Showing posts with label The View. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The View. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2008

John McCain's View is troubling

John McCain was on The View talking about how we need to take care of veterans and other issues. If you notice, he does not look at Joy when he answers her questions.

The next part is that he also talks a great deal about how there needs to be a GI bill for education but the problem with that is, he has not signed the bill to provide this to them. I keep saying that while McCain wants to run as a veteran in order to act as if that qualifies him to be Commander-in-Chief, he runs away from veterans issues every chance he gets. His voting record for veterans is abysmal. His stance on taking care of the wounded, speaking out for the sake of the wounded and the deplorable conditions they face is opportunistic at best.

If McCain really care about the troops or veterans, they would be lining up to support him and standing by his side, but the truth is, Ron Paul pulled in the bulk of the donations from the military on the Republican side and Obama is getting the largest share on the Democratic side. Clinton comes next and McCain has been dead last. They know what chances they have if McCain takes over Bush's chair. It won't be more of the same. It will be worse than what it has been.

Yes, McCain is a Vietnam Vet, wounded, an ex-POW and could be dealing with PTSD, but that does not give him a right to treat veterans as badly as he has when he wants to claim the title of veteran. It's time the media started to ask him some real questions like he was asked on The View. We already had them anoint Bush when he was running, refusing to ask hard questions. McCain needs to earn the right to replace Bush and so far, it has just been handed to him instead. Back to the education of the veterans as a benefit, ask IAVA what they think of him and Vote Vets and all the other service organizations faced with monumental challenges because of people like him who only think of the veterans and the troops when they are forced to.