
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Biggest reason Obama sucks at his job

Biggest reason President Obama sucks at his job
Wounded Times Blog
Kathie Costos
July 8, 2013

I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. Both sides have been playing politics for far too long and we have been on the losing end. I just don't trust politicians any more than I trust talking heads on TV taking sides instead of reporting the facts and letting us decide.

President Obama hasn't been as bad as some say. As a matter of fact he has pushed for a lot of good changes in the VA to make up for the way Vietnam veterans were treated. He made it easier for them to refile PTSD and Agent Orange claims even though he knew it would make the VA backlog deeper. The truth is, Vietnam veterans were dying while the VA just denied them the care they wouldn't need had they not been sent to Vietnam. He has increased the budget for the VA. So while that is good, while he shows he cares, he has not shown that he understands much about what is behind all of this. Washington would not be pleased.
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." -- George Washington

No one president has done everything everyone needed. There will always be complaints from all sides. For me it is the fact that since has become President, military suicides have gone up every year and bottomless pit of funding has not slowed down. No one is held accountable. Is he afraid of the Joint Chiefs? Why hasn't he held them accountable for what has been going on in the military? Does he read the news stories or does he just trust the reports they decide to tell him about?

2008 Suicides
Air Force 45
Army 140
Marine Corps 42
Navy 41
2009 Suicides
Air Force 43
Army 164
Marine Corps 52
Navy 47
2010 Suicides
Air Force 60
Army 160
Marine Corps 37
Navy 38
2011 Suicides
Air Force 50 and 241 attempted suicides in 251 incidences
Army 167 and 432 attempted suicides in 440 incidences
Marine Corps 32 and 156 attempted suicide in 157 incidences
Navy 52 and 87 attempted suicide
Department of Defense Suicide Event Report for 2011

For 2011 there were 935 attempted suicides in the military with 915 individuals trying to kill themselves. 896 tried once, 18 tried twice and 1 tried three times.

While the total suicides for 2012 has not been released in the much anticipated Suicide Event Report researchers have been waiting six months for, this gives you an idea of what had been reported.
Army 182
Army National Guards 96
Army Reserves 47
Marine Corps 48
Air Force 59
Navy 60

The biggest reason is, as Commander-in-Chief more servicemen and women have died after combat than during it. It is not that he was not aware of any of this. In 2008 he showed just how much he cared when he went to the Montana National Guard while sitting on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and running for the office of Commander-in-Chief. Why? Spc. Chris Dana committed suicide and he knew then that much had to be done to save the lives of the men and women after they survived combat.

As for Congress we should have absolutely no faith in them since they have ignored this for far too long. No one has been held accountable. They want to keep holding hearings based on politics but this one issue that all Americans should join forces for has been met with hearing after hearing while no one hears anything new.


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