
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Master Sgt. reprimanded over Defense of Marriage

The headline is a bit of a spin when this was more about publicly expressing his views on what the DOD has different rules for. This wasn't about serving "Chick-fil-A" but more about what he feels. I believe he has a right to feel whatever he wants to but in position of some authority of rank, he does have an obligation to the men and women serving under him. Still this article points out all the other times when it seems religious and military life are colliding. There are too many times when the military has let things got totally out of control like forcing soldiers to go to a Christian concert but now it seems as if they are trying to stop all matters of faith. Can anyone get any of this right?
Soldier Reprimanded Over Promotion Party Featuring Chick-fil-A Sandwiches
The New American
Written by Dave Bohon
07 June 2013

A U.S. Army soldier was disciplined after he hosted a party for his promotion to the rank of master sergeant and served Chick-fil-A sandwiches in honor of traditional marriage. The unidentified serviceman's promotion coincided with the controversy that erupted last year over Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy's comments in favor of traditional marriage. Homosexual activist groups launched a high-profile boycott of the fast-food chain, which backfired when tens of thousands of Christians nationwide countered with a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” that brought record sales for the company.

According to Ron Crews of the group Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, the serviceman was investigated, reprimanded, threatened with judicial action, and given a bad efficiency report after he sent invitations that read, “In honor of my promotion and in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at my promotion party.”

Crews told Fox News that Army officials said the soldier was “no longer a team player and was not performing up to standards. This is just one little example of a case of a soldier just wanting to express his views and now he’s been jumped on by the military.”

Shortly after the serviceman's promotion party in the summer of 2012, he was sent a letter of reprimand, which took exception to his serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his party, along with his support of the federal Defense of Marriage Act — which continues to be the law of the land.

Following the action against him the soldier contacted Crews and the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, which put him in touch with an attorney to defend him. Crews said that a year after what should have been a non-issue, the dedicated service member continues to be targeted by the Army. “There was initially some talk of bringing judicial punishment against him,” Crews told Todd Starnes of Fox News. “He had a letter put in his file and an investigation was initiated to see if he had violated any policy.”

Crews added that the man had served his country faithfully and “was at the pinnacle of his career. To make that rank means you’ve done very well throughout your career. He wants to finish serving his time honorably.”
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