
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Congress spaming public

2nd Lt. Daryn Andrews, Staff Sgt. Clayton Bowen, Staff Sgt. Kurt Curtiss, Pfc. Matthew Martinek, Staff Sgt. Michael Murphy and Pfc. Morris Walker according to news reports these 6 soldiers died looking for Bowe Bergdahl. Why Bergdahl was captured and held all this time is still a mystery. One of the recent stories, hopefully, to be demystified soon. As of right now Democrats are flooding emails with defending what President Obama ordered and Republicans are flooding emails attacking his decision. All of them end up in my spam folder and deleted. I grew tired of political emails a long time ago.

The families should be supported no matter how they feel and we should all be seeking the truth. That is something that isn't going to happen very soon. Aside from supporting them, the rest of us need to open our eyes to one simple fact members of congress have little interest in talking about. The simple fact is, if it is true Bergdahl walked away, then the soldiers looking for him would have known that but they searched for him anyway. That is what most of them are like. He was one of them and they didn't want to leave him behind. I bet they did everything to find him up to and including losing their own lives.

We have seen too many generations sadly look back on all the MIAs left behind. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War have left too many and we've been searching for all of them for decades. Families need to know where they are laid to rest and to close the mystery. Many of them were heroes and many more heroes tried to find them.

As for politicians, this is another election year but so far none of them have held themselves accountable for anything.

They use the troops just as much as they use veterans. They pretend they are coming up with solutions no one else has tried before and then claim they have all the answers for everything else while holding themselves up as above having to answer for anything.

The two biggest stories last week were about veterans and Bergdahl. Congress has yet to answer for either one of them. So Democrats and Republicans fill emails with spam so that we think they actually did something to get their jobs back, but the trouble is, none of them can tell us how to get lives back that were lost for what they failed to do.

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