
Friday, August 29, 2014

Jonathan Shay continues "missionary work" for PTSD Veterans in Town Hall

Dozens gather to join forces in battle against PTSD
by Meghan Morelli
Posted: 08.28.2014

GRAND TRAVERSE CO. -- Post-traumatic stress disorder impacts 5.2 million adults every year. On Thursday, 7 and 4 News held a Your Voice, Your Future Town Hall on PTSD at Milliken Auditorium in Traverse City.

A panel of experts discussed the causes, symptoms, effects, and treatments of PTSD.

“It’s a widespread thing especially with a lot of the troops coming home nowadays and it’s something that more people need to be educated on,” said veteran, David Graves.

One of the experts was Doctor Jonathan Shay, a former staff psychiatrist at the Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic, Boston, where his only patients were combat veterans with severe psychological injuries.
Dr. Jonathan Shay
For 20 years Jonathan Shay was a staff psychiatrist at the Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic, Boston, where his only patients were combat veterans with severe psychological injuries. He retired from clinical work in May, 2008 to devote himself full time to preventive psychiatry in military organizations—what he calls his "missionary work." He is the author of Achilles in Vietnam: Combating Trauma and the Undoing of Character (1994) and of Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming (2002). He has been a MacArthur Fellow since January. He has written and lectured on a variety of topics relating to veterans for decades and held a variety of positions with US military institutions.

Linda Fletcher was also on the panel. She is a retired Army Nurse (Lieutenant Colonel) with a Masters in Trauma Nursing who has been involved in an independent study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for the last eight years.

Jacquelyn Kaschel, MLitt, CEIP-MH, PNH1 was another expert in attendance. She is the Executive Director of PEACE Ranch. PEACE Ranch is a center for experiential growth & learning where rescued, rehabilitated horses and licensed professionals help people dealing with a broad range of challenges including Addiction & Recovery, Behavioral & Emotional Issues, Marriage & Family Issues, Grief & Loss, PTSD & Trauma related issues.

Doctor Neil was the final panel expert at the event. He is a licensed clinical psychologist, has been in private practice for over 20 years. He has specialized in treating trauma for more than half of his career. Dr. O’Donnell uses Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and body based approaches to help those suffering from PTSD.
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