
Friday, January 25, 2013

Marine Clay Hunt's life causes action for saving others

Combat veteran, Marine, Clay Hunt committed suicide and his life mattered so much more than he thought it did.
A Tragic Veteran Suicide Spawns An Entrepreneurial Call to Action
Shaun So, Contributor
January 24, 2013

Sergeant Clay Hunt killed himself on March 31, 2011. He was a 28-year old Marine Corps Purple Heart recipient with multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Hunt also suffered from post traumatic stress disorder.

At his funeral, two close friends and fellow co-founders of Team Rubicon, Sgt. William McNulty and Sgt. Jacob Wood discovered that Hunt had additional Marine Corps friends that had actually resided within a 15-mile radius where Hunt had lived.

However, none of those nearby Marines knew Hunt was in need, let alone that he was just a few miles away.

POS REP, short for ‘position report’, was conceived by McNulty, Wood and Anthony Allman, another military veteran-turned entrepreneur, to prevent the next Clay Hunt tragedy.

This mobile application provides a location-enabled, social network exclusively for the military veteran community. While POS REP’s main purpose is to reconnect veterans who served together, its underlying significance is to connect veterans to peers and resources within their communities.
read more here

1 comment:

  1. Very innovative network set up but it's too bad that Marine Clay Hunt did not have that tool when he needs it the most! Bless him and his family and friends! I first learned about Clay Hunt tonight after watching the story on CBS! You will not be forgotten! G- from NY


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