
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marel "Butch" Verrando, Why Did You Attack All Veterans With PTSD?

Mr. Verrando,
Your conduct as a 'public servant' is reprehensible. You may think you just attacked one veteran with PTSD and it wasn't a big deal but you ended up attacking all veterans with PTSD in the process. Correction, not just veterans but firefighters and other 'public servants' risking their lives serving the public. You only had to worry about your reputation when they have to worry about their lives.

Your public contempt of Samuel J. Matychak III, his service in the military and as a firefighter is explained by how you ended up with the job as an appointee because you knew someone but didn't earn it. Had you earned the job, hopefully, you would have taken it more seriously than to sink to the level you reached.

Frankly I am glad that I had to go work right after I read the report on the Ocala Post. I was extremely tired since I was in Ocala last night. We went to a wake for a friend. Her husband served with my husband in Vietnam. My husband has PTSD and we heard it all before. The puzzling thing is, we heard thoughts like yours way back in the 70's when people had plenty of excuses to ignore what was happening to Vietnam veterans. Those days ended in the 80's leaving only the extremely deluded, ignorant and uneducated, all too ready to open their mouths providing a fascinating display of coordination as they managed somehow to tie their sneaker laces. Everyone assumed they were incapable of such a task since it required observation and practice but above all, a desire to learn how to do it.

Reading what you wrote it is hard to believe you had any interest at all in learning about what happens when people risk their lives serving the community removing any ability for you to think far enough about what it must be like sending young men and women into combat so far from home.
By the way it is not "alogations" but is
Allegations: a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.
Seems that you proved what you were inside when you attacked Matychak.
Marcel “Butch” Verrando, who currently serves the citizens of Marion County as a member of the Fire Advisory Board (appointment by Commissioner Stan McClain) and a former candidate for Marion County Commissioner, attacked a U.S. military veteran and former volunteer firefighter for Marion County Fire Rescue for suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on an online forum.

On Aug. 12, 2014, at 1:55 p.m., Verrando created a post on Marion County Political Forum, moderated by community activist Stan Hanson via Facebook, beginning with, “We have another Union sell out.”

U.S. military veteran (worked for the military in providing fire and EMS to troops in Iraq) Samuel J. Matychak III responded to the thread talking about his support for a candidate because of their “mutual stance on public safety.” Verrando responded on Aug. 12 at 4:32 p.m. with, “Hey at least I’m not crazy!” Verrando added after some discussion on Aug 15 at 7:43 p.m., “Mr Matychak, I need not even attempt to answer your alogations [sic] as you were barely making sense (again), is your lithium supply getting low?”

Matychak responded with, “Also Butch Verrando, you need to stop the attacks on my mental health because you are totally out of place. I am not a damn mental case and I am not on lithium. I dislike people who thinks [sic] they know it all. I will make it clear again, I served this Country from 2005 to 2010 in Iraq. Yes, I have PTSD. So, before you throw out accusation [sic], you better have the facts first or you will get burned.”

Verrando, at 8:12 p.m., stated, “Matychak I don’t ‘need’ to do anything…,” further adding at 8:14 p.m., “Gee Sam how could you have PTSD for being a civilian none combatant over there? Maybe too much time at the fire house [sic]?”

At 8:41 p.m., Verrando questioned how Matychak could receive such a diagnosis asking, “…so what major trama did Sam witness? That caused him to develop PTSD [sic]?”

Matychak did what no veteran should have to do by detailing in part what his job was in the military and what he saw.
Why did you do it? Bad enough you didn't think about one veteran but it must have escaped your mind that online posts are read by a lot more people than the one you are attacking. Do you do it often? Do you make it a practice to address veterans this way? Do you even care?
PTSD Veterans are not "crazy" and "lithium" isn't on the list of medications they are usually put on but after your performance in this exchange it seems you should check into it for yourself.
What is lithium?
Lithium affects the flow of sodium through nerve and muscle cells in the body. Sodium affects excitation or mania.

Lithium is used to treat the manic episodes of manic depression. Manic symptoms include hyperactivity, rushed speech, poor judgment, reduced need for sleep, aggression, and anger. It also helps to prevent or lessen the intensity of manic episodes.

Lithium may also be used for other purposes not listed.

You do not deserve to be on the job you were given. Many hope the "Advisory Board" takes the advice of veterans all over Florida and find you another job you'd be better qualified to do. You should have no problem finding employment selling used cars as long as you don't try to communicate online.

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