
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Congressional idiots don't do jobs but Military would work through shutdown

This isn't a political blog but I am sick and tired of Congressional idiots not doing their jobs while folks in the military and veterans suffer. They manage to do their jobs to the point where it could cost them their lives but congress can't even manage to work together for the sake of what they got elected to do.
Military would work through shutdown; paychecks could be delayed
Stars and Stripes
By Chris Carroll
Published: September 23, 2013

WASHINGTON – Military troops, including those in conflict zones, may have their paychecks delayed if elected officials in Washington can’t work out a deal to fund government operations in the new fiscal year starting Oct. 1, the Pentagon said Monday.

Large numbers of civilians could be temporarily furloughed, however, and it would require an act of Congress for them to get retroactive pay.

In a memo sent late Monday, Deputy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told DOD employees that the White House Office of Management and Budget had directed the Pentagon update its plans for a shutdown, as reported by Stars and Stripes last week.

As has been the case in recent years when earlier shutdowns threatened, military members will continue to serve regardless of the funding status of the government, Carter wrote. A large number of civilians would be furloughed if the government shuts down, he said, with civilians deemed necessary for the safety of life and property expected to be required to stay on the job.
read more here

They whined about Affordable Healthcare because there are problems with it. Ok, then why didn't they come up with another way of doing the right thing? Why do they believe government funded health insurance is fine for them but the American people don't deserve it?

They cut food stamps again never once considering that there are veterans on food stamps and a lot of National Guards/Reservist families need food stamps to make up for lost income because they were sent into Afghanistan by the congress. Wounded soldiers still wait for their claims to be approved but congress just whined about that too without ever thinking it is time to fix the VA once and for all so this doesn't keep happening.

They hold stupid hearings on things that really don't matter while billions are spent every year on PTSD and suicide programs that ended up producing more attempted suicides along with completed deaths leaving families behind wondering why nothing the DOD and the VA did worked. After all, these folks survived combat deployments but couldn't survive being back home and congress just funds the same programs that failed while they still whine about "Obamacare" that would at least let them find insurance coverage to cover what the congress screwed up in the first place!

Now they are facing yet another crisis because congress can't manage to get their heads out of their armpits long enough to do their jobs for the sake of the whole country. Something stinks in Washington and it is called CONGRESS!

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