Questions remain in Napa soldier's death
A friend says good-bye after the funeral service for U.S. Army Pfc. Jennifer Cole on Aug. 11. Family members say they still don’t know exactly what happened the day she died, despite repeated requests to the Army. Jorgen Gulliksen/Register file photo
Army says killing was ‘negligent homicide’, family told there was a trial
Register Staff Writer
Four months ago, Napa resident and U.S. Army Pfc. Jennifer Cole died in a non-combat incident in Bayji, Iraq.
Today, even with an Army investigation completed, her family still has questions.
Chris Grey, spokesman for the Army criminal investigations in Iraq, said this week only that Cole’s death was a negligent homicide. “We sent our findings to the appropriate Army legal commanders and legal representatives for disposition and adjudication,” he said.
Cole’s mother, Candy Gholson of Napa, and her father, Rick Mahanay of Oregon, are frustrated they have not been able to get the facts behind the incident that took their daughter’s life.
“I understand they had a trial for the guy who shot my daughter. I was told he spent 30 days in a military jail and was discharged from the Army. He didn’t get a dishonorable discharge, but the one just above that. But I have never received any paperwork to that effect,” Gholson said. “I just want answers. And it’s not easy trying to get them from a military government institution.
“I’ve heard three different stories from the Army about what happened the day Jennifer died,” Gholson said. “I want to know what exactly happened that day. There were witnesses. Why can’t the Army get the story straight?”
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