Wounded and Waiting troops let down by Sony Music.
by Chaplain Kathie
I've done over 20 videos on the wounded troops. Between Vietnam, the wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan, the female veterans, their families and two videos on trauma survivors with PTSD from other causes, plus homeless veterans, there has been only one dispute that could not be resolved. The last time, it was two songs by Toby Keith. The production company must have changed their minds and the songs were allowed. The problem is, the damage was already done. I had to mute the music so that video could be watched. I had to pull the video after the dispute was redacted because I couldn't get the music to play again on YouTube. It was still up on Google.
Wounded and Waiting is covered under Creative Commons because these videos are free, for eductional use and are free to pass on. I spend a lot of my own money buying CD's looking for the right one for a video I'm making. Even more hours looking for the right pictures. This video covered all the wounds they come back with. Amputations, burns and especially PTSD.
The song Leave No Man Behind was from Black Hawk Down. It was the perfect song considering what the wounded of Iraq and Afghanistan have to go through when they come home. Apparently Sony Music or Hans Zimmer have a problem with it being used to make people feel the pain the veterans are going thru so they can do something about it. It's really a shame. Of all the songs I listened to, this one hit the mark head on with the haunting music.
If you are a veteran, especially a wounded one, I hope you think twice before buying music from Sony. Apparently when it comes to leaving you behind, they are the first in line. If they are afraid they are losing money because this video was a help to veterans and a promotion of their soundtrack, they just got it backwards. This is not a simple case of file sharing some songs, it's life saving for our veterans.
If the video helped you, I'm glad and it was worth the effort of putting it together. For anyone trying to find the information on it now, I'm sorry you won't be able to watch it on YouTube or Google. It was pulled from there too.
Senior Chaplain Kathie "Costos" DiCesare
International Fellowship of Chaplains
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington