DeCaprio, a 64-year-old Army veteran who served in Vietnam, said he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after he saw an unarmed Vietnamese child shot to death. He was turned down 25 years ago when he asked for benefits related to his trauma, and he posed the first question to Biden: Why do so many veterans have to hire attorneys to win access to benefits?
DeCaprio said Biden pulled up a chair and sat down right in front of him to directly answer the question.
“He said it himself. A lot of the veterans from Vietnam fell through the cracks, the country turned its back on us,” said DeCaprio, who said some people spat on him when he first came back to the United States after the war. “I had to prove that a specific incident occurred for them to acknowledge that I had PTSD. (Biden) said today it is much easier to receive benefits related to PTSD. He did say that they need more people in the Veterans Administration to work on cases.”
Andrew Rocco, 65, also served in Vietnam and said he suffered from psychological and physical health problems from injuries, trauma and exposure to Agent Orange, a defoliant the military used to clear trees and brush from the Vietnam countryside. Agent Orange led to birth defects in the Vietnamese population, and nerve, digestive, skin and respiratory disorders to members of the armed forces.
Rocco said he has attempted suicide twice and has fought for years to get the benefits to which he feels entitled. U.S. VETS has provided Rocco with housing, food and counseling.
“My message to the government for us, and those coming back now, is: Be responsible for the people, for those coming back and those left behind,” said Rocco, who still wears his original dog tags around his neck.
DeCaprio and Rocco are supporters of President Barack Obama and liberals, but even some conservatives in the room appreciated the vice president’s visit.
“I won’t vote for (Obama and Biden), I’ll vote for (Mitt) Romney. I think Obama has done right by veterans, but I’m against his economic policies, taxing people to death, spreading the wealth,” said Marine veteran Damon D’Amico, 51. “What I really appreciated, though, was that the vice president told us, ‘Don’t be scared to ask for help. You deserve it.’ The whole thing made me feel good.”
D’Amico added that he supported the Obama administration’s efforts on behalf of veterans, such as allowing those returning from active duty to obtain professional licenses — for electrical engineering for example — more easily.
(click above link for more.)
Showing posts with label Senator Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator Joe Biden. Show all posts
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Biden escorts media out to talk to veterans openly
In the article Veterans appreciate Biden’s visit … and wardrobe on Las Vegas Sun, two veterans had a lot to say about PTSD, suicide and what they came home to.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Barbara West Orlando TV Anchor asked Biden if Obama is a Marxist. Shame on her!

So much for everyone working together. Barbara West did the opening remarks at the Orlando VA ground breaking ceremony I attended. I posted about how wonderful it was that people from all sides came together for the sake of the veterans. It really was great that everyone there was there for the greater good. Now, after this question from West, whatever she had to say for veterans, now seems like empty words.
West quoted Karl Marx
West quoted Karl Marx
"You may recognize this famous quote," West said. "'From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.' That's from Karl Marx. How is Sen. Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?"
This quote came after even Greenspan admitted that this is what has to be done to fix the economy of this nation. While McCain fails to understand that greed is not good and fails to understand what any economist is talking about, people like West use great words from a polarizing figure instead of a beloved figure like Christ who said basically the same thing. Gee, wonder why she did that?
This whole interview was not an interview a journalist would do but one a political attack queen would do. If she really cared about the veterans as she claimed the other day when she was standing in front of all gathered for the ceremony to begin construction on the VA hospital, she would have mentioned the fact that McCain has been voting against the veterans all these years. His record speaks for itself.
This is from the AFLCIO
This whole interview was not an interview a journalist would do but one a political attack queen would do. If she really cared about the veterans as she claimed the other day when she was standing in front of all gathered for the ceremony to begin construction on the VA hospital, she would have mentioned the fact that McCain has been voting against the veterans all these years. His record speaks for itself.
This is from the AFLCIO
Union members respect Sen. John McCain’s service to our country. When will he start respecting ours? Although McCain talks about his support for veterans, he repeatedly votes against increased funding for veterans’ health care—and more. We call on John McCain to join us in supporting our veterans and working to turn around America.
McCain Opposes the 21st Century GI Bill Because It Is Too Generous. McCain did not vote on the GI Bill that will provide better educational opportunities to veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, paying full tuition at in-state schools and living expenses for those who have served at least three years since the 9/11 attacks. McCain said he opposes the bill because he thinks the generous benefits would “encourage more people to leave the military.” (S.Amdt. 4803 to H.R. 2642, Vote 137, 5/22/08; Chattanooga Times Free Press, 6/2/08; Boston Globe, 5/23/08;, 5/26/08)
McCain Voted Against Increased Funding for Veterans’ Health Care. Although McCain told voters at a campaign rally that improving veterans’ health care was his top domestic priority, he voted against increasing funding for veterans’ health care in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. (Greenville News, 12/12/2007; S.Amdt. 2745 to S.C.R. 95, Vote 40, 3/10/04; Senate S.C.R. 18, Vote 55, 3/16/05; S.Amdt. 3007 to S.C.R. 83, Vote 41, 3/14/06; H.R. 1591, Vote 126, 3/29/07)
Opposed an Assured Funding Stream for Veterans’ Health Care. McCain opposed providing an assured funding stream for veterans’ health care, taking into account annual changes in veterans’ population and inflation. (S.Amdt. 3141 to S.C.R. 83, Vote 63, 3/16/06)
McCain Voted Against Adding More Than $400 Million for Veterans’ Care. McCain was one of 13 Republicans to vote against providing an additional $430 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for outpatient care and treatment for veterans. (S.Amdt. 3642 to H.R. 4939, Vote 98, 4/26/06)
Voted Against Establishing a $1 Billion Trust Fund for Military Health Facilities. McCain voted against establishing a $1 billion trust fund to improve military health facilities by refusing to repeal tax cuts for those making more than $1 million a year. (S.Amdt. 2735 to S.Amdt. 2707 to H.R. 4297, Vote 7, 2/2/06)
McCain Opposed $500 Million for Counseling Services for Veterans with Mental Disorders. McCain voted against an amendment to appropriate $500 million annually from 2006-2010 for counseling, mental health and rehabilitation services for veterans diagnosed with mental illness, posttraumatic stress disorder or substance abuse. (S. 2020, S.Amdt. 2634, Vote 343, 11/17/05)
McCain Voted in Support of Disabled Veterans Only 25 Percent of the Time from 2004-2005. While McCain claims he “has been a leading advocate” for veterans with disabilities, statistics show he supported the Disabled American Veterans’ interests only 25 percent of the time in 2004-2005. In 2006, that figure slipped to 20 percent of the time. (Project Vote Smart)
McCain Voted Against Providing Automatic Cost-of-Living Adjustments to Veterans. McCain voted against providing automatic annual cost-ofliving adjustments for certain veterans’ benefits. (S. 869, Vote 259, 11/20/91)
McCain Opposed Increasing Spending on TRICARE and Giving Greater Access to National Guard and Reservists. Although his campaign website devotes a large section to veterans issues, including expanding benefits for reservists and members of the National Guard, McCain voted against increasing spending on the TRICARE program by $20.3 billion over 10 years to give members of the National Guard and Reserves and their families greater access to the health care program. The increase would be offset by a reduction in tax cuts for the wealthy. ( Issues/9cb5d2aa-f237-464e-9cdf-a5ad32771b9f.htm; S.Amdt. 324 to S.C.R. 23, Vote 81, 3/25/03)
McCain Supported Outsourcing VA Jobs. McCain opposed an amendment that would have prevented the Department of Veterans Affairs from outsourcing jobs, many held by blue-collar veterans, without first giving the workers a chance to compete. (S.Amdt. 2673 to H.R. 2642, Vote 315, 9/6/07)
He Also Supported Outsourcing at Walter Reed. McCain opposed an amendment to prevent the outsourcing of 350 federal employee jobs at Walter Reed Army Medical Center—outsourcing that contributed to the scandalous treatment of veterans at Walter Reed that McCain called a “disgrace.” (S.Amdt. 4895 to H.R. 5631, Vote 234, 9/6/06; Speech to VFW in Kansas City, Mo., 4/4/08)
2003: McCain Voted Against $122.7 Billion for Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain voted against an appropriations bill that included $122.7 billion in fiscal 2004 for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and other related agencies. (H.R. 2861, Vote 449, 11/12/03)
2001: McCain Voted Against $51 Billion in Veterans Funding. McCain was one of five senators to vote against the bill and seven to vote against the conference report that provided $51.1 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as funding for the federal housing, environmental and emergency management agencies and NASA. (H.R. 2620, Vote 334, 11/8/01; Vote 269, 8/2/01)
2000: McCain Voted Against $47 Billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain was one of eight senators to vote against a bill that provided $47 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. (H.R. 4635, Vote 272, 10/12/00)
1999: McCain Voted Against $44.3 Billion for Veterans Programs. McCain was one of five senators to vote against a bill providing $44.3 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs, plus funding for other federal agencies. (H.R. 2684, Vote 328, 10/15/99)
1996: McCain Voted Against a $13 Billion Increase in Funding for Veterans Programs. McCain voted against an amendment to increase spending on veterans programs by $13 billion. (S.C.R. 57, Vote 115, 5/16/96)
1995: McCain Voted to Underfund Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain voted for an appropriations bill that underfunded the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development by $8.9 billion. (H.R. 2099, Vote 470, 9/27/95)
1995: McCain Voted Against Closing Tax Loopholes to Increase Veterans Funding by $74 Million. McCain voted against eliminating tax breaks and closing tax loopholes to provide revenue to restore some of the proposed cuts in Veterans Affairs spending. (S.C.R. 13, Vote 226, 5/25/95)
1994: McCain Voted Against Funding the Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain was one of nine senators to vote against appropriating $90 billion in budget authority for the Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development departments. (H.R. 4624, Vote 306, 9/27/94)
Central Florida veterans have been waiting too many years to have a hospital built here. Did West ever wonder how much faster they would have had one if McCain had really supported the veterans she claims to love? Did West ever ask McCain why he voted against all these bills for veterans or why he has received such low rankings from all the major service organizations? Has West even attempted to be a real journalist on McCain's record or on Obama's record, what he's done since he's been in the Senate or the fact that while McCain did not see fit to serve on the Veterans Affairs committee, Obama has?
West has just turned a wonderful day of unity for the sake of the veterans into something I will now remember as a bunch of empty words when it comes to the veterans who have been suffering. The same veterans I've been fighting for 26 years for. The same veterans who are turned away from VA hospitals, have had their claims denied yet served this nation and did all we asked of them. Too many have taken there own lives because people in the media failed them. They failed to report on the miserable records of politicians who voted against taking care of them. Now I put West into that category. Shame on her!!!
Senior Chaplain Kathie Costos
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington
Orlando TV Anchor conducts 'unprofessional interview' of Biden
David Edwards and Andrew McLemore
Published: Saturday October 25, 2008
"Are you joking?"
That was one of Sen. Joe Biden's responses during an interview with a Florida news station that the Obama campaign said was so "unprofessional" it canceled another planned interview with his wife, Jill Biden.
Barbara West conducted the interview for WFTV-Channel 9 and asked the Democratic vice presidential candidate if Sen. Barack Obama was a "Marxist," referenced a recent statement Obama made in Ohio to Joe the lumber about "spreading the wealth around," and was Biden "embarassed" about Obama's alleged ties to ACORN.
"You may recognize this famous quote," West said. "'From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.' That's from Karl Marx. How is Sen. Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?"
Biden did not immediately take the question seriously.
"Are you joking? Is this a joke or is that a real question?" Biden said. "It's a ridiculous comparison with all due respect."
For her final question, West asked Biden what he would say to the people "who are concerned that Barack Obama will want to turn American into a socialist country, much like Sweden?"
WFTV news director Bob Jordan defended the interview as hard-hitting journalism and rebuked criticisms of West as mere complaints that she didn't ask "softball questions," The Orlando Sentinel reported.
"When you get a shot to ask these candidates, you want to make the most of it," Jordan said. "They usually give you five minutes."
But the Obama campaign lambasted the station for its "100 percent false" statements that Obama worked for ACORN and for the "combative" nature of the interview.
click post title for the rest of this
By the way ACORN did what they were supposed to do when idiots decided to sign up fake applicants. They flagged the applications because they had to turn in all of them under the law. They also had to pay for them. ACORN was supported by McCain as well for the work they do, which for the most part has been fantastic for Democrats and Republicans and our Democracy. Does West know what a small percentage the fake applications are? Does she know this is not vote fraud because none of these fake names will show up to vote? Give me a break!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
What you did not hear in the VP debate

We heard a lot in the debate between Senator Biden and Gov. Palin. Biden is well versed and experienced. He was reluctant to admit that when it came between what he said about Senator Obama's views and what Biden thought was wrong has lead him to change his mind. This happens all the time when you have people speaking out with their own ideas and not being willing to listen to others. Palin came off as charming but was reluctant to answer all the questions, often saying she did not want to talk about the issue presented to her. In the 90 minutes of debate, what we did not hear was that while both candidates have sons in the military, how we take care of them when they come home was never brought up.
The issues;
National Guards and Reservists families dealing with the economy, loss of income and jobs while deployed, food stamps and foreclosures
Redeployments with the lack of dwell time
Suicides and attempted suicides
Backlog of claims to be processed along with misdiagnosis of TBI and PTSD
VA unable to keep up with patient flow in far too many states
The list is endless involving both candidates along with Senator McCain, who also has a son in the military. What we also did not hear is how McCain has voted against veterans funding with a deplorable record of actually supporting the troops demanding plans for conclusion of both occupations, demanding accountability for the waste of funds on contractors with cost plus billing, demanding accountability for the billions of dollars missing, as well as any of the factors contributing to the suffering of wounded troops within the DOD and veterans in the VA system.
We can talk all we want about Afghanistan and Iraq, the economy and the reputation of this nation, but what we cannot do is ignore the fact these things are all tied together. While we cannot end either military action today, we can and must take care of the wounded today. If we do not then when all the troops come home, we will be unable to take care of any of them. Right now, today, we have veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea and WWII, waiting for care and compensation. We have them suffering from TBI, PTSD, depleted uranium, Agent Orange, sexual assaults along with other illnesses directly related to their service to this nation. We heard nothing about any of this.
The only one to approach what the troops are lacking is the MRAPS that Biden brought up that McCain voted against. These men and women are not only serving the nation, they are Americans who are suffering because they served and it's time they became at least important enough to be included in every debate and speech given. They can argue all they want about who voted for what, which is important and brought us to where we are, we can argue about who has the best plan to fix what we are into, but if the men and women serving, risking their lives, continue to be ignored by the people seeking to control it all, then we have not honored any of them.
There needs to be a debate about the best person to take care of the men and women serving in the military and those who came before them. They need to be included in the speeches given by those seeking to head this nation. Every senator and representative running for election or re-election needs to address them with all speeches they give and hold their record accountable.
Senior Chaplain Kathie Costos
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Text of Biden's speech to National Guard in Baltimore
Text of Biden's speech to National Guard in Baltimore
The News Journal - Wilmington,DE,USA
September 22, 2008
Thank you, General Umbarger. It’s also good to see my friends General Frank Vavala, and General Hugh Broomall.
I come here today with a profound respect for the Guard.
I’m here as a citizen, who knows that our nation depends on the service of those who are civilians in peace, soldiers in war – not only to defend us abroad, but aid us when disaster strikes here at home.
I’m here as a Senator, who has traveled to conflict zones all around the world – Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq -- and disaster areas across America and seen the heroic work our young men and women in arms do to protect our citizens, protect our interests and to demonstrate not only the example of our force… but also the force of our example.
I’m here today as the father of a Guardsman. My son Beau is proud to wear the uniform, and proud to answer the call to serve.
And I’m here as the Democratic candidate for Vice President, knowing that you have served with great distinction time and again.
You have never let us down… but too often, your government has not given you all you’ve needed.
Issues affecting the Guard sit at the core of our two great national challenges – national security and economic security. Barack and I know that we need to strengthen both. That means supporting your missions at home and abroad, and making sure you return to strong secure jobs and a sound economy.
Yesterday, you heard John McCain claim that behind the positions Barack Obama takes “lies the ambition to be president.”
Let me just say this: after the last eight years, the last thing we need is more of the politics of division.
No one party has a monopoly on virtue or good ideas.
We can question each other’s judgments. That’s what elections are all about.
But we have to stop questioning each other’s motives and each other’s patriotism.
Whether we’re Democrats, Republicans or Independents, we all share a profound desire to do right by America.
We all put country first.
When John and I send our sons to war, they don’t wear a Republican flag or a Democratic flag. They wear an American flag.
Our only differences are on how best to protect our national interests, and serve our military.
And we do have differences.
Let’s begin where we are right now, right this minute.
We depend on you as never before.
More than half – 52% -- of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans are Guard or Reserve.
That has never happened before.
You have new and increased responsibility, but in my view – we haven’t given you the command and equipment in support of those new responsibilities.
But you never complain. You always step up.
It’s time for a change.
Change begins with giving the Guard a seat at the table. That table in the Pentagon where the Joint Chiefs sit.
General McKinley, I not only want to see your fourth star – I want to see you sitting there with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen.
Your men and women are serving and dying. Your voice needs to be heard.
When it comes to equipment -- to train on, to deploy with, and to have available at home for war or natural disasters – we have not provided what you need.
And that’s wrong.
Ninety percent of units have serious equipment shortages.
Collectively, over $100 billion worth of equipment has been left in Iraq.
And we’ve seen the consequences of that.
Simply put, the states have been left with the tab to make up for this equipment shortage.
Since September 11th, 2001, more than half a million reservists have been mobilized and deployed for homeland security missions and combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Every National Guard combat brigade has deployed at least once. Specialty units like military police, special forces, and medical units have deployed multiple times.
In Iraq and Afghanistan 870 members of the guard and reserve have given their lives.
6,785 have been wounded.
Of all serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have some 900 returning amputees, many of them Guardsmen.
And many who come home bear less visible – but nonetheless deep -- scars.
Roughly 320,000 -- nearly 20% -- may have experienced traumatic brain injury.
About 300,000 – nearly 19% -- meet the criteria for either PTSD or depression.
In 2006, the most recently recorded year, we saw 113 Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans lost to the enemy of suicide.
That’s a record number, and more than twice the suicide rate for civilians of the same age.
And multiple deployments have added to the financial and marital tension for many of your Guardsmen.
Reports show 11,000 guardsmen and women lost their jobs upon returning home – a clear violation of the law. That must stop.
Barack and I are going to set this straight.
And we have very different ideas on how do it than John McCain and Sarah Palin.
It starts with a guarantee that every returning veteran has the best health care available. We’re been fighting for this as Senators, and we’ll guarantee it as President and Vice President.
Shift the burden to the government: no more requiring a soldier to prove that their traumatic brain injuries are combat related.
Spend the money and hire the personnel to eliminate waiting time for the VA to decide on a disability claim.
Guarantee that any returning veteran needing a prosthesis will have the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art, for the his or her life.
And zero tolerance for veteran homelessness.
You know Barack is on the Veterans Affairs committee in the Senate. I watched him work with Republicans to pass a major law – with short term fixes and long term solutions – to end the shameful care we were giving our veterans at Walter Reed.
He strengthened programs to help homeless veterans… he fought for fair treatment of veterans’ claims and forced the VA to fix disparities… he helped ensure that all service members returning from Iraq are properly screened for Traumatic Brain Injuries… and he demanded a major national research effort into the readjustment needs of returning veterans.
He will see to it that all veterans – all veterans – have access to the VA system.
Military families need help coping with deployments. We’ll expand, Family Medical Leave to include reserve families facing mobilization.
We’ll add resources to help military families during deployments, such as more staff for Family Readiness Groups.
Because when soldiers go to war, their families go too.
John McCain says we’re a nation at war.
He’s wrong, we’re a military at war.
The only ones making the real sacrifice are those deployed, and their families back home.
Second, we’re going to restore your readiness.
That starts with increasing the end strength of the active military.
We’re going to increase our end strength by 65,000 for the Army, and 27,000 for the Marines.
Increasing the size of the active force means they can carry a heavier burden, allowing our Guard to have fewer deployments and more predictable deployments, with more time between them.
To cut down on equipment shortages, Barack Obama and I will end the trend of cannibalizing soldiers and machines from units back home for missions abroad.
We’ll consult with governors of the 50 states, so we know what the needs of their Guard units are – both for their combat missions overseas, and their domestic missions at home.
Remember in 2006, when it was reported that the Department of Defense was making plans to cut National Guard force structure and strength?
Barack Obama and I were two of the 75 Senators to send a letter to the Secretary of Defense strongly opposing those plans.
John McCain didn’t sign.
We believe we shouldn’t be cutting back on the Guard at the very time we’re asking you to do more.
Third, we’re going to make sure that you have opportunity when you come home.
We’ll start by putting the federal government on your side.
The Department of Defense, Department of Labor, Department of Justice – they have an obligation, each of them, to guarantee that laws designed to protect returning veterans are enforced.
A recent survey found that 44% of employers would not hire a reservist – even though that’s illegal discrimination – for fear that that employee might be called up.
The Department of Defense currently has no plan to ensure that businesses comply with re-employment laws for our Guard and Reserves. And the Labor Department and Justice Department have failed to vigorously enforce the laws which protect you, the men and women who have volunteered to protect us.
Seventy percent of Guardsmen work for small businesses, and DOD has no outreach program to small business.
You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your job in order to serve your country.
But your country owes you more than putting you back in the place you were before you left.
It owes you greater opportunity, because of lost opportunity.
And it all starts with education.
That is why Barack and I were supporters from the start of Jim Webb’s GI Bill – which allows National Guard and Reserve members to earn educational benefits based on their total cumulative active duty… instead of their single longest tour, the way they do in existing Title 10 programs.
Because we think that a Guardsman who serves three tours of 6 months should be credited for a year and a half of service, and not half a year.
John McCain is a friend, a patriot, and a hero.
But John and I have some fundamental disagreements as it relates to the Guard, and the interests of veterans.
John McCain voted against billions of dollars in additional funding for veterans’ health care – against $2 million for TBI research… against $500 million for mental health issues… against $400 million for inpatient and outpatient care.
John wants to ration veterans’ health care to those with combat injuries, which would mean that millions fewer veterans would have access to VA medical care.
And while Barack and I supported Senator Jim Webb’s bipartisan bill to update the GI Bill from the get-go, John initially opposed it because he thought it was too generous.
John’s version treated the Guard as second class citizens when it came to educational benefits.
Those are the facts. But don’t take it from me. Ask Disabled American Veterans, which represents millions of vets. They keep track of these things… John voted with DAV 20 percent of the time.
Barack Obama – 80 percent of the time.
Or ask the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. They keep track, too. They give letter grades, and they gave John McCain a “D”. Barack got at B+.
So as much as I admire John, I disagree with him.
Being a veteran isn’t the same as being there for veterans.
click link for more but you get the point. It's all been reported here. Biden didn't get anything wrong in his speech but he left out a few things like families on food stamps and ending up homeless because someone was deployed in the Guard instead of making their usual paycheck.
The News Journal - Wilmington,DE,USA
September 22, 2008
Thank you, General Umbarger. It’s also good to see my friends General Frank Vavala, and General Hugh Broomall.
I come here today with a profound respect for the Guard.
I’m here as a citizen, who knows that our nation depends on the service of those who are civilians in peace, soldiers in war – not only to defend us abroad, but aid us when disaster strikes here at home.
I’m here as a Senator, who has traveled to conflict zones all around the world – Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq -- and disaster areas across America and seen the heroic work our young men and women in arms do to protect our citizens, protect our interests and to demonstrate not only the example of our force… but also the force of our example.
I’m here today as the father of a Guardsman. My son Beau is proud to wear the uniform, and proud to answer the call to serve.
And I’m here as the Democratic candidate for Vice President, knowing that you have served with great distinction time and again.
You have never let us down… but too often, your government has not given you all you’ve needed.
Issues affecting the Guard sit at the core of our two great national challenges – national security and economic security. Barack and I know that we need to strengthen both. That means supporting your missions at home and abroad, and making sure you return to strong secure jobs and a sound economy.
Yesterday, you heard John McCain claim that behind the positions Barack Obama takes “lies the ambition to be president.”
Let me just say this: after the last eight years, the last thing we need is more of the politics of division.
No one party has a monopoly on virtue or good ideas.
We can question each other’s judgments. That’s what elections are all about.
But we have to stop questioning each other’s motives and each other’s patriotism.
Whether we’re Democrats, Republicans or Independents, we all share a profound desire to do right by America.
We all put country first.
When John and I send our sons to war, they don’t wear a Republican flag or a Democratic flag. They wear an American flag.
Our only differences are on how best to protect our national interests, and serve our military.
And we do have differences.
Let’s begin where we are right now, right this minute.
We depend on you as never before.
More than half – 52% -- of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans are Guard or Reserve.
That has never happened before.
You have new and increased responsibility, but in my view – we haven’t given you the command and equipment in support of those new responsibilities.
But you never complain. You always step up.
It’s time for a change.
Change begins with giving the Guard a seat at the table. That table in the Pentagon where the Joint Chiefs sit.
General McKinley, I not only want to see your fourth star – I want to see you sitting there with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen.
Your men and women are serving and dying. Your voice needs to be heard.
When it comes to equipment -- to train on, to deploy with, and to have available at home for war or natural disasters – we have not provided what you need.
And that’s wrong.
Ninety percent of units have serious equipment shortages.
Collectively, over $100 billion worth of equipment has been left in Iraq.
And we’ve seen the consequences of that.
Simply put, the states have been left with the tab to make up for this equipment shortage.
Since September 11th, 2001, more than half a million reservists have been mobilized and deployed for homeland security missions and combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Every National Guard combat brigade has deployed at least once. Specialty units like military police, special forces, and medical units have deployed multiple times.
In Iraq and Afghanistan 870 members of the guard and reserve have given their lives.
6,785 have been wounded.
Of all serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have some 900 returning amputees, many of them Guardsmen.
And many who come home bear less visible – but nonetheless deep -- scars.
Roughly 320,000 -- nearly 20% -- may have experienced traumatic brain injury.
About 300,000 – nearly 19% -- meet the criteria for either PTSD or depression.
In 2006, the most recently recorded year, we saw 113 Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans lost to the enemy of suicide.
That’s a record number, and more than twice the suicide rate for civilians of the same age.
And multiple deployments have added to the financial and marital tension for many of your Guardsmen.
Reports show 11,000 guardsmen and women lost their jobs upon returning home – a clear violation of the law. That must stop.
Barack and I are going to set this straight.
And we have very different ideas on how do it than John McCain and Sarah Palin.
It starts with a guarantee that every returning veteran has the best health care available. We’re been fighting for this as Senators, and we’ll guarantee it as President and Vice President.
Shift the burden to the government: no more requiring a soldier to prove that their traumatic brain injuries are combat related.
Spend the money and hire the personnel to eliminate waiting time for the VA to decide on a disability claim.
Guarantee that any returning veteran needing a prosthesis will have the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art, for the his or her life.
And zero tolerance for veteran homelessness.
You know Barack is on the Veterans Affairs committee in the Senate. I watched him work with Republicans to pass a major law – with short term fixes and long term solutions – to end the shameful care we were giving our veterans at Walter Reed.
He strengthened programs to help homeless veterans… he fought for fair treatment of veterans’ claims and forced the VA to fix disparities… he helped ensure that all service members returning from Iraq are properly screened for Traumatic Brain Injuries… and he demanded a major national research effort into the readjustment needs of returning veterans.
He will see to it that all veterans – all veterans – have access to the VA system.
Military families need help coping with deployments. We’ll expand, Family Medical Leave to include reserve families facing mobilization.
We’ll add resources to help military families during deployments, such as more staff for Family Readiness Groups.
Because when soldiers go to war, their families go too.
John McCain says we’re a nation at war.
He’s wrong, we’re a military at war.
The only ones making the real sacrifice are those deployed, and their families back home.
Second, we’re going to restore your readiness.
That starts with increasing the end strength of the active military.
We’re going to increase our end strength by 65,000 for the Army, and 27,000 for the Marines.
Increasing the size of the active force means they can carry a heavier burden, allowing our Guard to have fewer deployments and more predictable deployments, with more time between them.
To cut down on equipment shortages, Barack Obama and I will end the trend of cannibalizing soldiers and machines from units back home for missions abroad.
We’ll consult with governors of the 50 states, so we know what the needs of their Guard units are – both for their combat missions overseas, and their domestic missions at home.
Remember in 2006, when it was reported that the Department of Defense was making plans to cut National Guard force structure and strength?
Barack Obama and I were two of the 75 Senators to send a letter to the Secretary of Defense strongly opposing those plans.
John McCain didn’t sign.
We believe we shouldn’t be cutting back on the Guard at the very time we’re asking you to do more.
Third, we’re going to make sure that you have opportunity when you come home.
We’ll start by putting the federal government on your side.
The Department of Defense, Department of Labor, Department of Justice – they have an obligation, each of them, to guarantee that laws designed to protect returning veterans are enforced.
A recent survey found that 44% of employers would not hire a reservist – even though that’s illegal discrimination – for fear that that employee might be called up.
The Department of Defense currently has no plan to ensure that businesses comply with re-employment laws for our Guard and Reserves. And the Labor Department and Justice Department have failed to vigorously enforce the laws which protect you, the men and women who have volunteered to protect us.
Seventy percent of Guardsmen work for small businesses, and DOD has no outreach program to small business.
You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your job in order to serve your country.
But your country owes you more than putting you back in the place you were before you left.
It owes you greater opportunity, because of lost opportunity.
And it all starts with education.
That is why Barack and I were supporters from the start of Jim Webb’s GI Bill – which allows National Guard and Reserve members to earn educational benefits based on their total cumulative active duty… instead of their single longest tour, the way they do in existing Title 10 programs.
Because we think that a Guardsman who serves three tours of 6 months should be credited for a year and a half of service, and not half a year.
John McCain is a friend, a patriot, and a hero.
But John and I have some fundamental disagreements as it relates to the Guard, and the interests of veterans.
John McCain voted against billions of dollars in additional funding for veterans’ health care – against $2 million for TBI research… against $500 million for mental health issues… against $400 million for inpatient and outpatient care.
John wants to ration veterans’ health care to those with combat injuries, which would mean that millions fewer veterans would have access to VA medical care.
And while Barack and I supported Senator Jim Webb’s bipartisan bill to update the GI Bill from the get-go, John initially opposed it because he thought it was too generous.
John’s version treated the Guard as second class citizens when it came to educational benefits.
Those are the facts. But don’t take it from me. Ask Disabled American Veterans, which represents millions of vets. They keep track of these things… John voted with DAV 20 percent of the time.
Barack Obama – 80 percent of the time.
Or ask the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. They keep track, too. They give letter grades, and they gave John McCain a “D”. Barack got at B+.
So as much as I admire John, I disagree with him.
Being a veteran isn’t the same as being there for veterans.
click link for more but you get the point. It's all been reported here. Biden didn't get anything wrong in his speech but he left out a few things like families on food stamps and ending up homeless because someone was deployed in the Guard instead of making their usual paycheck.
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