
Friday, August 28, 2015

Doesn't Ben Carson Know Killing the VA Means Killing Veterans Too?

There is so much pure bullshit going on with folks wanting veterans to vote for them but none of them have ever thought how they can deserve votes from the veterans community.

While it is reprehensible for the Jiffy John's (Senator John McCain and Rep. John Boehner) to admit they want to end the VA, it is even worse they stopped being ashamed of it.
More than two decades ago, House Speaker John Boehner said, he floated an idea that was controversial: Why not privatize the Department of Veterans Affairs?
The idea was soundly rejected by veterans’ organizations.
Now, in the midst of a sweeping scandal over allegations that government officials falsified reports on how long veterans were waiting for medical treatment, Boehner said yesterday that the idea still has merit.
“I still like the idea, and especially now,” he said.

John McCain stopped being ashamed back in 2008.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 21 2008 (IPS) - If John McCain is elected the next U.S. president, wounded veterans could be in for a world of hurt.
On the campaign trail, the Republican’s presumptive nominee has talked of a new mission for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and argued that veterans with non-combat medical problems should be given vouchers to receive care at private, for-profit hospitals – in other words, an end to the kind of universal health care the government has guaranteed veterans for generations.
“We need to relieve the burden on the VA from routine health care,” McCain told the National Forum on Disability Issues last month. “If you have a routine health care need, take it wherever you want, whatever doctor or health care provider and get the treatment you need, while we at the VA focus our attention, our care, our love, on these grievous wounds of war.”

Apparently Carson has been following McCain and Boehner's attempt to kill the VA instead of fixing it. Ben Carson suggests doing away with Department of Veterans Affairs. Ben Carson has a simple plan for fixing the Department of Veterans Affairs -- get rid of it.
Instead of the current system that provides treatment for veterans at government-run hospitals, Carson suggested that they should have a health savings account that would pay for treatment at any medical facility.

I think what’s happening with the veterans is a gift from God to show us what happens when you take layers and layers of bureaucracy and place them between the patients and the health care provider,” the Fox News contributor said Saturday. “And if we can’t get it right, with the relatively small number of veterans, how in the world with are you going to do it with the entire population?”
"We need seriousness here" is what he said but just proved he isn't. If he had a clue he'd know that Congress has jurisdiction over the VA since 1946 when the first House Veterans Affairs Committee was seated.
The Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives was authorized by enactment of Public Law 601, 79th Congress, which was entitled "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946."
Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
(1) Veterans' measures generally.
(2) Cemeteries of the United States in which veterans of any war or conflict are or may be buried, whether in the United States or abroad, except cemeteries administered by the Secretary of the Interior.
(3) Compensation, vocational rehabilitation, and education of veterans.
(4) Life insurance issued by the Government on account of service in the Armed Forces.
(5) Pensions of all the wars of the United States, general and special.
(6) Readjustment of servicemembers to civil life.
(7) Servicemembers' civil relief.
(8) Veterans' hospitals, medical care, and treatment of veterans.

Either they are evil or inept. After all these years they have not fixed the problems veterans have suffered from for decades. Did they have any ideas how to fix it for real or just ideas on how to come up with money to give to their backers while pretending to? If evil, then that would mean they just didn't care how many veterans had to pay the price between the time they started to kill the VA and when they ended up killing veterans as well!

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