
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Experts prove they need to open their eyes to see answer on military suicides

Lisa Firestone, Psychology expert on relationships, parenting, self-destructive thoughts and suicide; author, 'Conquer Your Critical Voice' wrote a piece on the Huffington Post titled "Veteran Suicide Prevention: Getting To Treatment That Works" but failed to see that while they have been doing all this "stuff" oh the hell with it, all this shit, the numbers have been going up in a bad way.

How obvious does it have to get before the "experts" open their eyes that this shit does not work?
"Last year, more active-duty men and women in the military died by suicide than from combat. Recently released data from the Department of Veterans Affairs further shows that about 22 military veterans die by suicide every day. That means, on average, we lose a veteran to suicide every 65 minutes. The record-high number of military suicides in 2012 has left many experts seeking solutions to this tragic increase in lives lost. New treatment methods are bringing new hope, as they're used to directly target suicidality in veterans."
I told you all that I stopped playing nice a long time ago. I ran out of excuses for them. They started this crap back in 2007.
"One form of therapy that takes a targeted approach is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for suicidal patients (CBT), developed by Aaron Beck and Gregory Brown. This model draws upon some of the basic skills-training aspects of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, a form of therapy developed by Marsha Linehan that focuses on teaching skills that help a person to regulate and tolerate their emotions. One important element CBT adds could be described as state-dependent learning. Previous research had demonstrated that suicide attempters can learn skills in a non-activated state, but when they are triggered, they can't access these skills. Therefore, the final step Dr. Beck and Dr. Brown added in therapy involves inducing the suicidal state in session and essentially testing the person's ability to implement the skills they have learned, when in the suicidal mode. The therapist is there if it is necessary to help the person through the induced suicidal state. However, the goal is for the person to demonstrate their ability to calm themselves down when triggered and survive on their own. Therapy continues until they can do this on their own."
I left this comment.
Don't you see what the problem is here? Since last year was the highest on record for suicides, and attempted suicides, after they started doing all they are doing including Cognitive therapy years ago, if it worked, we wouldn't be seeing these deadly results.

There were over 900 attempted suicides in the military in 2011 but we don't know about last year because the DOD hasn't released the report for 2012 yet. The last report from the VA had 1,000 attempts per month but again, no one talks about them either.

What works has worked for the last 40 years and that is taking care of the whole veteran. Their mind, their body and soul. Until all that is done together, numbers will go up. I posted in 2009 if Comprehensive Soldier Fitness was expanded, the suicides would go up and they did.

The Suicide Event Report for 2012 has still not been released but no one seems to feel the need to explain why the hell it has been delayed when they collected the data LAST YEAR so it shouldn't take 9 months to release the report.

I am so tired of these "experts" ignoring what has been slamming them on top of their heads for all these years. Enough is enough. One paragraph told about the problem then she went right into what has become part of the problem but didn't see it. Why?

I've been studying the trauma experts for over 30 years now and most of them have the answers but they are ignored. PTSD requires specialized training in trauma or the clients are out of luck on the healing they should have been getting instead of suffering while listening to the wrong people. They are not being pushed into the abyss, they are being catapulted into it. Get them high on meds and keep expecting a different outcome when the real experts say meds only numb them and can't heal them. Keep making them face the worst thing in their lives over and over again so they can be terrorized instead of being able to actually make peace with their lives so they can see there was nothing evil in them, forgive themselves as much as they can forgive others.

Unless they wake up and actually research what has been done in the last 40 years they will keep pulling sheets over heads instead of putting hands around them.

If prevention, the therapy they have been using, the 900 suicide prevention programs, the suicide prevention hotline and the behemoth Comprehensive Soldier Fitness, or any of this crap worked, more would be alive today and more would want to live because they were healing.

Oh hell! If you want to know more than read my book on Suicides After War. Then you'll know what the real experts said about what they have been doing.

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