
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Politicians FUBAR!

Politicians FUBAR!

Rep. John Boehner has not gotten the message in four years, so he won't understand it now. After all, he was elected to serve Ohio's 8th District while President Obama was elected in 2004 by 66,882,230 voters in 2008 and so far at least over 60,000,0000 again but since Florida screwed up again with yet another election, we just have to settle for that right now. It is the same state that put the keys to the White House into President Obama's hand again, making what Florida was unable to do more embarrassing than anything else.

What does Boehner say after the election? Pretty much that we're going to see even more of the same out of the Congress under his control. We saw it over the last two years as they whined about the unemployment rate along with everything else while they did absolutely nothing other than try to take things away from everyone that wasn't rich. We noticed!

It was one more reason President Obama was re-elected. The voters told other politicians what they wanted out of Washington. What did Boehner along with Senator Mitch McConnell do? They said it was their number one job to make Obama a one term President! We noticed!

We noticed enough here in Florida that in areas with a heavy Democrat population, we were willing to stand in lines for hours because another politician didn't care about the people he was supposed to be serving. That politician is Governor Rick Scott among a long list of other Governors doing everything in their power to prevent the voice of the people from being heard. This is what happened here.
Florida Republicans left to ponder future as Obama victory in state looks likely
Washington Post
By Brady Dennis
Published: November 7

TAMPA — The final tally had yet to emerge from the presidential election in Florida on Wednesday, but Republicans throughout the state were already asking an unsettling question: What happened?

Conservative groups poured tens of millions of dollars and countless hours into the Sunshine State. Mitt Romney visited nearly 40 times, far more than President Obama. The Republican Party ramped up voter turnout efforts, undertook a relentless advertising campaign statewide and even held its national convention in this key city on Florida’s west coast — all in an effort to improve on Sen. John McCain’s performance in 2008 and win the state’s 29 electoral votes.

Exactly why those efforts fell short and what it means for Florida’s Republicans in the future is the source of an ongoing debate and plenty of soul-searching.
read more of this FUBAR here

I live in a Republican County, Seminole. While I took advantage of early voting on Thursday, there was an hour wait. I also live right on the Orange County line where the wait for them was hours long, yet they still made sure they did whatever it took to use the power of their one vote. Governor Scott didn't win what he wanted. We noticed!

So what happened in this election in the rest of the country? As of right now President Obama has 60,662,601 votes and a whopping 303 Electoral Votes. Speaker John Boehner won unopposed which is fascinating considering the number of votes President Obama received after a very long, hard battle against Romney.

So what does this all mean? It means a man that didn't even have to do anything, in his job as a member of The People's House, he got his job back and then tells the rest of the country that what we said didn't matter at all.

People voted for what President Obama said he intended to do.

President Obama, no matter if Boehner liked it or not, said he intended to do things in 2008 when he was first elected but that didn't matter to him then either.

Our lives have been falling apart while Congress has been playing games and yes, we noticed. We saw so much suffering so they could win an election. They lost but again, Boehner didn't notice. Now he has given no confidence to the American people for Congress.

They could have done marvelous things for our veterans, especially with the new jobs bill but they let that wait until after the election.

Here is one more thing they are playing games with.
An even bigger challenge facing the administration will come if Congress doesn’t find a way to prevent an additional $500 billion in sequestration cuts to defense slated to begin in January as mandated by law. Obama will face pressure to negotiate a bargain with the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to evade sequestration.
We noticed all of it and the lack of work they were supposed to be doing for us while getting paid with our tax dollars. It's time they noticed they had a job to do and that was to work with the person voted into office by the MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE no matter if they like him or not. If they don't like what Obama said he wanted to do then maybe, just maybe they should have nominated someone other than the man passed over for Sarah Palin by John McCain!

Massachusetts noticed what Romney was all about but the problem is, people forgot that the other candidates for the GOP nomination did too.

So maybe if all the whining stopped in Washington, someone would finally accept the fact the GOP lost and the Democrats won for a reason.

I'm an Independent because both parties have too many politicians in them!

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