
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jane Fonda always the actress, never accountable

In this video she apologizes for the photo but not for what she said afterwards. She is a good actress like I said earlier, but watching this video, it is like she is reading a script instead of actually speaking from the heart. Again, reminder about what she called the POWs

Fonda called the returning POWs "hypocrites and liars"

First, Fonda is a good actress but she does her acting getting paid to play a role in a movie and does it splendidly even when she is not getting paid. Does she regret what she did during the Vietnam War? Probably but since she is so good at acting, we'll never know if she regrets it because she now sees what she did was wrong or is it just because she is hated so many years after she did it.

The fact she said "get a life" shows that she still doesn't see while she did what she wanted to do going to Vietnam, the troops were there doing what they had to do because this nation decided to help support South Vietnam. They were doing it for someone else. Fonda, well, she claimed she was doing it "to end the killing and stop the war, but that came only after she was attacked for not saying anything about the students killed at Kenn State. After that she suddenly seemed to have been more about joining the crowd blaming the troops and screaming at veterans.

She did a lot wrong starting with going to Vietnam by choice in the first place. Made it worse by this.
During her trip, Fonda made ten radio broadcasts in which she denounced American political and military leaders as "war criminals". Fonda has defended her decision to travel to North Vietnam and her radio broadcasts. Also during the course of her visit, Fonda visited American prisoners of war (POWs), and brought back messages from them to their families. When cases of torture began to emerge among POWs returning to the United States, Fonda called the returning POWs "hypocrites and liars".

That was in 1972 and she finally said she regretted it in 1988, again when there was an uproar over another movie and she said "I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes." Followed by some lame ass apology for everything else but she seemed to have regretted the picture the most. Amazing!

That is the biggest problem with free speech. We can all say what we want but it does not require everyone else to listen politely. It does not mean there are no consequences to what is said. She made the choice to go there. She made the choice to say what she said and believe what she did. She made the choice to attack the men and women risking their lives. That is something she will have to live with the rest of her life because the men and women who served during all those years have to live with being a veteran the rest of their lives and the way they were treated by people like Fonda. That is something she will never understand because I doubt she has ever done anything that was not for her own glory including what she did in the name of the causes she got involved with.

In a 60 Minutes interview on March 31, 2005, Fonda reiterated that she had no regrets about her trip to North Vietnam in 1972, with the exception of the anti-aircraft-gun photo. She stated that the incident was a "betrayal" of American forces and of the "country that gave me privilege."
If you want to know more Wikipedia has a pretty good section on it. Click above and read it. For me, I think she is just too selfish to ever understand how what she did so long ago is something she will be held accountable for no matter if she likes it or not. Her trip there was a year after my husband came home.
Jane Fonda to veterans boycotting movie: 'Get a life'
APRIL 12, 2013

Jane Fonda, the actress known as "Hanoi Jane" for her actions during the Vietnam War, has a simple message to veterans and others who are boycotting "The Butler,” a movie in which she plays Nancy Reagan, Fox News reported Thursday.

"Get a life," she told the Hollywood Reporter.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran who founded the "Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan" Facebook page, said the choice of Fonda for the role was the moviemakers way of "giving people like me the middle finger."

“Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” he told FOX411.

“Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face,” he added.
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