Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to kill a veteran without really trying

UPDATE 5/2/2010
I'll admit it that after reading the AP piece, I popped my cork. Not so much online but in the privacy of my office. Anyway, another sleepless night thinking about how much harm this can do to the veterans we've been trying to reach since Vietnam. Between this blog and my older one, Screaming In An Empty Room, there are over 20,000 post. On this one alone there are over 9,000. I would be shocked to discover more than 2 percent of the posts were about frauds. I do not bury those stories. I spotlight them because they are causing more problems for real veterans with real claims waiting for their claims to be processed.

There is one thing I beg you to keep in mind and that is the simple fact that it is harder to get them to go for help in the first place, yet we watch them suffer as their lives fall apart when we know they could be healing instead. Don't give up on fighting for them just because someone decided to blame the veterans yet again instead of the system that let them down.

AP: VA Makes It too Easy for Veterans to File Claims … Seriously
May 2, 2010 posted by Michael Leon

By Michael Leon

As PTSD claims soar, the systemic problem at the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs is the ease with which veterans file for disability benefit claims, in the view of Allen Breed, a national writer for the Associated Press. This is a hit job on veterans and the progress being contemplated by some at the DVA to help veterans.

Do you have that? Things are too easy for veterans dealing with the VA now, asserts the AP’s Breed.

Moved by a huge tide of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress, Congress has pressured the Department of Veterans Affairs to settle their disability claims — quickly, humanely, and mostly in the vets’ favor.

Continues Breed in his piece, PTSD cases rise and rules for claims ease, VA warned that more frauds will slip through: “The problem: The system is dysfunctional, an open invitation to fraud. And the VA has proposed changes that could make deception even easier.”

That’s the issue and it’s political.

No deny-delay-and-hope-you-die culture at the DVA, just too many veterans taking advantage of “profitably working the levers of sympathy for the wounded and obligation to the troops, and exploiting the sheer difficulty of nailing a surefire diagnosis of a condition that is notoriously hard to define.”

No years waiting on a claim, it’s the ease with which veterans navigate the system now that is the real issue. This is just crazy.
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VA Makes It too Easy for Veterans to File Claims

Since 1982 it has been nearly impossible to get the PTSD veterans to seek help at all and now this comes out all so familiar. Accusing veterans of making things up for a claim to be approved. Does it happen? Sure it dose and many times you've read it right here on this blog. It does happen but then there are always some unscrupulous people wanting to take what they did not earn or deserve, above all, never paid the price for. Compensation for PTSD is something they would rather not have to even think about when the price is paid by years of nightmares, flashbacks, destroyed relationships, strings of jobs they cannot keep, fractured families and roller coaster emotions out of control. When you think of the fact they are basically dying a slow agonizing death, you begin to understand why they would rather deny they have PTSD than face the fact. It happens all the time.

So, now we arrive at a time and place where PTSD is no longer some dirty little secret the government tries to keep away from the calculations of combat debt and we now see the veterans attacked yet again! So what happens now? How many years does this set us back when so many are finally telling their stories? Generals, majors, servicemen and women, veterans, are all of them now going to be suspected of being frauds because "it's too easy to fake" so they all must be lying? DO THEY EVER STOP TO THINK THAT IT'S THE INFORMATION THAT IS FINALLY GETTING OUT ? Do they ever think it is the fact we've finally gotten to the point where we are killing off the stigma of admitting they need help? Do they ever stop to really think? If they did then they'd also add in to all of this the very simple fact that the redeployments increase the exposure to traumatic events as well as the risk of PTSD deciding to travel back home with a Solider or a Marine on their 5th tour!!!!

Great way to kill off more veterans without really trying.

In tide of new PTSD cases, fear of growing fraud
By ALLEN G. BREED (AP) – 7 hours ago

Moved by a huge tide of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress, Congress has pressured the Department of Veterans Affairs to settle their disability claims — quickly, humanely, and mostly in the vets' favor.

The problem: The system is dysfunctional, an open invitation to fraud. And the VA has proposed changes that could make deception even easier.

PTSD's real but invisible scars can mark clerks and cooks just as easily as they can infantrymen fighting a faceless enemy in these wars without front lines. The VA is seeking to ease the burden of proof to ensure that their claims are processed swiftly.

But at the same time, some undeserving vets have learned how to game the system, profitably working the levers of sympathy for the wounded and obligation to the troops, and exploiting the sheer difficulty of nailing a surefire diagnosis of a condition that is notoriously hard to define.

"The threshold has been lowered. The question is how many people will take advantage of that," said Dr. Dan G. Blazer, a Duke University psychiatrist who has worked with the military on PTSD issues. PTSD, he adds, is "among the easiest (psychiatric) conditions to feign."

Mark Rogers, a longtime claims specialist with the Veterans Benefits Administration, agrees. "I could get 100 percent disability compensation for PTSD for any (honorably discharged) veteran who's willing to lie," said Rogers, a Vietnam-era vet who is now retired. "I just tell him what to say and where to go."
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In tide of new PTSD cases, fear of growing fraud

US Army captain becomes king in Afghanistan

US Army captain becomes king in Afghanistan
By SEBASTIAN ABBOT (AP) – 5 hours ago

HUTAL, Afghanistan — In the U.S. Army, Casey Thoreen is just a 30-year-old captain. Around here, he's known as the "King of Maiwand" district — testimony to the fact that without the young captain and a fat international wallet, local government here as in much of the insurgency-ravaged south could not function at all.

Setting up effective governments at the district level is key to U.S. strategy. U.S. officials hope that providing basic services will draw support away from the Taliban, especially here in the Islamist group's heartland of Kandahar province.

But in this dusty farming community 40 miles (60 kilometers) west of Kandahar, Thoreen has discovered that bolstering the authority of a district governor, who relies on him almost completely for financial resources and credibility, is a delicate balancing act. He also knows the effort is unsustainable without greater support from the central Afghan government in Kabul.

"We are putting a big gamble on this," Thoreen said. "Any of this stuff we're doing here, not just at our level but the $800 billion we have spent so far in the country, is contingent on the government being effective."
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US Army captain becomes king in Afghanistan

Sgt. Keith Adam Coe Sacrificed His Life for His Men

An Army carry team carries the transfer case containing the remains of Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe of Auburndale, Fla., upon his arrival at Dover Air Force Base, Del.

Fulton native Sgt. Keith Coe dies in Iraq
By Paul Brockwell, Jr.
May 01, 2010, 10:46AM

Sgt. Keith A. Coe worked hard to get into the Army. When he was 26, the Fulton native was living in Florida working at a truss company and had been in trouble with the law.

Relatives say his eight months in jail for violating probation really marked a turning point in his life.

After getting released, his grandmothers say, Coe wanted to make something of himself and he saw the Army as his way to achieve that goal. His probation officer, says grandmother Dawn Jones, told her that she always knew Coe was one of the ones worth saving. Coe’s former probation officer stopped by to pay her respects and grieve with the family, Jones said.

In 2007, he married his wife, Katrina, at a Hawaiian wedding in Granny Jones’ back yard. Soon after, he joined the Army. Three years later, he had risen to the rank of sergeant.

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Fulton native Sgt. Keith Coe dies in Iraq


'Coe Daddy' Sacrificed His Life for His Men
Family of A'dale Army sergeant to hold memorial service in Haven.
By Shoshana Walter

Published: Friday, April 30, 2010 at 11:38 p.m.
Last Modified: Friday, April 30, 2010 at 11:38 p.m.

LAKELAND His men called him "Coe Daddy."

And on Tuesday, Sgt. Keith A. Coe, 30, sacrificed his life for them, said grandmother Dawn Jones.

Defense Department officials say Coe died Tuesday in Khalis, Iraq, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. Coe was the first to step out of the truck when they arrived on scene for a mission, Jones said. Before anyone else could jump out, he was caught in the explosion, she said.

"All the others in the truck were just kids, just out of high school. It was his duty to get out of that truck first because he was the sergeant in charge," Jones said. "Keith saved their lives."
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Coe Daddy Sacrificed His Life for His Men

Marine Memorial Both Somber and Sobering

Marine Memorial Both Somber and Sobering

By Christopher Brown Digital Journalist
Published: April 30, 2010
CAMP LEJEUNE, NC—A bell of remembrance tolls for the 90 Marines who lost their lives fighting for our country. “Honoring our fallen comrades today, “said General Larry Nicholson, “we honored the 90 marines and sailors that we lost in Afghanistan last year.
As they read aloud the ninety names, one by one, their battlefield memorials stead fast
Tears were shed for loved ones who paid the ultimate price.

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Marine Memorial Both Somber and Sobering

Please Stop Saying Post Traumatic Stress Is Incurable

As far as I know, experts have not found a "cure" for PTSD yet but that shouldn't stop more research being done. Some pretty amazing treatments have come out over the last few years while scientists search for a "cure" or a way to prevent it. What cannot be dismissed is there are treatments for it and no one has to just deal with it as it is.

Even with the length of time between Vietnam veterans coming back and finally getting help, it was not hopeless. Some of what PTSD claimed from these veterans was reversed and for what they could not be "cured" of, they learned how to minimize the symptoms. With the newer veterans they have more hope of healing than every before because of the increased awareness and availability of treatments. They won't have to have life piled onto combat traumas feeding PTSD.

For Vietnam veterans being treated for PTSD, they are overcoming the odds. These survivors end up healing, learning to cope with what cannot be healed or reversed, then they turn around, rise about all of it, fighting for someone else to heal as well. While some veterans say they just want to be like they were before, what many discover is that they end up better than they were before because they not only survived the trauma, they survived the enemy inside of them.

Note to Colleagues: Please Stop Saying Post Traumatic Stress Is Incurable

Belleruth Naparstek
Psychotherapist, Author, Guided Imagery Innovator
Posted: May 1, 2010 07:00 AM

A recent AP article by Sharon Cohen described posttraumatic stress as something you just have to learn to live with, because you can't recover from it. [Revolving Door of Multiple Tours Linked to PTSD] . It's a terrific article, but Cohen was misled by the mental health professionals she talked to, as well as the warriors who received less than optimal treatment.

You can recover from posttraumatic stress. Certainly, you can significantly reduce - not just manage - its symptoms. But - and here's the thing - not with traditional treatment. The problem is, a lot of my colleagues don't know this yet. So they go about it in traditional ways and pronounce the condition incurable, based on the results they get.

This is changing, but not fast enough - especially given the numbers of traumatized soldiers returning home these days. And the incidence we're seeing is just the tip of the iceberg - traumatic stress can gestate deep inside the body for a long time, rearing its nasty head years later.

This phenomenon of well-meaning but ignorant mental health professionals was even more obvious a decade ago, around Ground Zero after 9/11. (I speak of this with humility, having been an ignorant but well-meaning psychotherapist myself.) The neighborhood was overrun by eager volunteers, trying to help shell-shocked survivors and traumatized recovery workers. Not only were most not helped, but many were further agitated, distressed or angered by these incursions.

Asking numb, severely traumatized people to share their feelings or describe the horrific events that triggered their distress is what therapists typically do. Yet with this population, it yields either a blank, thousand yard stare or catalyzes a re-experiencing reaction or flashback.
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Old news about women at war never dies

I finally have some time today to collect pictures for a new video I'm working on. While searching I came across some really great stories on our "sisters" in the military. Feeling very nostalgic, thinking about my friend Capt. "Irish" Bresnahan, who passed away March 2009 and missing her deeply, it seemed like a good time to work on another video for female veterans. That's why you're seeing some older stories all of a sudden on this blog today.
The stories may be old to us, but the truth is, for them, for the men and women going into combat, the stories never get old and more often than not, are never told enough.

Irish didn't stop fighting for this country. She never stopped fighting for women veterans as well as male veterans, but her heart knew the additional burden women carried after war. Irish was wounded by PTSD and Agent Orange. To her, anyone fighting for their claim to be approved or trying to be taken care of, was personal to her because she knew it first hand. Irish never saw justice for herself.

In March she was in Washington for another hearing on her claim. No stranger to Washington since she had testified about the burdens veterans carry trying to open up the eyes and hearts of congress, this was nothing new for her. She was excited to have some time to go to see the monuments this time, but her health had her pretty weak. While there, she became very ill and passed away in the hospital far from New Hampshire where she lived, but she passed away where she loved and dedicated her life to.

She would call me all the time and I can still hear her laugh and I know the female veterans in this country have a real angel watching over them.

Here's a couple of videos on female veterans.

Posted to Great Americans by SM on January 15, 2009

Think of it this way. Old news never really dies even though they do. I miss you Irish!

Female Corpsman Team Trauma Nurse

Photo by Cpl. Zachary J. Nola
Navy Lt. Amy Zaycek, the severe trauma platoon nurse with the Female Corpsman Team holds an Afghan child during a recent patrol in the area of Now Zad, Afghanistan. The FCT recently returned to Now Zad, Jan. 3, to assist members of the Female Engagement Team, Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan, with their effort to further the process of treating, educating and engaging the women of Now Zad. Zaycek is a native of Wall, N.J.

Marines use more bandages, less bullets to counter insurgency
Published: Friday, January 8, 2010 2:41 PM CST
Cpl. Zachary J. Nola

Regimental Combat Team 7

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Recently during Operation Cobra’s Anger, a multi-day operation led by Company L, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, to rid the Now Zad area of Taliban control, members of the company's severe trauma platoon extended an invitation to members of the battalion’s civil affairs group to take cover from the rain in their mobile severe trauma bay.

Within the security and warmth of the STB, the members of the two parties began talking about the day’s events.

“We started talking about stuff on the battle front,” said Cmdr. Tom Craig, the officer in charge of the emergency medical facility, Severe Trauma Platoon 3. “What CAG said was that there were a lot of females who needed to voice complaints and that if we could get a female in the battle zone to talk to these people, we could probably help a lot of folks.”
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Marines use more bandages

There’s no such thing as a female Marine

A Marine by any other name ...

Tampa Military Headlines Examiner
M Jessie Barczak

"There’s no such thing as a female Marine” said Lance Cpl. Jordan Herald of Chenoa, Ill. “We do the same things, so there’s no reason to classify us any different.” Cpl. Herald was reacting to the publishing of a photograph of four women Marines at an Afghanistan patrol base, resting with their guns and helmets propped up against the dugout. Two of the Marines were snacking and one was tending to her bare left foot.

The four Marines appeared in a photo snapped by David Furst of Getty Images, in The New York Times’ front page above the fold. The fact that the caption made no mention of the Marines’ gender bothered Lory Manning, a retired Navy captain. “Isn’t it amazing? It’s just four Marines in a dugout. And nobody’s pointing out that it’s four female Marines,” said Manning in the St. Petersburg Times. Manning is the Director of the Women in the Military Project at the Women’s Research and Education Institute in Washington, D.C.
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A Marine by any other name-

Life as an American Female Soldier

What does the rest of America know about the war? Not much. These days, even I barely follow the news from Iraq. The headlines are always negative: "Thirty-seven soldiers killed today." And you're like, "I hope it isn't another one of my friends."


I spent nearly a year in Iraq. How do you go back to normal life after something like that? You can't just turn it on and off. Home looks the same, but I'm not. I'm harsher; I'll get in these moods where I go from happy-go-lucky to "get away from me." I have nightmares. I can't stand it when a balloon pops. I'm less trusting.

My husband works part-time at Wal-Mart, and I'm not working at all. After everything I've been through, I can't concentrate. I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder last fall. I'm not looking to the future anymore. I look at every day and how I'm going to get through it.


Life as an American Female Soldier
Hair falling out, periods on hold, and peeing in a cup: for female soldiers, life on the front lines involves stuff men never have to think about.
By Tara McKelvey



I signed up for the army in June 2001, when I was 17. They were offering to pay for some of my college education. I wasn't concerned about the possibility of going to war; I just kept thinking, This is going to be cool.

Two years later, I was a sophomore at the University of Illinois in Urbana, and I got a phone call from my platoon sergeant, who said, "Your unit has been put on alert." That evening, I went to see The Vagina Monologues at a local theater with friends from my dorm. I didn't say anything about the phone call. On November 11, Veterans Day, I was told I was being deployed. I quit my part-time job at David's Bridal shop and boxed up the clothes in my dorm.

In February, I went to a base in Kuwait, where you had to wait in long lines no matter where you were: in the mess hall, bathroom, shower. You were never alone. At night, I put on headphones and played Norah Jones to block it all out.

One of the most important things I brought from home was a photograph of me and my mom. I'm 1 or 2 years old in the picture, and I'm wearing overalls and a red shirt. My mom is holding me, and she's wearing a beaded necklace. When I was feeling homesick, I'd look at the picture. I also had a bright-orange University of Illinois T-shirt that I slept in at night. As soon as I got to Kuwait, I regretted not packing my flatiron. My hair gets so frizzy when it's hot outside — and over there, it was always hot. I finally had my mom mail me one.

In the military, they try to make things equal. Mainly, that means women are supposed to look like men. You can't wear earrings. Makeup can't be excessive. I didn't wear any, but I always carried ChapStick. Once, a friend sent me nail polish. She wrote, "There probably aren't many times you can feel like a girl. If you have some downtime, have a pedicure party." During off-hours, we watched TV. I got everyone hooked on Sex and the City.

I met another soldier, Sergeant [Ivory L.] Phipps from Chicago. He was in his 40s and had been in Desert Storm. He always had the Bible with him, reading Psalms. I felt calm when he was around.

On the evening of March 16, 2004, I arrived at a base near Baghdad. The next day, my friends and I were standing next to the laundry building at lunchtime. We had only been in Iraq about 18 hours. I saw Sergeant Phipps nearby. Then I heard the explosion. When a mortar goes off, first you hear a thunk and a second later — boom. It's basically just a shell filled with pieces of metal and random stuff. The shrapnel blows up and out, so you have to get down out of trajectory range.

Our squad leader yelled, "Get down!" and he grabbed me. I blacked out. Next thing I remember, I was sitting in the bunker. My heart was beating so fast. I could hear people outside yelling for help.

Afterward, I saw my squad leader carrying Sergeant Phipps's duty cap in his hand. It was covered in blood. I was like, "Oh, my God." Phipps passed on. In my time in Iraq, my squad lost five people.
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Life as an American Female Soldier

Soldiers arrested for beating homeless man

Homeless coalition protests vicious beating
By Jennifer Baker

Sensitivity training toward homeless people for the military. Moving all the homeless into available housing.

Those are just some of the proposals that will be outlined in an 11 a.m. press conference Friday at the Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, 117 E. 12th St.

The development comes after a 52-year-old man was severely beaten April 10 in a homeless encampment in Spring Grove Village.

Cincinnati police say four skinheads – including three active-duty soldiers in the U.S. Army – targeted Johnson because he is homeless. The four men had been out drinking in Northside bars before they went out in search of someone to beat up.

So far, three of the suspects – two soldiers and one resident of Norwood who is not in the military – have been arrested and taken into custody. The fourth, a soldier from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, remains at large.
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Homeless coalition protests vicious beating+