
Thursday, February 14, 2013

No Purple Hearts for being shot, no medals for saving lives at Fort Hood

No Purple Hearts for being shot, no medals for saving lives.

This is the biggest reason it should be considered "Combat related" because had this been in Iraq or Afghanistan and they were taken by surprise, unarmed, they would have been treated as combat wounded. This was actually worse than that simply because it happened in one of the most "safest" places in this country. A military base called Fort Hood.
Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and is treating the incident as "workplace violence" instead of "combat related" or terrorism.

If you have never been to Fort Hood, it is the size of a small city. It is where families live, shop, go to school and no one is walking around with guns. That is why the damage done by this attack did more harm than anything else. The murderer was one of their own, promoted no matter what was known about him or what superiors were concerned with. The soldiers deserved so much better before this happened and afterwards, so much more than what they got.
Members of Congress Demand Obama Administration Classify Ft. Hood Attack as an "Act of Terrorism"
ABC News
Feb. 13, 2013

In the wake of an ABC News story detailing claims by victims of the Fort Hood shooting that they have been neglected by the military and 'betrayed' by President Obama, the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee has sent a letter to his fellow members of Congress demanding that the Obama administration classify the attack as a terrorist act and provide full benefits to the victims and their families.

"It is time for the administration to recognize the Fort Hood shooting for what it is—an act of terrorism," wrote Rep. Michael McCaul, R.-Texas, in a letter cosigned by Rep. Frank Wolf, R.-Virginia. "To date, the Department of Defense and the Army classify this attack [as] 'workplace violence,' despite mountains of evidence [that] clearly proves the Ft. Hood shooting was an act of terror."

The letter recommends that members of Congress view the ABC News report, "which highlights the broken promises made to the victims of that attack by the Obama Administration. The video contains never-seen-before footage of the terrorist attack and moving interviews with several of the survivors."

"As this news piece makes clear," wrote McCaul and Wolf, "the result of this inexcusable [workplace violence] classification … is that victims and their families have not received the same recognition or medical and financial benefits as those wounded or killed in war."
read more here

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