
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why do some hate heroes?

Yesterday Ty Carter had the Medal of Honor placed around his neck. The White House released the full ceremony on YouTube.

President awards Staff Sergeant Ty M. Carter, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor for his courageous actions while serving as a cavalry scout with Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, during combat operations in Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan on October 3, 2009. Staff Sergeant Carter is the fifth living recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. August 26, 2013.

While the ceremony was well deserved, it was met with disrespect from too many people leaving comments. That bothers me. It bothers most of the people I know. How is it that some have no clue why they should separate the war fighters from the politicians? The war fighters do not start wars. They do not get to decide what nation to go into so even now as there is talk of military action in Syria, the decision is being made by politicians while the plans are being made by military brass.

We get to sit in our living rooms listening to reporters talk about taking action as if there will not be any repercussions. Simply they push for the US to do something never contemplating what will come next. CNN has been pushing for action for months as they show report after report but we only know what they tell us. It is not that it is all too complicated for our brains to deal with. We just never take military action seriously enough to pay more attention.

The first rule of war should always begin with a question. Is it necessary? That should be followed up with "What will it take to obtain the result the politicians want?" This must include the price the war fighters will pay and has to include taking care of the wounded.

That didn't happen after any war including Afghanistan and Iraq. The DOD and the VA were slow to respond to the crisis disabled veterans faced. They suffered. We complained. Then most Americans went back to ignoring them. They suffered more because we stopped caring. Too much for our little brains to deal with when we had reality TV shows to watch and contestants on talent shows to vote for.

Mindless people leave comments attacking the troops and Obama on this video from The White House. One left a comment that captures the type of postings going on.
caddy thunder 6 hours ago
How is Obama getting away with Treason? The United States government is using the NSA and the CIA to murder an estimated 13 million Americans at this very moment using Directed energy weapons from satellite and Electronic mind control to rape American children to suit the illuminati's needs. Obama is using Monarch programming for "child trafficking" in order to produce child porn and produce presidential prostitutes. Obama is a pedophile and he is raping and murdering children right now.

Think about that for a second. First this person writes that the NSA and CIA are killing Americans then goes on to the say a lot of other really stupid things, which is this person's right under free speech but not free from ridicule. None of us are given the right to say whatever we want and not be subject to someone else's opinion. If this person really believed any of that it would be really stupid to post it on the White House YouTube page.

The comments left on this are one more reminder of how people don't have a clue what they are talking about but seem to want to say it wherever they want.
Kathie Costos DiCesare 14 minutes ago
It is because they see things in simple terms. If they think the war is bad, then they blame the war fighters. If they can look past their own nose then they discover the truth. Politicians start wars but when you ask them why they were willing to die, the honest answer is, they did it for each other. It is easier to ignore what the troops go through if they disagree with the cause. They never stop to think many do not believe in why they have to fight but do it for each other.

Ty Carter earned the Medal of Honor risking his life for someone else. The truth is, they are all risking their lives for the sake of the men and women they are with. Ty wanted to talk about PTSD and military suicides so that he can save lives but the jerks leaving comments had a different agenda. The opportunity to talk about PTSD for too many veterans is lost because jerks feel free to slam the very people making sure they retain their rights to say whatever they want.

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