
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Women are veterans too and deserved better

Women are veterans too and deserved better
by Chaplain Kathie
Wounded Times Blog
November 11, 2012

Women are veterans too and deserved better from our politicians, talking heads and reporters.

Paul Ryan said rape was another means of conception yet even though he was on the ballot with Mitt Romney, million of people didn't have enough of a problem with that attitude and voted for them. Yet as bad as that was, Ryan was also running for his House seat back and
"Ryan won re-election to the U.S. House seat representing southeastern Wisconsin that he has held since 1998, cruising to victory as he has in past elections by a comfortable margin. It was sure to be a hollow victory for Ryan, as he and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney lost their bid for the White House."
Wisconsin in fact voted for President Obama. What does this say about his district? It means they just didn't care about what Ryan stood for or even the fact that he very well may have been in the White House and they would have just elected an unknown Republican to replace him. It means that party meant more than anything else.

When we heard what Rush said about birth control coverage,
What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute,” he said. “She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception.”

Limbaugh went on to insult Fluke’s family for raising a daughter with loose attitudes.

“Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be?” he said. “Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope.”

Did it ever occur to Rush and Ryan that military women are not only on birth control but are encouraged to take it? Did it every occur to them that women in the military are still being raped and their attackers often go unpunished?

Men like these actually have that attitude toward women but the other factor is, these men are still supported by others with the same attitude.

The American people, thank God the majority, have voted against what they stand for but what does this say about the people that still agree with them?

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