
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Romney can't make up his mind state to state on anything

A long time ago, in a land far away from Florida, I lived in Massachusetts and there was a Governor with a very bad speech problem. He never seemed to understand, when he talked, people were listening. Not just listening, but recording what he said.

It used to be funny at times if you happened to be channel surfing as Governor Romney said one thing on one channel and then something else the next day on another. At least he understood that different news stations were watch by different audiences but he never understood the rest of what it takes to be committed to a core set of values.

Here are just a few of the changes in what he said showed up depending on who he knew was listening.

This is the video that what he said was clearly meant for his rich friends but someone had a camera rolling.

Against the 47% speech he gave when he thought only like minded folks were listening. Keep in mind that it was pointed out who the 47% are. Deployed troops, veterans, the elderly, poor, handicap citizens, just to name a few.

This is what he said when he thought the people of Massachusetts would want to hear these words.

Mitt Romney Addresses National Right to Life Convention
At 1:21 he talks about abortion "treating human embryos as research material." He said he couldn't support that but it turns out he not only supported just that same thing, but made money on it.

0:27to have the endorsement of national right to life
0:30if you ever question whether your advocacy changes hearts and minds
0:35let me show you
0:36that it does
0:38i'm just one of many americans
0:40from every walk of life
0:41who found themselves asking an important question
0:44an afterthought salute deliberation
0:47came to a heartfelt conclusion
0:49innocent life
0:51must be respected and protected
0:53from its beginning to its natural and
0:56when i first ran for office i said that i would retain the laws relating to
1:00abortion the were already in place despite my personal belief that abortion
1:04is wrong
1:06but after being elected governor of massachusetts i was confronted with
1:11they're called on me to expand the legal taking up onboard life
1:15treating human embryos
1:16as mere research material to be experimented upon
1:20and then destroy it
1:21i could not support that
1:23government's action of abortion
1:25devalues human life
1:27as a governor then
1:29whatever the question of life came before me by answered that we must
1:32protect it
1:34i thought the benyamin cloning
1:35i thought the ban embryo farming
1:38i thought to define life is beginning to conception
1:41i fought for abstinence education in our schools
1:44and i vetoed a bill that would have given young girls abortion inducing
1:49without prescription
1:50or parental consent
1:52i thought those fights because of the quiet of conscience
1:56and it was the right thing to do
1:58and i will always be grateful for advocates like you
2:00who stand to protect
2:04the damn running for a different and higher office
2:06it comes with an even greater set of responsibilities
2:09and even tougher challenges i face is governor
2:12more than twenty three million americans are unemployed
2:17or left the workforce altogether
2:20new business start-ups
2:21artist thirty-year low
2:23our nation is running trillion dollar deficits every year
2:27food and energy costs have soared
2:29while home values it incomes have plummeted
2:32president bombers economic policies
2:35have failed
2:36he said his chance
2:38now it's time for change in leadership
2:40if i'm fortunate to be elected this november
2:43putting america back to the right track
2:45and getting americans back to work
2:47will be my priority from day one
2:50but i will not forget that a strong country needs more than a strong economy
2:55it needs strong families
2:56and strong values as well
2:59present obama once said the decisions about abortion are
3:02above his pay grade
3:04i'll never be so cavalier about life
3:06i will be a pro-life president
3:08a read state the mexico city policy
3:11a cut off funding for the united nations population fund
3:14which supports china's aboard
3:16one-child policy
3:18alin sure that abortion advocates like planned parenthood get no taxpayer
3:23and i'll reversal bomber regulations
3:26that attack our religious freedom
3:28and threaten innocent life
3:30nominate judges who respect the constitution
3:34opponents of judicial restraint
3:36and know the difference between personal opinion
3:38and the law
3:40if elected president
3:41i will work with you to foster respect for innocent human life
3:45with understanding that a culture that fails to do so
3:49altar boy becomes a culture
3:50in which respect for all fell a demon beings
3:53is diminished
3:55i'm heartened by the advances made by the pro-life movement over the last
3:58several years
4:00the ranks of our pro life partners
4:02are growing everyday
4:04that progress would not be possible without your passion
4:07and your dedication
4:08god bless you for it
4:10and god bless united states of america
4:12thank you so much

but this is where some of his money came from, hundreds of millions of dollars,

Oh well but as with any grim fairy tale, it seems as if Halloween presented this country with a trick or treat question. Depending on what you wanted to hear, he said it all. So here's what he said when he thought pro-life people were not listening.

Romney: Abortion Not On My Agenda
Comment to Iowa paper's editorial board sparks criticism from Obama campaign.
By Sarah Huisenga
Updated: October 10, 2012 | 4:01 p.m.
October 9, 2012

Mitt Romney said on Tuesday that he has no plans for abortion legislation if elected president, a statement that is more moderate than ones he's made on the issue in the past.

“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda," Romney told the Des Moines Register editorial board.

In an interview with an Ohio TV station during the heat of the Republican primary in February, Romney said he was “in favor of a pro-life policy.” He noted that “the legislation that relates to abortion is something which is going to have to be approved by the Supreme Court,” a body to which he would appoint nominees to fill any vacancies if he is elected.

Asked to clarify the Republican nominee’s position, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul sent an email saying that Romney "is proudly pro-life, and he will be a pro-life president." She also said that Romney "would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life."
read more here from National Journal

I have no problem with people believing what they want as long as they believe in something. It seems Romney only believes in what people want to hear and that is very sad.

Military women take birth control to regulate their cycle along with preventing pregnancy until they want to have a baby or not at all. They are also raped but they have to hear some members of congress talk about the "right to life" when it was even something as evil as rape, topped off that they want to end birth control altogether. It seems it is time for these folks to answer some real questions and actually repeat them because they believe in them and not just saying what they want select groups to hear.

Can you imagine being in Afghanistan right now and hearing all this going on by the people wanting to be in control of this country? Can you imagine being there and knowing the media doesn't have a clue? They know what Congress is responsible for and they also know what they have been doing over the last two years. None of it has been good.

We owe them at least an honest reporting on the facts. Hell knows they didn't get that when they were being sent into Iraq. Reporters failed them then and are still failing them.

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