Sunday, June 26, 2022

What about our rights to believe what we choose to believe?

Kathie Costos
June 26, 2022

This was supposed to be a nation where everyone could hold their own religious beliefs and be equally protected under the law. So how is it that the beliefs of the minority of the country, became the law all of us are forced to live with? They use what they believe to remove the same right of others to decide for themselves what they believe!

What about our rights to believe what we choose to believe? The question "who gave them the right to take away our rights" was answered Friday, June 24, 2022.

Why on earth should any of us have to believe what the pro-birthers choose to believe? Why should we have to bow down to their opinion over anything?  Aren't these the same people who supported what Trump did to the country and his moral perversions? He lied about everything, yet they believed. He lied about losing the election, but they violated the Constitution laws about the transfer of power because they didn't like the outcome and refused to believe the majority of the country found Trump unworthy to lead this nation. Justice Thomas's wife had been active in attempting to overturn the election, and yet, he was allowed to participate in hearing the case for Congress to obtain evidence regarding those involved in the efforts to overturn a lawful election. We've seen the result of their "moral" opinions.

So how is it that the rest of the people in this country are supposed to yield our own beliefs, our own faith, our own choices to them? We aren't!

People are fighting back!

Florida's new abortion law violates religious freedom, a synagogue's lawsuit says

"As such, the act prohibits Jewish women from practicing their faith free of government intrusion and this violates their privacy rights and religious freedom," says the lawsuit, filed Friday in Leon County Circuit Court.

The lawsuit adds that people who "do not share the religious views reflected in the act will suffer" and that it "threatens the Jewish people by imposing the laws of other religions upon Jews."
‘It’s important to fight’: US cities erupt in protest as Roe v Wade falls

The claim that pregnancy is a gift from God does not hold up. 

If pregnancy is a gift from God, then why are there so many with birth defects instead of perfect bodies?

If pregnancy is a gift from God, then why do miscarriages happen? Is He taking the gift back?

If pregnancy is a gift from God, then why would God give a man a female child to rape and then cause her to become pregnant with his child and her sibling?

If pregnancy is a gift from God, then why would He use a rapist to deliver it by force on a woman? Would He deliver a gift using rape?

If pregnancy is a gift from God, then why would He give it to some evil person He knows will abuse that child, yet refuse to give the gift to a woman who will cherish that child? Do they think God doesn't know the hearts and minds of all of us?

It is not the human form that is the Gift from God but it is the soul that lives within all those born. What we believe is a personal issue between us and God. 

This used to be a nation where all of us had the right to be free to choose our own beliefs. Now we have judges on the Supreme Court because they lied to Congress. There should be laws against them. Oh, wait, there are! One more reason as to why removing Republicans from office is necessary for the defense of freedom for the rest of us! That is the only way our rights will be restored and impeachment of the liars can happen.

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