
Monday, November 12, 2012

Who is feeding all the hate in this country?

I just got off the phone with a woman very upset about her upcoming marriage. She is marrying a Marine. It is a time in her life when she should be very happy and looking forward to spending the rest of her life with someone she loves.

The problem is, the Marine is also female and they have been getting threats. Don't look for the post because I already took it down.

What does their relationship have to do with anyone else? How does it change anything in the lives of strangers?

We just went through an election of inclusion but only half the country supported the individual rights of everyone.

We read about the Murray Energy Corp to lay off 156 coal workers because Obama won another election to be President. Nothing new considering that a lot of businesses threatened to do just that if the Republican ticket didn't win. This pretty much proved that the workers were not valued at all anyway. It also came on the heels of others being forced to show up for a commercial for Romney without being paid.

Some businesses announced the day after the election they were cutting full time jobs so they wouldn't have to pay health insurance.

If you don't see that history is being repeated right here, right now, then you didn't watch the documentary on The Men Who Built America because if you did then you'd see how the richest men in this country bought a President so they wouldn't have to treat their employees fairly. What they didn't understand was when "President William McKinley was assassinated and Roosevelt became President at the age of 42; he remains the youngest president. Roosevelt attempted to move the Republican Party (GOP) toward Progressivism, including trust busting and increased regulation of businesses."

What happened to this country? It is ok to vote for who you want but if they happen to win your boss can fire you? You can marry who you want but if you don't marry the right person you can be threatened?

You can scream at families holding signs in their face about how much you hate someone they loved during a military funeral but they are don't have the right to mourn in peace?

You have the right to lie and spread lies to your family and friends because people you listen to do it all the time to you.

I can tell you that most of the businesses treating their employees like pawns will be bought out because their workers will not do as good of a job as they had before when they had some sort of pride and thought they were a valued part of the company. These employers will make customers wonder what other kind of unethical practices they use if they can screw around with their employees right to vote.

Businesses pulling stunts like cutting back hours will also lose simply because their competitors will figure out they can gain the trained employees just by treating them right.

We have men and women serving in the military around the world and some of there are still in Afghanistan risking their lives. The haters of our troops and veterans will end up being outcasts just like Westboro hate group. I wonder if they are behind the threats to the Marine couple.

It is just stunning all of this is going on and the press just doesn't seem to care.

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