
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

GOP Leaders Fix for VA is to Kill It For Veterans

There two very different conversations going on across the country. One reporters are interested in, deals with veterans talking about how bad they have it when it comes to the VA. Hey, why not? Everyone else wants to pretend all of this is new. Then there is the conversation veterans with each other. In the veterans community we talk about how lousy things have been for decades but reporters aren't interested in old news much like they show little interest in older veterans as it is. For veterans and their families, this has been a different world.

As a reminder, we talk about how many of our elected officials have been playing a game trying to kill off the Department of Veterans Affairs so they can sell off the care of our veterans to private companies. That means more money for their rich friends. Why not? That seems to be their goal in everything else they do.
Boehner said Saturday that he supported the idea of “privatizing” the department two decades ago, and that he has a renewed interest amid allegations that government employees kept secret records to conceal veterans’ long waits for medical treatment and that as many as 40 died while waiting.

McCain talked about it when he was trying to get elected and he is proud of that idea as if there is anything to be proud of. What a disgraceful idea! It is like telling the rest of the world we'll start a fight anywhere but we'll give up when it comes to those we send to fight our battles.

This has been an ongoing crisis for veterans and families that has never ended because our elected officials would rather pretend to care than actually have to do something.

On this site there are over 22,000 posts going back almost 7 years and most of them are about congress talking about how bad veterans have it yet so few of them are about actually doing something to fix what is wrong.

Now maybe the American people will figure it out but it is doubtful. After all, they haven't figured it out after all these years and all the other times they have been pumped up with boiling blood pressures for about 60 seconds until the next celebrity scandal or reality TV shows grabs their attention. They don't seem to understand what privatizing the VA would do to veterans.

Ever hear of a hospital shutting down? Ever hear about delays in private hospitals? Ever hear about delays getting appointments? When it comes to private healthcare the congress has whined about the Affordable Care Act instead of fixing what was wrong. They whine about the VA instead of fixing what was wrong.

Can congress do anything right other than whine? Do they have answer for anything? Do they care about fixing anything or just complaining about it. If you think this is just as slam against Republicans, you don't read this site. Democrats as well as Republicans are responsible and they have gotten away with just letting veterans suffer for what they have failed to do.

We got wise to their games a long time ago. The only way to sell of the care of veterans is to kill the VA. Taxpayers will stuck with the bill no matter what but there will be a lot less veterans being provided with the dignity and respect they earned.

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