
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy fracking Veterans Day, veteran forced off land

Veteran forced into fracking lease day after Veteran’s Day
The Morrow County Sentinel

Colum­bus, Ohio— Jim Hueb­ner, Mas­sil­lon res­i­dent and Viet­nam Vet­eran, appeared in front of the Tech­ni­cal Advi­sory Coun­cil on Novem­ber 12, 2013 to express his objec­tion to being forced into leas­ing his land to Ever­flow for oil and gas drilling, or manda­tory pooled, as part of the Sisko 1 unit.

The six present coun­cil mem­bers, Mark Neese, John Ack­er­man, Steven Grose, Dou­glas Gon­za­lez, Brian Mor­ley and Greg New all voted in favor to manda­tory pool Jim and four­teen other peo­ple. All present mem­bers work directly with or have inter­est in oil and gas drilling operations.

Dur­ing Huebner’s tes­ti­mony, he expressed con­cerns about the pro­lif­er­a­tion of urban wells in the area, the aquifers that may be adversely impacted and pre­serv­ing the neighborhood’s his­tor­i­cal integrity.

Everflow’s leas­ing man­ager, Les Dundics state that all but about 5% of the prop­er­ties in the pro­posed well loca­tion had signed leases. Chair­man, Dou­glas Gon­za­lez implied he wanted to ensure the other 95% of the sign­ers are able to “enjoy theirs” (min­eral rights). He said, “bet­ter off being manda­tory pooled and get­ting some­thing for their min­er­als instead of nothing.”

Hueb­ner rebutted to Gonzalez’s asser­tion that this was in everyone’s best inter­est. Accord­ing to Jim, res­i­dents were told by land agents that they were bet­ter off sign­ing because, if they didn’t sign, the com­pany would take the land and they wouldn’t see any­thing.
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