori and Michael Nault, they tried to cover their tracks by listing their son's assets as $35,218 when there had actually been $254,191 deposited into nine bank accounts, many of them in Shane's name.
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Parents Charged With Stealing Sons Recovery Fund

When the Music Stopped Star Spangled Banner Started

When the Music Stopped...

(For those who are unaware: At all military base theaters, the National Anthem is played before the movie begins.)

This is written from a Chaplain in Iraq:

I recently attended a showing of 'Superman 3' here at LSA Anaconda. We have a large auditorium we use for movies, as well as memorial services and other large gatherings. As is the custom at all military bases, we stood to attention when the National Anthem began before the main feature. All was going well until three-quarters of the way through The National Anthem, the music stopped.

Now, what would happen if this occurred with 1,000 18-22 year-olds back in the States ? I imagine there would be hoots, catcalls, laughter, a few rude comments, and everyone would sit down and yell for the movie to begin. Of course, that is, if they had stood for the National Anthem in the first place.

Here in Iraq, 1,000 Soldiers continued to stand at attention, eyes fixed forward. The music started again and the Soldiers continued to quietly stand at attention. But again, at the same point, the music stopped. What would you expect 1000 Soldiers standing at attention to do ?? Frankly, I expected some laughter, and everyone would eventually sit down and wait for the movie to start.

But No !!... You could have heard a pin drop, while every Soldier continued to stand at attention.

Suddenly,there was a lone voice from the front of the auditorium, then a dozen voices, and soon the room was filled with the voices of a thousand soldiers, finishing where the recording left off: "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs
bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

It was the most inspiring moment I have had in Iraq and I wanted you to know what kind of Soldiers are serving you.

Remember them as they fight for us !

Pass this along as a reminder to others to be ever in prayer for all our soldiers serving us here at home and abroad.

Many have already paid the ultimate price.

Written by Chaplain Jim Higgins LSA Anaconda is at the Ballad Airport in Iraq, north of Baghdad.

Please share only if you are so inclined.

God Bless America and all of our troops serving through out the world.

Fallen laid in mess at Arlington / File
Scott Warner, father of fallen soldier, Heath Warner, holds a poster commemorating his son who is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Arlington probe surprises dad of Marine buried there

By Anonymous staff report
Posted Jun 10, 2010 @ 09:16 PM
Last update Jun 10, 2010 @ 09:23 PM
CANTON — Scott Warner, a Gold Star parent from Canton, heard last summer of an investigation into problems at Arlington National Cemetery but said he was still surprised by Thursday’s announcement.

The Army said at least 200 remains in Arlington may have been misidentified or misplaced, casting a shadow over what has been called America’s “sacred ground.”

Warner’s son, Marine Corps Pvt. Heath Warner, was killed in Iraq in 2006 and is buried at Arlington.

Warner said he has heard there was a problem with one grave in the section where his son is buried.

The name on that grave hasn’t been released, but Warner said he has been told that it isn’t his son’s grave.

Arlington is the most honorable place to have a loved one buried, said Warner, who visited the cemetery on Memorial Day and has plans to return soon. The fallen and their families are treated with dignity and respect.
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Arlington probe surprises dad of Marine buried there

Arlington National Cemetery's top supervisors ousted in mismanagement case
The move comes after an Army inspector's general report detailing misidentified graves, poor record-keeping and improper handling of service members' remains.
About 330,000 bodies are buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

By Julian E. Barnes, Tribune Washington Bureau

June 11, 2010

Reporting from Washington — The Army ousted top supervisors of Arlington National Cemetery in the wake of a blistering report that found some graves had been mismarked and that raised questions about the Virginia burial ground's management, officials announced Thursday.

Army Secretary John McHugh said the Army inspector general's report raised questions about 211 gravesites and found unmarked graves, burial sites with the wrong headstones and improper handling of cremated remains.

"That all ends today," McHugh said.

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Arlington National Cemetery top supervisors ousted

Arlington Cemetery inquiry results come today

Arlington Cemetery superintendent retiring

Anger and grief over Arlington Cemetery disaster
By Leo Shane III
Published: June 11, 2010

Army 1st Sgt. Shelly Jenkins, with the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment known as The Old Guard, places flags on the graves at Arlington National Cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day.
Jacquelyn Martin/APVeterans groups reacted quickly and harshly to news yesterday that the remains of more than 200 veterans were misplaced or lost by workers at Arlington National Cemetery, demanding immediate improvements to Amry records systems and a change in the "culture of complacency" at the hallowed site.

Shortly after the Pentagon press conference yesterday House Armed Services Committee leaders announced plans to hold hearings on the problems at Arlington. Chairman Ike Skelton, D-Mo., noted the staff's conduct "is disgraceful and cannot be tolerated." Ranking member Buck McKeon, R-Calif., said "families demand, and most importantly, deserve to know that their loved ones are being treated with the utmost respect and decorum."
read more of this here

Anger and grief over Arlington Cemetery disaster

Errors at Arlington affected 211 graves

By William H. McMichael - Staff writer
Posted : Friday Jun 11, 2010 16:07:39 EDT

At least 211 graves at Arlington National Cemetery — including two in the section where fallen troops from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are buried — were mismarked, missing headstones or burial cards, or were not recorded at all, according to a new internal investigation.

The investigation of operations at the nation’s most hallowed military burial ground found no criminal misconduct, but much evidence of “improper internment, trans-internment of remains — including the loss of accountability of remains — remains in graves listed as empty, unmarked gravesites, improperly marked graves and improper handling of cremains,” Army Secretary John McHugh told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday.

The Army Inspector General also concluded in its seven-month investigation that “mistakes continue to be made.”

The IG also found that rank-and-file employees, who handle an average of 27 funerals daily, were burdened in their day-to-day work by “dysfunctional management, lack of established policy and procedures, and an overall unhealthy organizational climate.”
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Errors at Arlington affected 211 graves

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Vet’s upset win in SC primary scrutinized

Vet’s upset win in SC primary scrutinized

House majority whip questions background, wonders ‘where did he come from’
By Meg Kinnard - The Associated Press
Posted : Thursday Jun 10, 2010 15:02:19 EDT

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The No. 3 Democrat in the U.S. House called on federal authorities Thursday to investigate how an unemployed South Carolina military veteran won the state’s Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.

“Here is Alvin Greene, unemployed, he goes into the Democratic headquarters and pays $10,000. That’s no little bit of money for an unemployed person,” House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said. “This guy, who is he? Where did he come from?”

Greene, 32, stunned the Democratic Party establishment Tuesday night when he handily defeated Vic Rawl, a four-term state lawmaker and former judge, for the party’s nomination. Rawl, who had campaigned little but already raised $186,000, was forced to scrap a fundraiser planned for Thursday night.

Greene has not reported any fundraising, run any ads, or put up signs or a website in his challenge of Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. He had been considered such a long shot that neither his opponent nor the media bothered to check his background, which includes a November arrest on a charge of felony obscenity.
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Vet’s upset win in SC primary scrutinized