
Sunday, February 22, 2015

VoteVets Want O'Reilly Off the Air

Progressive Veterans Group Wants O'Reilly Off The Air
Media Matters
February 20, 2015

VoteVets, a leading progressive veterans advocacy group, is calling on Fox News to take Bill O'Reilly off the air following revelations from Mother Jones that the Fox News host may have repeatedly misrepresented his experiences reporting on the 1982 Falklands War.

"NBC acted completely appropriately in taking Brian Williams off the air and looking into claims he's made over the years. Fox News has to do the same thing," Jon Soltz, chairman of, a 400,000-member organization that advocates for vets and military families, said in a statement. "The issue, for me, isn't that Fox has been caught off guard, and didn't realize O'Reilly was telling possibly false tales. That I can accept. It's what do they do about it now? That will tell us a lot about how seriously they take their news organization."

So far, the response from O'Reilly and Fox does not suggest that they take the apparent infraction seriously. Fox News media reporter Howard Kurtz published a piece featuring O'Reilly saying Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn is "a liar, a smear merchant, and will do anything he can to injure me and the network. Everybody knows that. Everything I've reported about my journalistic career is true."
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The same can't be said about when Bill O'Reilly denied there were homeless veterans in this country.
Jan 17, 2008
Bill-o's Assault on the Truth: On the website of the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs... In black and white... It states the sad truth about many of the men and women who served this country in uniform.

"Current population estimates suggest that about 195,000 veterans (male and female) are homeless on any given night and perhaps twice as many experience homelessness at some point during the course of a year." A grotesque statistic that Senator John Edwards has repeatedly cited during his bid for the presidency. Most recently, last night.

Ok, there you have John Edwards, Keith Olbermann and Paul Rieckhoff talking about something very real and the rest of the country finally found out about this. They could have found out sooner had O'Reilly and his team forgot about politics for the sake of these veterans.

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