
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wounded Times changes

There is a new banner to clear up some confusion.

Wounded Times Blog is independent of all the groups I am associated with. Being so involved in veterans issues, especially here in Central Florida, I wanted to make it absolutely clear that this blog is not connected to any group to avoid conflict of interest.

It is not a political blog so that I do not have to answer to any political party. Any advertising on this site is from Adsense and is tied to what they place here. Today there has been an ad up for Congressman Mica no matter what I think and you won't see what I think about any political party unless it is directly tied to veterans.

Eventually I hope to be able to control what ads are placed here, but if I spend time trying to find advertisers to put up, there is less time I have to track reports.

Remember I am only one person so if you see ten posts a day, that usually means I've read 100. Then there are the emails helping veterans and their families, events I have to go to, meetings I have to attend topped off with filming the local events, editing and uploading the videos. Taking phone calls from reporters wanting to make their lives easier takes up a lot of time too. Consultations with new groups starting out or wanting to change how they do things takes time and with all of this going on I am usually so tied by the middle of the day I have to take a nap!

It is not tied to the government and I do not take nor do I seek federal funding or I would have to feel obligated to the government and would not be able to post what I post and give an unbiased opinion.

The donation button is for the work I do as part of Point Man Ministries and not for what is done on this blog. I am in the process of developing a website and will have more news on this end in a couple of months but for now, this is the only place where I can put the link for donations.

The agenda of this work is to give veterans the information that matters to them since the major news stations won't. I was tired of turning on the TV and not seeing reports on what I was reading everyday. Veterans should matter enough that they have a place to go and find out what is going on.

If I post something you don't agree with, feel free to leave a comment just do not slam anyone hiding behind anonymous. If you want to leave a comment on a post older than 30 days, you'll have to wait for me to review it but 99% of the time I allow the comment if it is not spam for your site. If you want me to put up a link to what you are doing, email me and ask me. I'll check you out and then decide. If I see spam, it is gone.

Anyway, hope that clears things up. Time for a nap!

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If it is not helpful, do not be hurtful. Spam removed so do not try putting up free ad.