
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Todd Akin voted to cut VA

While it appears the reporters seem focused on what Todd Atkin said about rape, and rightly so, they are missing something else that he did.

McCaskill highlights work for veterans in campaign stop
Sunday, August 26, 2012

With two recent polls showing that she now has the edge in her re-election bid, U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill sought to return her campaign to a more normal pace with a Columbia event highlighting her stand on veterans issues.

In her talk on veterans issues, McCaskill touted her oversight subcommittee's work on military contracting, efforts to improve the Army medical service after the housing scandal at Walter Reed Army Hospital and sponsorship of a new GI Bill to help returning veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

McCaskill contrasted her record of support for increased funding for veterans health care with Akin, who she said had voted regularly to cut spending on veterans.

But when reporters got a chance to talk to her, every question was about U.S. Rep. Todd Akin's comments on rape, abortion and pregnancy that were aired last Sunday on St. Louis television.

McCaskill, who used almost $2 million to run ads during the Republican primary, has expressed outrage at Akin's remarks but has not demanded he quit the race.

She's left that to Republicans, who seem to be forming armed camps of Akin supporters and detractors.

McCaskill has called efforts to oust Akin a slap at the 35 percent of GOP voters who supported him in the Aug. 7 primary.
read more here

Have reporters lost their ability to think of more than one topic at a time?

I live in Florida where we are heading for two huge storms. One from mother nature in the form of a hurricane and one from a group of people determined to make all women mothers or stop people from having sex.

Think about it for a second. They don't want to make sure insurance companies cover birth control but ED medication is covered. They don't want any abortions for any reason so either they are telling folks to stop having sex unless they want kids or they forgot how mother nature works. Getting lost in all of this is what should be talked about as well as what Atkin said.

The people running for office getting the nomination not only want to cut the VA budget, they want to sell it off to for profit companies. In other words, privatize it instead of fixing what needs fixing.

If you read Wounded Times with any regularity, you know there are huge problems veterans face everyday. This is not the time to cut the VA but to make it work better and fund it so that it can take care of all the veterans needing care. This is a topic the reporters seem to think is just too boring to cover next to anything to do with sex.

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