
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Congress:Common sense left the building


When I said it was all about money, looks like I was right. I asked "Why does the NRA want you to be afraid" and thought it was because of what ended up happening with rush to buy guns they are running out of stock. Today there was another piece of information "Gun Makers: Assault Weapons Ban Will Kill Jobs"

So what are they trying to say? Is it assault weapons are good for the economy? Well guess they must be since they cost so much more than what NORMAL gun owners buy but then they also help the economy when funeral directors have to take care of all the bodies like they did in Newtown. Is this the price they think the American people are willing to pay for their rants? This pretty much proves that when it comes to gun rights the NRA always says they are "protecting" they are protecting their own pockets and do not give a crap about how many have to die in the process. By the way, lots of businesses closed down but the gun industry is here to stay because NORMAL gun owners BUY NORMAL GUNS! They don't buy Gatling Guns

If FDR had to work with the 112th or 113th congress, the world would be speaking German right now. Common sense left the building. Right now, aside from a long list, Congress is threatening to shut down the government, which means troops won't get paid, disabled veterans won't get their checks and the damage will spread out across the entire nation because some yahoo elected by his district and paid by, you guessed it, the federal government no matter if they get their jobs done or not, decided it was better to whine than it is to do the right thing. Yet we expect these cowards that can't stand up for what the majority of the nation wants to be in any kind of position to decide if we go to war again or not? How did that work out so far?

I can't help it.

When this nation committed to WWII, we didn't have the money do to it but it had to be done, everyone in this nation stood behind them, rolled up their sleeves and they got it done. The troops came home to a grateful nation and were taken care of with Congress standing standing up for them, not whining about the financial debt sending them created. They can't do the same now.  VA claims trap the in a system putting an extra burden on them and then there are all the suicides tied to military service with families and a long list of people who cared about them grieving.

The last Congress didn't do anything other than whine about the debt they created. Yep. They did it. See the simple truth they don't want us to notice is that Congress spends the money, not the President. We had two wars being fought since October of 2001 but they were not in the budget and were not paid for until President Obama put them in his budget, then gave that to Congress, which became part of the recorded debt they point fingers at. It was, as an ex-Bostionian still says, a wicked pissa of a trick since they haven't managed to pass a budget in years.

They whined about unemployment but didn't come up with any bills to put us back to work, then blamed Obama for few jobs being created at the same time they cut the federal work force. Bad enough? Hardly.

They turned around and then wanted to cut and gut the rest of the programs the elderly, disabled, poor and needy needed while whining about the "job creators" and wealthy needing the tax cuts for them right after they said they were not creating jobs basically proving everything they claimed was a bunch of hogwash.

Ok, so now we have them talking about the NRA and how they will not ban assault weapons pointing fingers at everything but the weapons. They blame the mentally ill for having them but yet again, they don't want you do see what is right in front of your face and it is all equal to dollar signs.

Smith and Wesson has a handgun for "personal protection and professional duty" called "Bodyguard" for $509.00. The capacity of this gun is 5 rounds.

Bushmaster has an "16" MOE" with 30-round Magpul® for $1,298.20.

"George K. Kollitides II, the chief executive of Freedom Group—which made the Bushmaster military-style assault rifle used in the Newtown massacre—was appointed as a member of the current committee, despite his failed attempts to be elected to the NRA board."

The NRA Board of Directors is fascinating to read. While it is true that the majority of NRA members are supporting laws that will take assault weapons out of the hands of "evil" people the NRA has said this is a matter of gun owners right. Is is about "rights" or is it more about money? Why wouldn't the NRA listen and value their own members?

The answer is above. It is all about money. The Bushmaster and the bullets this weapon uses are far more expensive to gun buyers than a handgun. Mentally ill people will be here forever and while the NRA talks about them they never once explain the simple fact that if they were not able to get their hands on assault weapons they wouldn't be able to kill as many people. They would not have the upper hand against a handgun owner. In other words, banning these weapons would give law abiding citizens a fighting chance to defend themselves and others.

Law enforcement professionals use handguns. People carry handguns. No one has a problem with them. So why is it that the majority of normal gun owners do not have the NRA sticking up for them?

We know what a handgun in the right hands can do because Melinda Herman proved it when a thug broke into her home and she hit him 5 times and had only learned how to shoot 2 weeks before that day. She was protecting her children.

The other factor is that too many people buy guns without having a background check yet law abiding citizens do it all the legal way. How is it fair to them to not only do it legally while others don't have to? Does it make anyone safer when someone can just walk into a gun show, buy a weapon and get bullets without even knowing how to use it on top of being a criminal/felon or mentally ill?

Congress doesn't want us to think about all of that because the gun industry is in the billions a year and now we know they make a lot more money with assault weapons. This has never been about the rights of gun owners. If it was then the NRA would be watching out for your right to live and not have to face off with someone with a lot more bullets than you have.

If the NRA won't listen to their own members and the Congress won't listen to voters, then it is yet again a money culture and not about us. I don't own a gun but will defend the rights of gun owners to protect themselves and go hunting. Most Americans still feel the same way. They don't do those things with assault weapons. I want the gun owners I know to live and not be slaughtered by a "evil" twisted individual with more bullets. The folks I know are not just current military, veterans and members of law enforcement, they are also brave enough to try to stop someone shooting an assault weapon no matter how "outgunned" they are. I want them to have a fighting chance to do it and live.

They say if they walk into a place with someone shooting, anyone shooting will be aimed at because they don't have the time in a split second to ask the people with guns if they are good guys or bad guys.  Their lives are not like the movies when bullets hit the target.  Stray bullets go all over the place and these guys are fully trained.  What do you think a teacher will be able to do with kids all around armed with only a handgun facing off with a crazed killer and an assault weapon?  Did you get the fact the last two mass murderers were wearing body armor?

This congress will be just as bad as the last one unless we make them do what we elected them to do and actually earn the federal tax dollars paying them to do it.

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