Congress has become more like zombies on attack than humans in control. All the time wasted on "Obamacare" the IRS and Benghazi while we are forgotten about.
So here are some truths they need to obtain some brains to remember.
Military Sexual Assaults
They keep holding hearings on this but nothing has changed other than there are more of them. This is a crime. So what's the problem? Put them on trial.
Military Suicides.
If I read one more damn attempt to prevent them tied to the killer "resilience" training, after they have already spent billions I will push for the families to file a class action lawsuit. How do you have numbers go up after they created over 900 programs to prevent them? Anyone paying attention? Is the media? Hell no. The only time they pay attention is when a local newspaper talks to the families when it is too late to do anything.
Congress whined "where are the jobs" during the election but have we seen one bill to create any? No. We saw sequestration actually cut jobs including getting rid of jobs for the military. The number one job they pick after service is in public service.
The elderly
Well they got away with cutting funding for things like meal on wheels that provided the one good meal of the day for the elderly. Grandma went without food but they managed to move really fast when it came being able to fly back home without waiting in terrible lines. Imagine that. And they thought we wouldn't notice?
While they keep voting on ending Obamacare they ended up hurting poor people getting treatment for cancer. WOW. How did they pull that one off?
The biggest culprit in all of this are major news networks because congress made their jobs easy. Letting the zombies talk doesn't require much work at all for them.
The IRS it turns out that Isa knew what was going on last year along with the fact it was not just tax exempts tied to Republicans but they went after ones tied to Democrats.
Congress cut funding for security for the State Department.
In all of this, they just want to forget that it was their job to do all this work but they failed and the rest of us suffered.
I know a lot of level headed Republicans and they are freaked out over what has been going on in Washington. Just wish the media did their jobs and held them accountable like they used to do.
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