
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is the press reporting or concocting?

Is the press reporting or concocting?
Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
November 7, 2013

On November 5 CBS reported "In the VA’s regional office in Waco, which includes coverage for all of North Texas, there are 26,353 veterans waiting to hear about their disability compensation claims. Records show, the average wait in the Waco region is more than 354 days, just shy of one year." But they didn't think too much about pointing out that the level of care our veterans receive depends on where they live. Sorry but it has always been that way.

California has the most veterans 1,844,803, followed by Texas 1,675,689 and Florida 1,543,496 as of September.

Reporters seem to have a habit of taking pieces of news and blending them together to finish and article by word count instead of words that count. We shouldn't have to spend hours checking what they report to be able to know if they are reporting or concocting the news.

I have been reading about Gov. Rick Perry fascinated by what he doesn't say while reporters pick out what words he uses for their articles. What Perry doesn't talk about in his speeches on how much he doesn't want government money for Texas, he did a great job leading government money into Texas.
Defense Contractors in State of Texas
Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded to Contractors in this State from 2000 to 2012 $390,829,059,645 (not a misprint)
Number of Defense Contracts Awarded to Contractors in this State from 2000 to 2012 278,929
Number of Defense Contractors in this State 16,178
Number of Counties in this State 254

This is even more interesting
Number of Contracts 25,914 worth $37,381,112,703
Number of Contracts 27,994 worth $35,900,626,180
Number of Contracts 30,348 worth $35,415,283,945
Number of Contracts 30,527 worth $28,760,895,955
Number of Contracts 32,305 worth $58,085,712,978
Number of Contracts 33,255 worth $38,805,187,615
Number of Contracts 25,614 worth $35,374,834,787
Number of Contracts 27,196 worth $26,507,277,382
Number of Contracts 14,612 worth $30,162,339,154
Number of Contracts 11,077 worth $27,401,472,302
Number of Contracts 8,474 worth $14,102,453,809
Number of Contracts 5,943 worth $9,935,604,210
Number of Contracts 5,671 worth $12,996,263,625
Then there are the bases and personnel
Major Installations Texas
Fort Bliss
Red River Army Depot
Fort Hood
Sam Houston/Camp Bullis
Ingleside Army Depot
Navy and Marine Corps
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station/Naval Hospital/Naval Station
Kingsville Naval Air Station

Air Force
Randolph AFB
Brooks City Base
Lackland AFB
Sheppard AFB
Air Force Plant 4 (formerly Carswell AFB)
Dyess AFB
Goodfellow AFB
Laughlin AFB

Coast Guard
Corpus Christi
VTS Houston/Galveston
Air Station Corpus Christi
Air Station Houston
Search and Rescue Station Freeport
Search and Rescue Station Port Aransas
Marine Safety Unit Port Arthur
VTS Port Arthur
Marine Safety Unit Texas City

Personnel Totals
Army 60,945
Navy and Marine Corps 6,909
Air Force 40,981
Coast Guard 1,409
Active Duty Military 108,835
Reserve and National Guard 84,721
Total Personnel 194,965

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs as of 9-30-12 Texas had 1,675,689 veterans.

Rick Perry talks a lot about his faith but while he has a right to believe whatever he wants, go to whatever church he wants, he does not have the right to use his power to enforce his faith on anyone. I don't recognize what he says as having much do to with what Jesus said of how He spent His days on earth. Jesus was a healer, so he would approve of people being able to go to a doctor based on need and not bank account balance. Jesus came into the world to be among the poor to give them hope. He wouldn't be slamming them as if it is their fault. He was also homeless, but I guess Perry missed that part of the New Testament or he would have notice Jesus depended on the kindness of strangers for food and shelter.

Jesus wouldn't approve of the death penalty either. Sorry but He was not only a victim of it, He stopped it from happening to a woman being chased through the streets because she committed adultery.
John 8:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Perry has the right to believe whatever he wants but he does not have the right to enforce what he believes on others especially when what he believes isn't what many others believe.

Matthew 6:24 New International Version (NIV)
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

As with everything else Perry talks about, the truth proves what reality in Texas is and under him, the veterans and their families, since many are on public assistance and food stamps and on government payroll, he forgets what supporting them really means.

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