
Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful for greedy bosses proving it

Thankful for greedy bosses proving it
by Chaplain Kathie
Wounded Times Blog
November 23, 2012

When you think about what is going on today with some bosses, you may think it is all new, but it is history being repeated. While we may spend money at some of these businesses, the thought of how the employees were treated never really entered into our minds. We'd see the friendly server taking our order at Denny's. After the meal, we'd leave a tip knowing they made most of their pay from tips during the day. Cheap bosses in the food industry is a given but when you stop and think that they are being blamed because this election couldn't be bought, it makes me want to avoid all of places I go to until they make things right again.

The Men Who Built America "John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and J.P. Morgan rose from obscurity and in the process built modern America." But if you watched this series there is one outstanding businessman who decided to make sure his workers were not only treated well but were able to make enough money to be able to buy the product they were building.

The man was Henry Ford and the workers not only built the cars, they bought them! The rest of the men took great ideas someone else had, spent their money taking advantage of the brilliance of others, then instead of being grateful, they treated their workers as if they didn't matter at all.

8 bosses who screwed their employees after Obama’s reelection
Papa John's John Schnatter isn't the only "job creator" putting his workers' salaries in jeopardy
NOV 20, 2012

Most of us have had a terrible boss or two in our day, but right now thousands of Americans find themselves with a very special kind of bad boss: one who uses Obama’s election as an excuse to threaten to cut their hours, roll back their benefits, slash their wages or fire them outright. Much of this worker abuse centers on the new law that businesses with 50 or more employees must offer workers healthcare options by 2014. Jon Stewart noticed this recent post-election “trend” and issued a strong judgment:

Denny’s/Dairy Queen franchise threatens “Obamacare surcharge,” reduced employees hours.

Red Lobster and Olive Garden parent company may rely on more part-time workers.

Papa John’s CEO plans to slash workers’ hours so he doesn’t have to cover them.

Applebee’s New York CEO says he’ll ax jobs because of Obamacare.

Small business owner in Georgia says he fired workers who voted for Obama

Las Vegas businessman says he laid off 22 employees after election night.

Builder of “Queen of Versailles” mansion told employees that Obama re-election “threatens their jobs.”

Coal company lays off 160 workers because of Obama’s “war on coal.”
The other thing the business giants had in common with some of today's owners is they thought they could just buy a President. They managed to do that twice. They made sure that William McKinley got the office chair. He repaid them by allowing them to do whatever they wanted. When McKinley ran for re-election Teddy Roosevelt was speaking out against what they were doing so the men with the money made sure they just made him Vice President. When McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt took the chair and changed the way the "men who built America" did business.

History is being repeated all over again except the richest people in this country were not able to buy the oval office. They could only afford to buy the control of the Congress. Actually that's where their money was well spent because the House controls the money and the rules.

Getting back to the tyrants of today, this really exposes them for what they really are. They didn't care enough about their employees to pay them a living wage or care enough that their own employees couldn't afford to go to the doctor to be healthy? This also shows the rest of us that if they do not care about their own employees, why would they care about their customers in the same income range?

There are a lot of great employers out there taking care of their workers much like Henry Ford did and it matters. It matters to the customers they want to have when they are good to their own workers. To Americans in Ford's days, they knew people mattered more than making money. In return, they happily made him more money and I bet he was able to sleep at night.

Today we are reminded again from the program that in the end, these greedy men ended up trying to change how they did business and they gave a lot of their fortunes to charity after the rules changed and they were on their way down. Too bad they didn't think of that when they were getting more and more money on their way up.

We see great bosses across the country and many of them are hiring veterans. Seeing what some greedy bosses do, it should make all of us more grateful the good bosses are still out there and deserve our business.

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