Kathie Costos
October 30, 2024
Tomorrow is Halloween, and I'm dressing up as a witch. (No shocker there for those who know me.) All across the country, kids will show up saying "trick or treat," even though they never expect the trick. People will enjoy scary movies and eat whatever candy remains. No one expects a trick. Some people are getting ready to pull on us.
I keep hearing that some politicians are planning to toss out votes. This is a friendly reminder that voters must prove who they are no matter who they vote for. Once this is done, the ballots they fill out are anonymous.
I've voted in every election since I was 18. Before voting, I had to prove who I was and where I lived to ensure I was voting in the proper precinct. Once I did that, I was handed a blank ballot. No one knew who I voted for, and the ballot was put into a machine without personal information.
I had to do an absentee ballot a few times in my life. I had to prove who I was, and the ballot was sealed without any of my information on it.
The ballots go into the same piles as everyone else's. Voting for the person you want in charge of this country's future is not only a treat but a privilege. When they win, you know you were part of putting them in office. When they lose, most of us accept it, but some will not be able to. They want to claim a trick was played on them, which was the only way the person they wanted received fewer votes.
Politicians will then play a massive trick on their emotions and say they want to toss out ballots. It may sound good until you remember how the process works.
If you believe they can find the ballot they want to toss out, it just means it is the one they don't like. Don't let them pull a trick on you, or it will get a lot more frightening the next time you want to use the power of your vote!