Showing posts with label warfighter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warfighter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How dare they use a Spartan for "resilience" training?

As a Greek I am deeply offended they decided to use a Spartan warrior to sell this. Spartan warriors were told by their mothers to either carry their shield home with pride or on it as a dead hero. There was no in-between. Spartan women were well educated, strong and were also trained for battle to protect Sparta when their men were off fighting wars. Resilient? That doesn't even come close to explain what they were all about. It was in their blood from birth. That was the way it was for them and to fail was not an option because they would all die trying.

This is not something someone decided they could be taught with a Power Point and ten hours worth of being talked to. Ten hours and the Department of Defense expects to train young men and women to suddenly become "resilient" and that would in some way cut down on suicides. You have got to be kidding! Especially when the Air Force comes out with something like this in their training.
"Thriving Through, Not Only Surviving Your Combat Deployment to Return with Honor? Are they out of their minds?

This gets even worse as hard as that is to imagine. Are they actually saying something like PTSD is a choice? After all that is the message the troops have been hearing all this time.  They didn't train right and it is their fault they are suffering.

"In Ancient Ethical Theories, Virtues were dispositional with Character Strength developed through the habit of choice
Virtues and Vices are both chosen, baed on what we perceive as "right action." We have choice or free will to properly control our emotions and behaviors.
Virtues are stable states vs. inborn personality traits, though some traits are biologically influenced.
Virtue involves repeated practice and correct choices until a habit of choice is built and guided by correct emotions The Marine Corps calls this Ethical Muscle Memory.
Army Ethics and Leadership Training (FM 6-22) expect a standard of character excellence known as the Warrior Ethos.
You can read the rest of this crap yourself at Warrior Resilience and Thriving It is pretty obvious they never read Achilles in Vietnam by Jonathan Shay or they would have never, ever come out with something that does more harm than good.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Operation Warfighter helps prep Soldiers for next step at Fort Hood

Operation War Fighter helps prep Soldiers for next step
By Heather Graham-Ashley
Fort Hood Sentinel News Editor
DECEMBER 6, 2012

With his exit from military service looming, Sgt. Eric Hegre is preparing for the next step, his civilian career.

The Warrior Transition Brigade Soldier visited a job fair Nov. 28 on post, then a transition assistance workshop hosted by Operation Impact at the Education Center, and continued his career networking at the Operation Warfighter Job Fair on Nov. 30, all part of Warrior Care Month activities.

Operation Warfighter, a federal internship program for wounded, ill and injured service members, helps pair WTB Soldiers with employers to help augment resumes and give Soldiers valuable work experience and skills to assist with their careers after the military.

“This is a great opportunity for these guys,” Erasmo Valles, regional coordinator, Operation Warfighter, said. “Something like this gives service members an opportunity to see they can still move forward and be successful, regardless of their issues.”

At the Operation Warfighter Job Fair, WTB Soldiers met with representatives from federal agencies that are seeking service members for unpaid internship programs, as well as personnel from colleges and services available to assist wounded warriors as they transition from the service. Any wounded, ill or injured Soldier is eligible for the Operation Warfighter program.
read more here