by Kathie Costos
Wounded Times Blog
May 14, 2013
AP blasts feds for phone records search but it was done legally with subpoenas and in the category of National Security, much like Congress had no problems with when so many surveillance tactics were going on in the Bush administration. Now it appears Congress is suddenly appalled.
There is a fight over Benghazi talking points that has been going on in Congress as if they had no role in any of it considering they cut funding for security for embassies. There have already been more hearings on Benghazi than they had after 9-11 and that is pretty disgusting. Remember the families that were left behind after almost 3,000 people were killed and every defense this nation had all failed actually had to force congress to ask how it all happened?
The IRS targeted conservative groups and again much like what went on before but not for the reasons you'd think. Groups say they intend to do one thing but end up doing something else. We all hit the roof when we heard "church" people crossing the line into politics. I bet if reporters really wanted to uncover the truth they'd take a look at every election and see the same thing going on that had nothing to do with political sides but was about holding non-profits accountable to the other tax payers in this country. That is if they felt like really investigating.
All this matters but most of us are wondering how much these stories really matter to us. Where are our lives in any of these reports? Where are the jobs Speaker of the House John Boehner used to whine about during the election? Guess he figured they really don't matter. Or is a matter of he had no intention of doing something for us for real? What about healthcare and the "Obamacare" he is hell bent on ending instead of fixing? Does he think it is ok for us to not be able to go to a doctor when we are sick?
Then we had sequestration and the massive cuts. When the cuts effected the lives of Congress they acted fast to fix it. Remember the issues at the airports? Sure they fixed that but didn't manage to make sure old people had meals to eat and poor people were able to get cancer treatments. Members of Congress love to say how much they love the troops but when these cuts hit them and their families, well, sorry folks but they don't have time to do anything for military families.
This was the top story on CNN

Why? Because it is a celebrity or because breast cancer matters to a lot of women? I think it is a combination of both. CNN must have known this story would matter more than the rest of the stuff going on.
So why not the stories that do matter to all of us? What about tell us the truth on them? What about investigations into what Congress has not been doing? What about investigating what they have not been holding hearings on?
Do you know Congress has not held one hearing on the massive amounts of money being spent every year on "suicide prevention" in the military? No hearings on the ever growing number of charities popping up raising enormous sums of money while veteran suicides and military suicides have gone up. No hearings on what the Department of Defense spends along with the VA, National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Health and Human Services any more than they investigate who should be held accountable.
This is why I am an Independent. I've seen too much nonsense coming out of both sides while people suffer. Congress has a responsibility to all tax payers since the American people pay their salaries. Who is holding hearings on what Congress does? Who is holding them accountable? It isn't the people in their districts, that is for sure. There are too many people putting the "D" or "R" as the only reason they vote. Maybe if things suck enough for them they will start making sure they hold the people they do vote for accountable but I doubt it.
Saying "no" or calling for something to be ended is not the solution and it is doubtful they have any answers other than playing political games. They should ask questions and get answers but when the answer is the truth, they shouldn't keep asking until they get the answer they want to hear. They should find out what kind of shenanigans the IRS has been up to just as much as they should make sure Associated Press was investigated legally. The truth is someone needs to be investigating members of congress at this point because the rest of us are paying for what they have failed to do and reporters haven't been too interesting in doing the jobs they used to do.
We're all screwed!
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