
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Military Rape and the Mourdock connection

Why Liberals are Misreading Mourdock a piece she also wrote, should answer this question.
Why Won’t the Military Take Troop-on-Troop Rape Seriously?

Amy Sullivan
October 24, 2012

Ever since the Navy’s Tailhook scandal in 1991, the Pentagon has declared a “zero tolerance” approach to sexual assault and rape by troops. But as “The Invisible War,” a powerful new documentary out on DVD this week makes clear, the U.S. military’s actual measures to prevent rape and punish rapists range from insulting to laughable to virtually non-existent. Meanwhile, women (and men) who sign up to risk their lives for our country are being driven out of the armed forces after having their bodies assaulted and their careers ruined.

Director Kirby Dick’s previous documentaries include a film about sexual abuse in the Catholic church, and the scandals in these two institutions do have a striking number of similarities. Both handle sexual assault charges internally, both have erred on the side of protecting the reputations of those accused while ignoring the needs and rights of victims. And in both worlds, the often intimate relationship between victim and rapist can make the crime even more confusing and painful.

The women of “The Invisible War” are almost deceptively strong, taking great pride in their military service and relating the abuse they suffered in unflinching detail. At one point, a former Army criminal investigator who has appeared throughout the film to testify about the Army’s reluctance to handle rape cases talks about her own rape by a commanding officer. It takes a moment to register that this no-nonsense woman is no longer in the military because she reported her rape (she was given an administrative discharge with no benefits after nearly ten years of service) while her rapist continues to rise up the ranks.

The stories these women tell are horrifying, especially because so many of them involve rape by men who were supposed to have their backs, their own band of brothers. The use of date-rape drugs is prevalent, as is the refusal by superiors to believe rape charges. One woman stationed at an isolated base in Alaska couldn’t tell anyone about multiple rape attacks because all outside calls were routed through a base operator who listened in. Several other women were themselves charged with adultery because their rapists were married. An accomplished young Marine with a post at the prestigious Marine Corps Barracks in Washington was horrified to watch her rapist go unpunished while she was charged with conduct-unbecoming and public intoxication.
read more here

The truth is rape is a crime. If it is committed against women, then they find excuses for it happening to them, dismiss the attacker and in 31 states, a rapist that gets his victim pregnant end up with parental rights. If the rape is against a male, well then, they just make fun on the victim.

While the Bible has many miraculous births, a fertilized egg in the rest of the population was erroneously considered God's gift, just as not being able to get pregnant was considered punishment. If a baby was born with birth defects, then it happened because of the parent's sins and they didn't deserve a healthy child.

Members of Congress would have let me die. I was pregnant and very happy until I started to have problems. I went to my Doctor in my 4th month and discovered it was twins, so the problems I was having could have been about that. I miscarried when a twin died and because I was hemorrhaging, the had to abort the other twin.

Religious zealots in congress said there should be no exception because a baby is a gift from God. So what would they say to my face? He changed His mind? He wanted me to die?

That keeps getting missed. God does not make mistakes but biology does. God does not point to one woman and tell them they deserve a baby and to another and say she does not. God did not send a rapist to get a woman pregnant any more than He said she should pay for the sin of someone else.

God created the Heavens and earth and along with them all living things. That also included the genes in the first humans, which also include a whole list of issues that happened from generation to generation.

Joseph's sister was raped, but this is the outcome of that story

Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob, went out to visit the women of Shechem, where her people had made camp and where her father Jacob had purchased the land where he had pitched his tent. Shechem the son of Hamor, the prince of the land, "seized her and lay with her and humbled her. And his soul was drawn to Dinah ... he loved the maiden and spoke tenderly to her," and Shechem asked his father to obtain Dinah for him, to be his wife.

Hamor came to Jacob and asked for Dinah for his son: "Make marriages with us; give your daughters to us, and take our daughters for yourselves. You shall dwell with us; and the land shall be open to you," and Shechem offered Jacob and his sons any bride-price they named. But "the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and his father Hamor deceitfully, because he had defiled their sister Dinah," saying they would accept the offer if the men of the city agreed to be circumcised.

So the men of Shechem were deceived, and were circumcised; and "on the third day, when they were sore, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took their swords and came upon the city unawares, and killed all the males. They slew Hamor and his son Shechem with the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went away." And the sons of Jacob plundered whatever was in the city and in the field, "all their wealth, all their little ones and their wives, all that was in the houses."

The Bible also says that God breathed life into Adam, which means sent his soul into the body He created out of the earth. The soul is sent from God and He also left us clear instructions on how we are supposed to treat other people.

But the church does not run this country. Anyone claiming it does needs to point out which church they think should be in control. Is it the Catholic church, Presbyterian, Methodist, Mormon, or any of the others? Look up each one and see the differences between each of them and then ask yourself which one should be able to have more control over this nation than your own church?

When you hear people talk about their "faith" notice it is not yours. Notice that if they take control with their own beliefs, they very well may be killing off your own.

Then maybe, just maybe you can get to the real point. No one should be forced to believe anything by anyone. God gave all of us freewill to make our own choices and account for our own lives. If we follow what He said because that is what we make the freewill choice to do, then wonderful but we are to allow others to make their own choices as well. If they choose to commit a crime, then they should be punished for it and not make the victim pay for what you believe. You have a right to yourself and your own choices. You don't have a right to control someone else. Until that is understood, we're all in danger of losing everything this nation was built on because it sounds good.

I have no idea what church Mourdock went to or who told him what he ended up believing but it is far from what most Christians believe. Why should he get to dictate his morality on everyone else in the country? Congress is the body that makes the laws of the land for everyone. What's next? Only certain branches of Christianity have control and the rest have to fall in line?

Rape is a crime and until congress finally figures that out, the military won't do anything to punish the criminal more than they punish the victim!

UPDATE October 26, 2012

Since Romney stands by Mourdock's side and endorsed him, why is he afraid to answer reporters questions? Why isn't he doing any more interviews? Why isn't Ryan defending how he also agrees with what Mourdock said?

Do they believe what they say or don't they? Or is it a matter of the fact the American people are sick over comments like this?

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