
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"27 Things to Know” is only mostly true

Reading the list within "June 27 is PTSD Awareness Day by Rebecca Matteo, PhD, Web Content Manager, VA’s National Center for PTSD" it showed there is much they still have left to learn. While they got most of it right, here is what they got wrong. You can read from the link what they got right.
To mark PTSD Awareness Day, here is a list of “27 Things to Know” about post-traumatic stress disorder.
Sexual assault is more likely to result in symptoms of PTSD than are other types of trauma, including combat.
FALSE They also claim most sexual assaults are not reported. If they are not reported, then how would they know? In general sexual assaults are "more likely" because it happens more often in the general population than troops go into combat.

Social support is one of the greatest protective factors against developing PTSD after trauma.
FALSE if they do not feel comfortable talking about what happened, what is going on with them or worse, end up with a bad response, it does not help.

Research suggests that social support is an even more important resilience factor for women than men.
FALSE see answer above

PTSD does not cause someone to be violent.
FALSE If they have you on some medications, it can make you violent. Anger is a huge issue with veterans but once you make peace with others and yourself, anger usually subsides.

Many people recover completely from PTSD with treatment.
FALSE, it cannot be cured. It can be healed and you can live a better life. The sooner you get the proper help, the better the results. Vietnam veterans have proven it is never too late to get help but why suffer all those years when they know more now?

PTSD treatment has been shown to decrease suicidal ideation.
FALSE the majority of veteran suicides happened after they went for help. 57% committed suicide after seeking help a report from Senator Joe Donnelly when he presented his latest bill.

Research suggests that variations in a number of genes may be risk factors for developing PTSD after trauma.
FALSE it is not genetic. Few researchers have linked PTSD to genes so important to notice the "may be" since PTSD does not run in families but trauma does. There is a side of PTSD that is not talked about often enough and that is secondary PTSD caused by living with someone with PTSD. It can also hit therapists.

This one they got right but the DOD may not have.
People who have PTSD also have a higher risk for substance use disorders.
TRUE it is called self-medicating

1 comment:

  1. Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. is a scam artist and Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School.
    It's a shame Dr. Anne Speckhard will take advantage of her patients suffering from PTSD. Anne Speckhard Ph.D will scam her patients into signing book deals with Advances Press and profit from her patients situation. This only compounds her patients PTSD!


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