
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Something else that was missed in the GOP convention

This is a debate I did not want to get involved with simply because it is more of a religious issue than anything else. Keeping in mind that Christian groups have different doctrines, along with different values, the debate over birth control and even abortions are yet more issues Christians do not all agree on.

I was at the post office this morning and bumped into a female veteran. We made some small talk and then she reminded me of this post.

Women veterans want Limbaugh off American Forces Network airwaves
Women vets want Limbaugh off of AFN
Published: March 5, 2012

WASHINGTON - Advertisers have been bailing on conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh since his caustic comments about a female student, and now a progressive veterans group is taking aim, urging the Pentagon to kick Limbaugh off American Forces Network airwaves.

In a statement circulated by the Democratic-leaning veterans political group, four female veterans argue he has no place on military airwaves.

“Rush Limbaugh has a freedom of speech and can say what he wants, but in light of his horribly misogynistic comments, American Forces Radio should no longer give him a platform,” said the statement, attributed to Iraq veterans Miranda Norman, Kayla Williams, Robin Eckstein and Katherine Scheirman. “Our entire military depends on troops respecting each other - women and men.”

Limbaugh drew fire after saying a student who advocated free contraception before Congress, along with women like her, are “sluts” and “prostitutes” who want “to be paid for having sex.”

Military women are not only provided with birth control pills, they are encouraged to take them so their cycles are regular. Remember that women are also deployed into combat operations in Afghanistan, just as they were in Iraq. With that in mind think of how what Rush said made them feel. They are still females, just like every other woman in the country but these women risk their lives all the time. They also face the prospect of being raped in the military by some feeling as if these women are "asking for it" ignoring the fact that rape is a crime.

We've heard a lot of talk about the "war on woman" but hardly any about women at war.

I'm about to get to the point of what a lot of women are talking about, not just military women. It is about giving rights to one group to decide what is "moral" for them personally. All this talk about birth control and abortions is leaving way too much out. For starters if you believe in what the Bible says, then anyone getting divorced while their spouse lives, is committing sin to have sex with someone else or marry anyone else, but they leave that out with the debate over "one man one woman marriage" since they actually marry more than one man and more than one woman.

Some people believe a pregnancy is a "gift from God" but more do not believe that. My cousin loved kids but while she was a wonderful Godmother to my daughter and a school teacher, she could not have children of her own. Would you have said to her that pregnancy was a gift from God she did not deserve? Then how can you say that pregnancy is a gift from God?

Before my daughter was born, I was pregnant with twins. When I was 4 1/2 months pregnant, I started to hemorrhage. The egg split wrong and I was having a miscarriage. They had to take the other twin by abortion. Would you have told me that this pregnancy was a gift from God? Then what? He thought I deserved to get pregnant and then changed His mind? That I deserved to suffer such a loss? This sent my husband's mild PTSD into overdrive and he blamed himself.

What I do know is that the pro-life claims are not real. I believe they think it is but when I hear other things they say, it is clear the politicians have no clue what "life" really means. If they did they would not look at us with a straight face and say "all life is sacred" when talking about the unborn but the living deserve to be put to death if they commit crimes. That the unborn are of more value than the living fighting for their lives and their families are in financial crisis trying to get them the medical care they need. That the right to have a machine gun outweighs the right of people to be able to go to a movie because some mass murderer used that right to do it.

Now the GOP platform wants to say that all abortions should be illegal along with women should not have the right to decide if they want to get pregnant or not no matter what! Here is what the Bible says about this attitude.
Genesis 2 7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
The living have God's gift in them and we call it the soul.

Some will talk about how Mary's cousin said the child in her leapt with joy at the sound of her voice but they do not talk about the fact that under the law, Mary would have been stoned to death because she was not married to Joseph when she became pregnant. Or how the pregnancy of Elizabeth and Mary were of supernatural origins.

The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
5 In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. 6 Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly. 7 But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.

These two pregnancies were very different from the rest of the world.

This is the passage I like the best but it confuses people the most.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

This talks about the soul sent into the "formed" baby. The soul was sent from heaven and sent into him but when that happened no one knows for sure. We do however know that God breathed life into Adam and that was after he was also "formed" so the living have the soul and that is the only thing we should all be able to agree on. This is why so many of my friends say that all life is sacred and the living need to matter more than they do right now and it is not up to us what they do with their own bodies with their own choices any more than it is the right of someone else to force anything on them including being raped and forced remain pregnant for nine months and the top all that off with deciding to raise the baby as her own or wonder if she decides to put it up for adoption.

It is not up to us to dictate to anyone what their own morality should be or not be but to only answer for ourselves to God if we believe in Him or not. We have to remember that your faith and mine are not the same and some people are not religious at all so it is not our business to force what we believe on them. Who is right? Who is wrong? We do not have the same doctrine.

I do not believe that the rich were chosen to be rich and they have no obligation to the poor also judged to "deserve it" but some people in this country believe that. I do not believe that the rich deserve anything more than anyone else even though they have more.

People forget that Christ was not only born poor but lived the last 3 years of His life homeless depending on the charity of strangers for food and a place to sleep. He was also a healer taking care of the sick without charging a fee to do it.

If we allow our religious views to take over everyone else's then who is right and who is wrong?

I did not write this as a Chaplain but just as a woman with moral values that never seem to be part of the debate on anything. If we are ever to really value all life we better start with the living we already have with us.

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