
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Man claims Call of Duty Caused PTSD

Don't even get me started on this one!
Man Suffers PTSD After Playing Call Of Duty: Ghosts, VA Denies Treatment
National Report
Posted about 8 hours ago

In a whirlwind of being denied treatment, fraught with crippling anxiety attacks, a 43 year old San Diego man says he has developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after months of playing the popular game, Call of Duty: Ghosts and complains of being neglected by the one group who could help — his government.

Peter Turk, who has reached the highest of ranks in the game, made the following statement on Myspace, last Friday evening: I leveled up to 10th Prestige, which is about equal to a Sergeant Major in the non-electric Army. I can barely function in my day-to-day life.

Speaking to the National Report, last Wednesday, Turk remarked, “I can’t focus on anything. If I hear a car backfire, I jump outta my skin.”

During a phone conversation with his cousin, Major Jim French, a double amputee, recipient of the Silver Star and inspiration for the Lifetime Movie, “I Wish I Had More Arms to Give to My Country,” Turk was shocked to learn he had been exhibiting many of the same traits as his comrade in the non-electric Army. “Jim also suffers from PTSD. He and I had the same experience, fought just as many belligerents, we’re both injured and were decorated by our respective leaders. Just because his leader is Barack Obama, and mine is Xbox Live, shouldn’t matter. We’re both heroes, yet he gets disability and I don’t.”

The game, which brings the horrors of war to average people in vibrant, nail-biting reality, matches up players in teams to fight against each other. Teammates and opponents can communicate through headsets, giving way to a myriad of shit talking and clowning. “There I was, hunkered down behind a tree in Prison Break, waiting for my relief and what happens? I get the shit blown out of me from a guy running around with a Kastet. He was on my team. He laughed and told me he tag-teamed my mom with Obama.” Turk believes friendly fire from shit talking teammates is the worst aspect and the hardest to overcome. “You know, these guys are there in the shiggy with you and they’ll blow you up for fun.”
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