Thursday, June 10, 2010

Army Private bound for Hood jumps from NY bridge

Army pvt. bound for Hood jumps from NY bridge

By Rob Ryser, Richard Liebson and Brian Howard - (Westchester, N.Y.) Journal News
Posted : Thursday Jun 10, 2010 15:23:56 EDT

DOBBS FERRY, N.Y. — The mother of Army Pvt. Elizabeth Lynch-Gonzalez, who jumped from the Tappan Zee Bridge early Thursday, said her daughter was upset that her deployment to a Texas military base had been moved up to today.

The mother said her daughter, who was 19 and 2009 graduate of Lakeland High School, was greatly upset when she found out Wednesday that her deployment order for Fort Hood had been moved up to today.

The comments of the mother, Mary Ellen Lynch, came moments before police confirmed that a body found in the Hudson River a few miles south of the bridge was her daughter’s.

The body washed ashore in Dobbs Ferry shortly after noon Thursday, 10 hours after the young woman jumped from the middle of the Tappan Zee Bridge up river in Tarrytown.
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Army pvt. bound for Hood jumps from NY bridge

Through many dangers, toils and snares

Chaplain Kathie

"Through many dangers, toils and snares" is one part of this song that gets me every time. It makes me look back at other times in my life when I just didn't think I'd ever overcome what I was going through. It makes me remember when everything seemed just too hopeless and I, I was not worthy of being helped by anyone, especially God. God however graced my life and saved me despite myself. I have made such a mess out of my life so many times it is beyond reason I am still here. You'd think that after facing death so many times, not from combat but from illness, accidents and violence, I would be thankful for each day upon this earth, but so many times I wished for the end of the struggle, longed for the end of the pain in my soul and tears that fell far too many nights. I was too focused on what I lacked, what I could not do and how other people treated me or judged me unfairly without knowing what was inside of me.

I fell into every trap, was cut on every snare, fell prey to every person hoping to take advantage of me and I knew what it was like to hate, to want revenge and to rejoice over the grief of someone else that hurt me. It was in one of my darkest moments that I handed my life over to God knowing full well that He knew all of me. The good and the bad could not be hidden from Him any more than I could hide pain behind anger. Little by little, He worked on my, softened my temper, opened my eyes and let me see what I had been missing all along. This lifelong Greek Orthodox woman with faith once as much a part of my life as breathing was, was finally seeing God through the eyes of love the way Christ came to confirm it.

Did He take away all of my burdens? Take away all my tears? Remove all my fears? No. He did however give me what I needed to get through all the bad life has to offer as well as rejoice with all it provides.

Listen to the words of Amazing Grace sung by Judy Collins. Then read on.

The lyrics to Amazing Grace change depending on the singer but the meaning of this song never changes.

Amazing Grace


John Newton (1725-1807)
Stanza 6 anon.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.

Maybe it's because I've felt so much pain in my own life and have lived with the pain in my husband all these years, I am able to understand the pain felt by the men and women in the military who become our veterans. I am not one of them. I do not know what it is like to be willing to willingly place myself into the position where I know I may have to lay down my life as well as take a life in order to save others. That is a burden few understand but we can understand what it is like to be a human wanting to do what we are called to do and the struggles we face in order to do it.

This is our link to them. This is our chance to understand the price they pay after and it is our calling to help them heal.

The dangers and toils and snares, they have already come. They were saved by the grace of God and we cannot explain why He allows some to live on while He embraces the others home. We can only know the men and women who survive, survived for a reason only Heaven knows. Coming home is the hardest part for them because their danger days are supposed to be over. No longer are they subjected to bullets and bombs or witnessing the worst that man can do to man. No longer are they trying to save the lives of their friends or mourning the loss of others but they are left to question every day of their deployment, every action, every deed and every word they muttered from anger and fear. It is the part of war that came home with them that they need to fear the most.

What part of them escaped the horrors of combat? What part of them is still sweet, loving, kind, humble and sensitive? What part of them is still strong and beyond regret? What other parts of them are frozen behind the wall terror built? What will it take to bring that wall down so they can heal?

It all begins with forgiveness. Forgiving themselves for all they felt they lacked and all they believe they did that was wrong. No matter how many times you try to convince them that they did what they had to do, they will always be blaming themselves for having done it. They will blame everyone else for all that went wrong and they will blame the enemy. All understandable and all human reactions to what they went through but not very helpful at all when they are trying to recover the best parts of their nature. They were not allowed to feel because of where they were and what was happening so it all comes rushing in on them.

They need to know there is nothing they cannot be forgiven for and suggesting to them they did nothing wrong is dismissing that pain. Remind them Christ forgave from the cross and then tell them there is nothing God cannot forgive them for. Forgiveness is between them and God so get out of their way. Help them to forgive others and let go of what they have no control over. Forgive them for what they do while trapped in pain and then hold them accountable as they heal but only after you become aware of where it is all coming from. And then, then forgive yourself for the time in your life when you just didn't know any better but did what you could with what you knew in that moment.

All of the "person" they were before is still in there but just as the rest of us humans arise on the other side of life with yesterday tagging along, they have combat tagging along inside of them. If you look at your own life honestly, then you will see how each day has played a part in the person you are today. Then you will understand how they have become the way they are as well. None of this is hopeless for them any more than life is hopeless for the rest of us. Begin today to believe that God's grace will help the person you love come home all the way to you and they can heal.

PTSD lives off of everything negative and eats away everything positive in their lives. This is why addressing the spiritual part of their lives matters enough to predict the outcome of any kind of therapy. The negative energy needs to be defeated. This is a painful process because as every negative emotion is reduced, the painful ones gain power and releasing them feels as if they are getting worse until they understand that pain is rushing out instead of being trapped inside. That release is freeing their soul so they can build in more good emotions to rejoice with and sing a song of Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like them just as it saved one like me.

New VA benefits claim form: Just 6 pages

New VA benefits claim form: Just 6 pages

By Kelly Kennedy - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Jun 9, 2010 21:07:19 EDT

After years of complaints from veterans about having to fill out a 26-page-long benefits claims form for the Veterans Affairs Department, the Office of Management and Budget has approved VA’s new six-page form.

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have progressed, the 26-page application became particularly troublesome for veterans dealing with traumatic brain injuries or post-traumatic stress disorder, both of which can cause short-term memory loss and other cognitive issues.

“It’s a good thing and we’re pleased,” said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense. “In our view, the current form is burdensome. It’s too long.”

VA spokesman Steve Westerfeld confirmed in a voicemail that VA had shortened VA Form 21-526, as well as creating a new “express claim” form, or 21-526EZ, which is six pages long and requires that the veteran provide his own medical and military records, rather than waiting for VA to gather them.
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New VA benefits claim form

Arlington Cemetery inquiry results come today

Arlington Cemetery inquiry results come today

By William H. McMichael - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jun 10, 2010 9:22:00 EDT

The results of an Army investigation into revelations of improperly marked graves, faulty records-keeping and other management failures at the hallowed Arlington National Cemetery will be unveiled this afternoon, officials say. And top officials could be facing disciplinary action as a result.

Army Secretary John McHugh launched the Inspector General inquiry last November after an internal Army finding that cemetery workers in 2003 discovered a casket without a headstone and confirmed a news report that cremated remains contained in an urn were buried two years ago over an unmarked but occupied grave site.
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Arlington Cemetery inquiry results come today
Arlington Cemetery superintendent retiring

PTSD on Trial: Gulf War decorated veteran 15 years for assaulting a cop

Decorated vet gets 15 years for assaulting cop with car
WATERLOO - A Waterloo man was sentenced to 15 years in prison for driving his car at a Waterloo police officer.

Deon Lemar Mosley, 38, was sentenced Wednesday on a charge of assault on a peace officer. He was ordered to serve the sentence concurrent with a fifteen-year sentence on second-degree theft and a five-year sentence for eluding.

Mosley plead guilty Feb. 25 to the assault charge for driving his car at officer Kevin Boyland June 1, 2009. Boyland was attempting to arrest Mosley for parole violation at the parole office on East Fifth Street. Mosley was attempting to leave in a car as Boyland, who was on foot, motioned for Mosley to stop his car, Mosley accelerated toward the officer, police said.

Jim Katcher, assistant Black Hawk County attorney, asked the sentence be stacked consecutive to the second-degree theft and eluding sentences for a total of 35 years in prison.

Mosley's mother, Theresa Mosley, asked District Court Judge George Stigler to consider her son's military service and his struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Decorated vet gets 15 years for assaulting cop with car

Combat's Hidden Toll, Medicated Military

Take a pill and get back to duty is basically what this approach leads to and it will do no good at all. One of the coping avenues many PTSD veterans take is the use of alcohol and drugs while attempting to calm their nerves and kill off the ability to feel anything. Giving them medications without adding any kind of therapy is accomplishing the same outcome, numbing instead of healing.

What will it take for the military to be able to understand that while these men and women are highly trained to face any situation in combat they can never be trained to stop being human?

The civilian world has evolved enough to acknowledge the need to address psychological changes in the workings of the mind and spirit after traumatic events yet the most traumatic environment with multiple exposures is being ignored. We can respond to traumatic events caused by nature or other humans, mobilize teams of responders, hit the aftermath of traumatic events head on, yet the military's answer seems to always be quickest solution to get them back on duty. How do they ever expect this to work?

What will it take for them to finally fully understand that numbing them is driving them over the edge? Will they ever understand that the recovery rate is much higher if they address it soon after the events? Do they really want a medicated military?

Combat's Hidden Toll: 1 in 10 Soldiers Report Mental Health Problems
Soldiers Report PTSD Symptoms and Other Mental Health Problems

ABCNews Medical Unit
June 9, 2010

Even though he's retired from active military duty, CSM Samuel Rhodes still suffers from deep emotional wounds.

"I had to take this afternoon off from work today because of anxiety," he said. "And sometimes, if I'm going through a really tough time, I think about suicide."

He spent nearly 30 years in the Army and recently spent 30 straight months deployed in Iraq where he, like many soldiers, witnessed some of the horrors of war.

"In April 2005, it started to eat me up because I started losing one soldier after another," Rhodes said. "We lost 37 soldiers that were in my unit."

He was command sergeant major of his brigade, and over the 30 months he was there, he lost 37 of his soldiers. As time wore on, the loss of life wore him down.

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Combats Hidden Toll

Michael Fay reporting with art from war

Drawing Fire
In 2005, then Chief Warrant Officer Michael D. Fay traveled to Iraq in his capacity as official Marine Corps artist. There he fought with Marines engaged in Operation Steel Curtain against insurgents along the Euphrates River, and documented the events in sketches, photographs and audio recordings.

Michael D. Fay held the the position of combat artist for the United States Marine Corps from 2000 through January 2010. He was deployed several times to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is currently in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan working as a war correspondent embedded with Marine units. His blog is Fire and Ice.

Mr. Fay describes that experience here in “Drawing Fire,” to be published in five consecutive parts this week in Home Fires. It is based on material from his memoir, “The War Artist,” (earlier drafts appeared on his blog in January), and includes artwork and photographs from his time with Marine units in Operation Steel Curtain.

In 2006, Mr. Fay was a contributor to The Times’s Frontlines series, in which he described the orders he followed as Marine Corps artist: “Go to War, Do Art.” He is now retired from the Marine Corps, but is currently in Afghanistan working as a correspondent embedded with Marine units in Afghanistan.
go here for more
Drawing Fire
Drawing Fire: Last Day
Drawing Fire: Stay With Us
Drawing Fire: Reckoning

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

VA finds problems but cannot fix them

Filner: VA finds problems but cannot fix them

By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Jun 9, 2010 12:15:41 EDT

The Veterans Affairs Department is good at finding waste and inefficiency, but it could be faster to take action to fix these problems, according to testimony at a Wednesday congressional oversight hearing.

Since October, the VA inspector general has issued 120 reports containing 232 recommendations for saving $673 million, said Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., the House Veterans Affairs Committee chairman. That is good news, he said, showing the VA IG is doing “high-quality” and “essential” work.

However, VA has 124 open reports with a combined 756 recommendations, including 16 reports with 45 recommendations that are more than one year old, said Richard Griffin, the VA’s deputy inspector general. The oldest open report dates back to Sept. 30, 2005, he said.
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VA finds problems but cannot fix them

2nd LT Mike McGahan will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery

2nd Lt. Mike McGahan: Olympia High grad dies in Afghanistan
Mike McGahan will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

By Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

4:59 p.m. EDT, June 8, 2010

Mike McGahan's loved ones describe him as a born leader and an exceptional young man.

The Orlando man's desire to serve his country led him to join the U.S. Army after graduating from the University of Florida two years ago. He became second lieutenant and led a platoon of soldiers in Afghanistan.

McGahan, 23, was with those soldiers when he died Sunday.

On Tuesday, his family attended a ceremony at the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where his body arrived with those of four other service members killed in recent days.

"He loved the Army," said his father, Tim McGahan. "He felt young people today should serve their country."
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Olympia High grad dies in Afghanistan

Publix shoppers witness murder of cashier and suicide of husband

Orlando Publix shooting: Records reveal deeply troubled lives
Orlando police release evidence from investigation into murder-suicide at Publix on Michigan Avenue in March. Estranged husband Andreau Yankton shot and killed wife Anicia Yankton before turning the gun on himself.

By Bianca Prieto, Orlando Sentinel

5:59 p.m. EDT, June 9, 2010

Andreau Yankton was drunk and on anxiety medication when he walked into Publix on March 2, got in the checkout line with a liter of soda and shot his wife to death.

His spouse, Anicia Yankton, was having an affair with a co-worker, a man to whom she lied about her husband and about being pregnant.

The Orlando police investigation of the public murder-suicide — Andreau Yankton left the store and fatally shot himself in the parking lot — concluded that the husband acted out because his wife was no longer coming home after work.

Although the investigation is not closed, police on Wednesday released hundreds of pages of documents from the deadly shooting, including photos and transcripts of interviews with witnesses. The records were released after the Orlando Sentinel filed a public records request.

Andreau Yankton walked to the back of the store and returned to her checkout line with a liter of soda, waiting while she assisted two people in line ahead of him. She still didn't appear to notice he was there, according to an investigative summary.

"When Anicia began assisting the customer directly in front of the suspect, she then appeared to notice the suspect standing in her line," the report said. "The suspect immediately produced a handgun and fired a single shot into Anicia's face."

Andreau Yankton calmly walked out of the store and toward his car. When a police officer confronted him in the parking lot, he pulled the .38 caliber revolver from his pocket and shot himself in the chest, the report said.

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Records reveal deeply troubled lives

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