
Friday, September 21, 2012

What about the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make for the country they love

Does Romney think disabled veterans are "victims" too? seemed like a fair question considering what Romney said on a video he didn't know what recording his every word.

I knew sooner or later the news would not be good for Romney after he couldn't even bother talking about veterans two days in a row and avoided mentioning anything about them at the RNC convention giving him the nomination for Commander-in-Chief that people would finally discover what he really thinks.

A disabled veteran "victim" spoke the truth and said that he won't be voting for either man running for the Presidency.

Disabled veterans are not victims

But that wasn't the worst news that came out on veterans. This is. Some Senators proved veterans don't need help getting jobs

Considering two years ago, Mitch McConnell said that the top priority of the GOP in the Senate was to make Obama a one term president, this was just one more step in doing that no matter who had to suffer for two years of neglect from people elected to serve this nation and fix the problems we have. Instead of doing that, McConnell and his fellow Republicans stopped bills that could have made life better for us only because it would have made Obama look bad.

Here's Mitch McConnell saying what the GOP priority was in 2010.

That's what has been wrong all along and now they complain about the unemployment rate, the problems all over the country but not once did they try to make our lives better because it was the right thing to do. Their priority was not to put veterans back to work after serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was not to fix the VA to take care of the disabled veterans any more than they wanted to fix military hospitals to take care of the wounded.

The first stage of putting veterans back to work, actually worked but there was more that had to be done, but Republicans blocked it even tough more voted for it simply because the Senate needs a super majority to pass anything. If all that is not bad enough for you, read this.

Veterans Are Vital Part of the '47 Percent'
Patrick Murphy
PA Attorney General Candidate
Former U.S. Representative
Posted: 09/20/2012

After hearing Romney's private comments this week about the 47 percent of Americans he isn't reaching out to, is it any surprise that he failed to even mention those serving in Afghanistan during his acceptance speech?

When Mitt Romney said he wasn't concerned about the "47 percent" of the country who pay no federal income taxes -- describing them as "victims" who fail to take "personal responsibility" for their lives -- he again showed he lacked an understanding that 61 percent of them already pay taxes. But what about the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make for the country they love?

Included in the half of America that Mitt Romney dismissively wrote off while standing in front of wealthy donors, were seniors, students, and people with disabilities -- but also people serving in the military. That's right, the military families with loved ones currently fighting in combat, defending the freedoms that all Americans enjoy regardless of political party. What they earn from their sacrifice and service to our nation isn't something that is just given.

Even more troubling is the fact that yet again, Mitt Romney was caught only providing policy specifics to wealthy donors at a private fundraiser while failing to do the same for the vast majority of the country he is asking to vote for him -- because as his advisers admitted, providing specifics before an election would be suicidal.

In public, all veterans and military families hear from Mitt Romney are empty platitudes, bluster that says more about his lack of foreign policy experience than it does our men and women in uniform, and promises that don't quite line up with his record. As governor, Mitt Romney was not a friend to my fellow veterans. He proposed eliminating hiring preferences for veterans applying for civil service opportunities, and cut veterans' programs by 11% in his first budget.

Many veterans and military families remember quite well the last time Mitt Romney decided to get specific about policies impacting their lives. Again, speaking before a group of wealthy donors at a private fundraiser back in April, Mitt Romney said that as president he'd consider eliminating the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). If Mitt Romney had his way and eliminated HUD altogether, it would undermine tremendous progress that has been made under President Obama's leadership to end veteran homelessness. If Mitt Romney had his way and abolished these services -- where would our nation's heroes turn? What's Mitt Romney's plan to continue the progress we've seen under President Obama in taking care of those who have served our country?
read more here

With all of this you'd think my Republican friends would be sending this news in their emails to alert their fellow veterans about what is really going on here, but no. They fill my mailbox every morning with nonsense the same way they did during every other election. For too many it is not about what people running for office really value. For too many, it is about what comes after their name. Is it a D or an R?

We've all had harder lives because no one paid attention to what McConnell said in 2010 any more than they paid attention to what he did to try to keep that promise no matter who had to suffer.

From the time Obama became President, my email box was filled with hatred for Nancy Pelosi. Not about what was being passed for the benefit of the troops and our veterans. Those emails were passed around the country and they must have worked because the day John Boehner was handed the gavel, it became a hammer on the heads of all Americans during a time when we needed help the most. Republicans took over the House and not much was done for us after that. It is astonishing what actually was passed after 2011 when they took their seats after promising to work for the American people.

Now all they do is complain about what Obama has not gotten done hoping no one noticed that they were all involved in all of this mess and did everything in their power to prevent things turning around for our sake.

Oh it is not that Democrats have clean hands in any of this because when President Bush was in the chair, my email box was filled with emails against him. I am just as guilty of that when I was posting about all he did wrong on my other blog. Looking back on it all now, I think I was actually looking for things to complain about because I fell into the same trap everyone else was in. That was when I was a registered Democrat. Now I'm an Independent for a reason.

The lack of cooperation from across this country is sickening. While politics has always been dirty and people told as many lies as possible when they wanted the votes, at least they ended up coming together to take care of the people and put this country first. This Congress only managed to keep their promise to make it their top priority to get President Obama out of office. All of us have had to suffer for their neglect of doing their duties for us.

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